Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

*sigh* I wish Christians would understand that Christ is held in the highest esteem in Islam.

And I wish anti Christians would understand that when you insult Christ in the Christian faith your are attacking Islam as well.

One day my wishes and prayers will be answered but right now it's not looking too good. Oh well. Maybe one day;

No, there is no "Christ" in Islam whatsoever and the Jesus character in their system of recognized prophets is an inferior prophet to Muhammad (piss be upon him). They all are. That's not "the highest esteem". They don't even believe he was crucified.

Not the same Jesus. Don't be dense.

Oh, and God doesn't answer prayers to promote lies over the truth. So don't hold your breath.
does the 'patriot defense foundation' identify particularly as Christian, or did you just make that part up?

Christian protesters shout down Muslim kids

"The event was protested by a group calling itself the Patriot Defense Foundation Inc."

From the Article:

Early in the celebration, a woman grabbed the microphone away from a Muslim speaker and shouted, “I proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ over the capitol of Texas. I stand against Islam and the false prophet.”

Religion of peace I must add.
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

The wicked and hell bound don't get to decide who are and are not real Christians.

Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

That they are perfectly within their first amendment rights to expose Sharia Law supporters for what they are.
Bode, my opinion of American Christians is that they understand this push to accept Islam and they act accordingly:

Matthew 7:15-16 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them

Cute little Muslim children sing with their mouths. They commit the Quran to memory and to heart.
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The whole article is based on a lie and goes to show again that everything the Left does is a lie.

Here's what the real agenda was:

Texas Muslim Capitol Day Expected to Draw Protesters News Radio 1200 WOAI

The terrorist organization CAIR was there to oppose the passage of a Texas law to prevent foreign laws from having any weight in Texas courts. It's funny how the Left denies that Muslims are pushing for Sh'ria law and parallel religious courts.

Oh, and another thing, the Christians weren't shouting down children, they were shouting down the adults who, like all Muslim POS terrorists, use children as a human shield.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

The wicked and hell bound don't get to decide who are and are not real Christians.

Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

That they are perfectly within their first amendment rights to expose Sharia Law supporters for what they are.
So you support them in what they did.
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

That they are perfectly within their first amendment rights to expose Sharia Law supporters for what they are.
So you support them in what they did.
Yes. I support anyone who exposes Sharia Law supporters.
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

The wicked and hell bound don't get to decide who are and are not real Christians.

Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

Did you want a discussion based on what really happened or what the OP lyingly claimed happened?
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

That they are perfectly within their first amendment rights to expose Sharia Law supporters for what they are.
So you support them in what they did.
Yes. I support anyone who exposes Sharia Law supporters.
Even when the children are singing the Star Spangled Banner and showing their support of the United States.

Well, that answers the question as to why we don't see more muslims speaking out. They get spit on by the christians when they do.
Even when the children are singing the Star Spangled Banner and showing their support of the United States.

Well, that answers the question as to why we don't see more muslims speaking out. They get spit on by the christians when they do.
Are you saying there were no Muslim adults present?

Who spit on them? That's a major claim.

Are those children also going to Mosques to campaign against Muslim extremism?
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

The wicked and hell bound don't get to decide who are and are not real Christians.

Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

Did you want a discussion based on what really happened or what the OP lyingly claimed happened?
You don't think it happened? Well, it's of course your perogative to prove that it did not.
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

That they are perfectly within their first amendment rights to expose Sharia Law supporters for what they are.
So you support them in what they did.
Yes. I support anyone who exposes Sharia Law supporters.
Even when the children are singing the Star Spangled Banner and showing their support of the United States.

Well, that answers the question as to why we don't see more muslims speaking out. They get spit on by the christians when they do.

Muslim children that sing the Star Spangled Banner and mean it are run over by their father's SUV for being too American.
A ruse on the other hand, is supported by the parents of the singing children, because it portrays harmony and peace. They hugged the French for awhile too....
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

The wicked and hell bound don't get to decide who are and are not real Christians.

Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

Did you want a discussion based on what really happened or what the OP lyingly claimed happened?
You don't think it happened? Well, it's of course your perogative to prove that it did not.

I can't prove a negative, you horse's ass!
No where on their website or facebook page shows they claim to be Christians. And Catholics outnumber Baptists in Texas. Secondly, the group is from Florida

Now let's look at the info on the event- one of the sponsors of Tx Muslim Day, none other than the Nation of Islam. Think Louis Farrakhan.

So far as what they supposedly did? I did not research that far.
No where on their website or facebook page shows they claim to ibe Christians. And Catholicx outnumber Baptists in Texas. Secondly, the group is from Florida

Nos let's look at the info on the event- one of the sponsors of Tx Muslim Day, none other than the Nation of Islam. Think Louis Farrakhan.

So far as what they supposedly did? I did not research that far.

Go to the Flame Zone and sign the Pledge to no longer post in Hazlnut threads. I just made the Pledge in Flame Zone. The admins do not punish this MISLEADING troll.

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