Christmas Should be "Downgraded"


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
According to some dumbass Labour think tank in the UK.

Christmas should be 'downgraded' to help race relations says Labour think tank
By JAMES CHAPMAN - Last updated at 12:56pm on 1st November 2007

Christmas should be downgraded in favour of festivals from other religions to improve race relations, says an explosive report.

Labour's favourite think-tank says that because it would be hard to "expunge" Christmas from the national calendar, 'even-handedness' means public organisations must start giving other religions equal footing.

The leaked findings of its investigation into identity, citizenship and community cohesion also propose:

• "Birth ceremonies", at which state and parents agree to "work in partnership" to bring up children

• Action to "ensure access" for ethnic minorities to "largely white" countryside

• An overhaul of Britain's "imperial" honours system

• Bishops being thrown out of the House of Lords

• An end to "sectarian" religious education

• Flying flags other than the Union Jack.

The report by the Institute for Public Policy Research was commissioned when Nick Pearce, now head of public policy at Downing Street, was its director.

IPPR has shaped many Labour policies, including ID cards, bin taxes and road pricing.

The report robustly defends multiculturalism - the idea that different communities should not be forced to integrate but should be allowed to maintain their own culture and identities.

And it says immigrants should be required to acquire some proficiency in English and other aspects of British culture "if - but only if - the settled population is willing to open up national institutions and practices to newcomers and give a more inclusive cast to national narratives and symbols".

It adds: "Even-handedness dictates that we provide public recognition to minority cultures and traditions.

"If we are going to continue as a nation to mark Christmas - and it would be very hard to expunge it from our national life even if we wanted to - then public organisations should mark other religious festivals too.
Originally posted by Diuretic
It's not all bad, Bishops being chucked out of the House of Lords is a bloody good idea.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

The fact that a secular society like Britain allows this jurassic remnant of theocracy to exist is beyond my comprehension skills.
José;620881 said:
And quite frankly, the entire Upper House is a joke.

I agree entirely, it's totally undemocratic and a remnant of the times when the aristocracy ruled absolutely. Here in Australia when we eventually sorted ourselves out and created a nation with a federal government we used the US model of the Senate for our upper house(also called the Senate). While our Senators aren't directly elected, they are elected and are not merely appointed as in the House of Lords.

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