Citrus crop worst since the 1930s

Back in the 1950's I worked for Kroger's after school. We sold canning peaches by the "lug", (thirty pound wooden crate). They were stacked on the sidewalk in front of the store by the hundreds. As they were nearly ripe you could smell them from a block away. Large, juicy, and delicious. Those were the days, in many more ways than one.

We actually had a good crop of peaches last year in Texas.
They were the best peaches I'd tasted in years!!!
They were no match for the peaches from our trees in the Texas Hill country but they were far better than most of the store bought ones.
It's getting closer to that time of year again and I sure hope they're as good as last years.
If kids now days could taste what fruit was back in the old days they'd be really disappointed in today's crops.

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