City of Embers: Memories of Hell [Capitalism/Fatherland]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism in the modern world (i.e., TrumpUSA) invoke images/fables of apocalypse-like dystopian sarcasm?

What would President Trump make of the following 'capitalism-parody'?

Cheers (signing off),



"As I escaped the Dark City of Capitalism Inferno, I was left as the sole-hero in the pit of hell in what was called the City of Embers. My name is Alas, and I'm the knight of the bottomless pit. Here I am in the City of Embers as the only diplomat of memory and regret. I'm here in the City of Embers as a scribe of the realities of evil in the now-demolished Dark City, destroyed by the patriots known as G.I. Joes. I drew a stick-figure doodle of an 'Evil Elf' while writing my memoirs of the Dark City while living in my City of Embers camp. This Evil Elf represents the dark-side of Christmas, since the memory of the Dark City is nothing less than the abyss of the complete failures of capitalism and the futility of TrumpUSA."


"Here in the City of Embers, we vagrants who inhabit this place think of the Great War between the G.I. Joes (whom I served with great excitement!) and the super-terrorist organization called Cobra. The war is over, and Cobra is no more, but this City of Embers is the leftover 'pit' in which we vagrants have 'inherited' the right to think of the reality of evil that is created by poorly-managed capitalism and a demoralizing TrumpUSA. Here in the City of Embers, we remember how Cobra ran through the streets of D.C. and N.Y. with hatchets, hammers, and machine-guns, killing every cop and politician in sight. The City of Embers is the ghost-museum of that Great War."


"Why did the G.I. Joes have to dismantle Cobra? Well, President Trump and the White House designated a 'Golden Child' mascot of consumerism in the 21st Century named Tiny Tim, a parallel to Little Orphan Annie. However, Cobra kidnapped Tim and threatened to decapitate him before the G.I. Joes rescued little Tim. Cobra was doomed to be destroyed, and here in the City of Embers, we think about how the great war saved Tiny Tim as we live the daily live of vagrancy, scrounging for food like scavengers and cooking and eating rats for food. There are random wandering face-painted gangs in the City of Embers, whom I avoid when I can and fight when I have to in order to live. Here in the City of Embers, we remember Tiny Tim as some kind of 'angel of capitalism' and perhaps what the potential of TrumpUSA was hyped to be."


"I dress up in a mask and cape and wander around in the City of Embers. I've hijacked an abandoned radio-station and broadcast a pirate-radio signal which I use to air a Saturday night program called Embers Songs. I call myself Batman, since I'm a survivor like a bat of the night! On my radio-show I talk about strange vagrants in the City of Embers such as Hugo Strange (who wields a machete) and Mr. Hammer (who wields a sledgehammer) who insist on making the City of Embers not only a 'museum' for the recollection of the Dark City that nearly destroyed humanity had not the G.I. Joe triumphed over Cobra but also a 'pit' where we 'remnants' of life recount the 'passion' of simply pretending to be brave. This could be called the 'Fatherland' of Capitalism-Heresy, which is why there are no real terrorists(!)."


"Every Sunday night, a ghost-train steams through our City of Embers. We call this the Polar Express with great cynicism, since capitalism survived and the Dark City became the Emerald City and is still ruled by President Trump but the City of Embers 'endures' as a 'scar' reminding us of the 'reality' of the complete frailty of capitalism-functionalism. You can never escape Hell, even when your intentions are purely commercial (e.g., Wall Street)."


"The slumlord of this City of Embers is Sylvester Ugly, a profiteer-baron who punishes those who defy him by slitting their throats at a dinner-table until they bleed to death before he demolishes/crushes their skulls with a hammer and then collects the flesh-and-bones for a giant 'treasure chest' which symbolizes his sheer disgust towards pity and altruism. Sylvester always reminds us 'people' of the City of Embers that it was capitalism that bred the Great War and it is the reality of evolutionary-disarray that yields the City of Embers as a haunting 'memory of hell.' We all understand why Sylvester is the Devil incarnate. He's much worse than President Trump."


"Sylvester's steamy and diabolical mistress, Miss Red, is a blonde hypnotist who always wears a blood-red dress. Sylvester and Miss Red are the opposite of Bonnie and Clyde. On my Saturday night radio-show, Embers Songs, I sometimes play songs and read poems and editorials in honor of the 'dominion' of Sylvester and Miss Red. After all, you have to pay your tithes to Caesar, no matter what (or where) Rome actually is. Right now, the City of Embers is Rome, and we believe that the great Colosseum is the 'pit of dialogue' surrounding the reality of avarice regarding capitalism's utter vulnerabilities. In other words, we're all philosophers here. Is this heaven or hell? Is Miss Red our only 'nurse'?"


BATMAN: You look especially radiant tonight.
MISS RED: Thanks for having me on your radio-show!
BATMAN: I see you're wearing your signature blood-red dress.
MISS RED: I'd hate to disappoint...
BATMAN: What do you think of Cobra?
MISS RED: Cobra was sexy but doomed!
BATMAN: What do you think of the City of Embers?
MISS RED: It's inhabited by the 'real' journalists of the Great War.
BATMAN: You mean, we're all 'haunted poets' here?
MISS RED: Exactly; we have great brooding dark perspective here.
BATMAN: Who's more dangerous, Sylvester or Mr. Hammer, Miss Red?
MISS RED: They're like Hamlet and Fortinbras --- 'character' foils.
BATMAN: Maybe we're the alligators of the sewers of New York.
MISS RED: Yes, if these alligators are the 'scribes' of capitalism's tribulations!
BATMAN: The City of Embers is the 'Fatherland' of the dystopian apocalypse of capitalism.
MISS RED: If you're correct, Batman, I'll commemorate you as the 'angel of the city.'



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