Circumventing the electoral college won't prevent Trump from winning in 2020...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 15 jurisdictions possessing 189 electoral votes, including 5 small jurisdictions (RI, VT, HI, DC, DE), 6 medium- size states (MD, MA, NM, WA, CT, CO), and four big states (NJ, IL, NY, CA).
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

How stupid are these small and medium sized states?

Trump knows the realities of election. He wrote off Calif/NY ...but will not if the above becomes relevant.

So if the electoral college is not relevant in 2020 don't you suppose Trump's experience in advertising would have him then concentrating in the most populous states?
The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 15 jurisdictions possessing 189 electoral votes, including 5 small jurisdictions (RI, VT, HI, DC, DE), 6 medium- size states (MD, MA, NM, WA, CT, CO), and four big states (NJ, IL, NY, CA).
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

How stupid are these small and medium sized states?

Trump knows the realities of election. He wrote off Calif/NY ...but will not if the above becomes relevant.

So if the electoral college is not relevant in 2020 don't you suppose Trump's experience in advertising would have him then concentrating in the most populous states?

Go on ahead... He fucking hated in New York and despised in California...

He is also down on the polls to Biden in Texas... Yes Texas...
If the Electoral College is "not relevant" in 2020, the election will be considered invalid.
The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 15 jurisdictions possessing 189 electoral votes, including 5 small jurisdictions (RI, VT, HI, DC, DE), 6 medium- size states (MD, MA, NM, WA, CT, CO), and four big states (NJ, IL, NY, CA).
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

How stupid are these small and medium sized states?

Trump knows the realities of election. He wrote off Calif/NY ...but will not if the above becomes relevant.

So if the electoral college is not relevant in 2020 don't you suppose Trump's experience in advertising would have him then concentrating in the most populous states?

Go on ahead... He fucking hated in New York and despised in California...

He is also down on the polls to Biden in Texas... Yes Texas...
Biden is losing steam in his own party.
If Trump wins without the electoral college states will go back to it in a heartbeat. The hope is it will assure a Reblican lose. When it doesn't they will either go back or try some other hair rained idea.
Since all of the state's doing this are BLUE STATES, Trump has no chance of getting those EC votes under the old rules...

Now he can AUTOMATICALLY get them by winning the popular vote nationwide (regardless of how those states vote)...

So Trump has nothing to lose, but could conceivably swing a losing EC total to a WINNING one under the right circumstances!!!

So once again, the Democrats are proving that Liberalism is a mental disorder!!!
I was reading about the move by Democrat Blue states still butt hurt over Hillary Rotten Cinton's Humiliating & and Deserving Defeat, to eliminate The Electoral College and just throw all of a states Electoral Votes towards a Candidate who wins The National Popular Vote, even if that state voted for a Democrat, and The Republican won The National Popular Vote.

This move has not yet been challenged in court, but I am reading from some political analysts that Donald Trump this time around is going to win The Popular Vote, which will force 15 Blue Democrat States to give Donald Trump all of it's Electoral Votes even if all 15 states vote for The Democrat Candidate.

Every time The Democrats try to scheme and game the system, rig elections, it bites them in the ass.

I cannot wait to see Left Tards jumping off of tall buildings when President Trump is awarded 531 Electoral Votes in the 2020 Election.

Oregon is one step closer to only recognizing the popular vote

A national popular vote will spell disaster in presidential elections

The election of Donald Trump in 2016 produced many startling tantrums on the left, but most of them, like the charge of Russia collusion, have turned out to be false. However, one idea, known as the national popular vote, could have catastrophic consequences for our government in the future. The national popular vote is an agreement among participating states that they will give all their electoral votes to the sole winner of the national popular vote. This proposal will go into effect when the total number of electoral votes in participating states reaches 270 or more.

The sponsors of this plan evidently have not thought about what would happen if their plan survives constitutional challenge and goes into effect. It will completely upend the election process and could leave the country without a duly elected president for many months after the election is held. The key error of the sponsors seems to be the view that they are simply substituting the popular vote for the electoral vote in a presidential election. But this single change will completely overturn the two party system that has prevailed in our presidential elections for 200 years.

Poll finds most Americans believe Trump will win the 2020 election

Professor who has correctly predicted 9 presidential elections says Trump will win in 2020 unless Democrats impeach

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Except those states won't be giving him their votes next year because the compact won't be in effect yet
I was reading about the move by Democrat Blue states still butt hurt over Hillary Rotten Cinton's Humiliating & and Deserving Defeat, to eliminate The Electoral College and just throw all of a states Electoral Votes towards a Candidate who wins The National Popular Vote, even if that state voted for a Democrat, and The Republican won The National Popular Vote.

This move has not yet been challenged in court, but I am reading from some political analysts that Donald Trump this time around is going to win The Popular Vote, which will force 15 Blue Democrat States to give Donald Trump all of it's Electoral Votes even if all 15 states vote for The Democrat Candidate.

Every time The Democrats try to scheme and game the system, rig elections, it bites them in the ass.

I cannot wait to see Left Tards jumping off of tall buildings when President Trump is awarded 531 Electoral Votes in the 2020 Election.

Oregon is one step closer to only recognizing the popular vote

by this time next year all you'll have to do is gauge the crowds who show up to rallies
More fun in 2021.

So much winning, we will get sick of winning!

Trump is already projected to win The National Popular Vote, so all of these Butt Hurt Blue DemNazi States will be FORCED by their STATE LAW to five ALL of their Electoral College Votes to Trump, even if the entire state voted for BIDEN!


As 2020 Grows Near, Democrats Could Experience Trump Reelection Panic

The president’s base-first strategy could again deliver him the White House, thanks in large part to his strength in the nation’s one remaining true swing region, the Midwest. He’s an incumbent, and incumbents are historically harder to defeat (although it may be that incumbency means less up and down the ticket in an era defined by party polarization). Still, Crystal Ball Senior Columnist Alan Abramowitz’s well-regarded presidential “Time for Change” model, which projects the two-party presidential vote, currently projects Trump with 51.4% of the vote based on the most recent measures of presidential approval and quarterly GDP growth (the model’s official projection is based off those figures in the summer of 2020). Arguably, the state of the economy is the most important factor: If perceptions of its strength remain decent, the president could win another term. If there is a recession, his odds likely drop precipitously. Meanwhile, it’s not a given that the Democratic nominee can consolidate the votes of Trump disapprovers, particularly if a third party candidate (Howard Schultz?) eats into the anti-Trump vote.
If a state wants to use the national popular vote instead of that state's voters to decide on who gets their EC votes, can the USSC invalidate their EC votes since that state's actual votes were not used? The Constitution doesn't say to use the national popular vote. If a given state's citizens vote one way, and the national popular vote goes another, that state's voters are disenfranchised.
No matter who is elected Congress will still find any way to screw the taxpayers..
Thanks for an Extra 197 Electoral Votes Dim Tards!


Based on 15 DemNazi Dem Tard Blue States deciding only The National Popular Vote Winner will get their Electoral Votes, and President Trump being predicted to get 52% of The Popular vote this time, if he just wins all the same states, he will end up with 503 Electoral votes and the DemTard Loser will get just 28.

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Another thread by the right on not understanding the national popular vote compact, the earliest it could go into effect and what the constitution even says about how stays may appropriate their EC votes.
The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 15 jurisdictions possessing 189 electoral votes, including 5 small jurisdictions (RI, VT, HI, DC, DE), 6 medium- size states (MD, MA, NM, WA, CT, CO), and four big states (NJ, IL, NY, CA).
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

How stupid are these small and medium sized states?

Trump knows the realities of election. He wrote off Calif/NY ...but will not if the above becomes relevant.

So if the electoral college is not relevant in 2020 don't you suppose Trump's experience in advertising would have him then concentrating in the most populous states?

The evidence to support electing the President and VP by popular vote is more necessary today then ever in the past.

Sen McConnell has done everything possible to prove its necessity; he is the master of misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance in out history, and is the epitome of a partisan hack whose time has come and needs to be sent by Kentucky to retire him.

Country First must be the first and only concern of our Congress, not security for their job or their party as it exists today.

Speaker Ryan put his ideology above the people, for his benefit and for the benefit of his party, at the expense of his own family - how F'd up can any person be.
One desperate dem stated on a Sunday talk show that if the election were held today Trump would lose....and sure enough it was repeated all day long on every show in every debate on Trump....where do they get this crap from...
Trump is not going to lose to the rubble that are running in the DNC primary....uncle Joe is losing ground and Bernie scares the dems and the rest are nobody's.....a bunch of worthless shreds of lying human debris.....
Another thread by the right on not understanding the national popular vote compact, the earliest it could go into effect and what the constitution even says about how stays may appropriate their EC votes.
So you are cool with Trump getting 503 electoral votes?

Are you gonna cry like a bitch "Not My President" when the score is 503 to 28 and your party fucked up again failing at rigging yet another election?
Another thread by the right on not understanding the national popular vote compact, the earliest it could go into effect and what the constitution even says about how stays may appropriate their EC votes.
So you are cool with Trump getting 503 electoral votes?

Are you gonna cry like a bitch "Not My President" when the score is 503 to 28 and your party fucked up again failing at rigging yet another election?

^These idiots just drive the point home.

Did you not read my post where I pointed out what you are getting wrong? I'll let you figure it out.
The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 15 jurisdictions possessing 189 electoral votes, including 5 small jurisdictions (RI, VT, HI, DC, DE), 6 medium- size states (MD, MA, NM, WA, CT, CO), and four big states (NJ, IL, NY, CA).
Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

How stupid are these small and medium sized states?

Trump knows the realities of election. He wrote off Calif/NY ...but will not if the above becomes relevant.

So if the electoral college is not relevant in 2020 don't you suppose Trump's experience in advertising would have him then concentrating in the most populous states?

The evidence to support electing the President and VP by popular vote is more necessary today then ever in the past.

Sen McConnell has done everything possible to prove its necessity; he is the master of misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance in out history, and is the epitome of a partisan hack whose time has come and needs to be sent by Kentucky to retire him.

Country First must be the first and only concern of our Congress, not security for their job or their party as it exists today.

Speaker Ryan put his ideology above the people, for his benefit and for the benefit of his party, at the expense of his own family - how F'd up can any person be.
Hitler won by popular vote and took over The Weimar Democratic Republic and Transformed it in to Nazi Germany.
This is what Hitlery Clinton wanted to do.

No matter how the Left Loons Cheat, they just aren't going to beat President Trump.

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