Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

Here is the applicable law -->> COCODE

Please identify that "stipulation".

Actually no real reason to look, it's not there and is irrelevant to the case as the individual was not refused service for "no shirt or no shoes".

Well you may want to actually read the law in question.

If the baker offers CUSTOM orders for wedding cakes as part of their normal routine business operations - then under the law - now he isn't allowed to refuse CUSTOM orders based on the criteria listed in the law.

The law requires "Full and Equal" access, offering full services to heterosexuals and only restricted services to homosexuals.

BTW - Why are we capitalizing "CUSTOM"?

Not for the same reason you use your ">>>>>" as a trademark. Once again you show your complete lack of understanding any of this and divulge your statist tendencies which led me to believe what I believed earlier. No "happily married republican" carries the kind of dogma you do here. There is no "law" that established what the baker considers one CUSTOM order from another. It is his right as an American citizen to practice his religious faith and when that faith is challenged by something asked of him that he finds despicable, he has every right to refuse. Some asswipe judge finding to the contrary only means more expense to him to appeal....which is what the ACLU relies on to bully's too expensive to bother with so we win. The "no shirt/shoes/service" example is a valid reminder a business owner can control who he'll do business with. I doubt a man entering a store barefoot and refused serivce has ever filed a lawsuit against the owner....they would put on some form of footwear and return if they wanted to buy what he had for sale. The same way these queers could have ordered a cake without the connotation they wanted him to include. They were looking for trouble is what's going on here. If a NAMBLA member walked in and asked him to depict anal intercourse between a man and boy on a cake, by your reasoning he would be forced to make it. This is ridiculous and why the left has hijacked the courts to accomplish what no legislator would dare try to; stealing our liberties by proxy.


Colorado Code 24-34-601
(2) It is a discriminatory practice and unlawful for a person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from, or deny to an individual or a group, because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry, the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation or,​

The above was passed by the legislature, not by the courts.

You're asking the court to INTERPRET what the law says....I'm done here, fuck off phony lawyer.
Not for the same reason you use your ">>>>>" as a trademark. Once again you show your complete lack of understanding any of this and divulge your statist tendencies which led me to believe what I believed earlier. No "happily married republican" carries the kind of dogma you do here. There is no "law" that established what the baker considers one CUSTOM order from another. It is his right as an American citizen to practice his religious faith and when that faith is challenged by something asked of him that he finds despicable, he has every right to refuse. Some asswipe judge finding to the contrary only means more expense to him to appeal....which is what the ACLU relies on to bully's too expensive to bother with so we win. The "no shirt/shoes/service" example is a valid reminder a business owner can control who he'll do business with. I doubt a man entering a store barefoot and refused serivce has ever filed a lawsuit against the owner....they would put on some form of footwear and return if they wanted to buy what he had for sale. The same way these queers could have ordered a cake without the connotation they wanted him to include. They were looking for trouble is what's going on here. If a NAMBLA member walked in and asked him to depict anal intercourse between a man and boy on a cake, by your reasoning he would be forced to make it. This is ridiculous and why the left has hijacked the courts to accomplish what no legislator would dare try to; stealing our liberties by proxy.


Colorado Code 24-34-601
(2) It is a discriminatory practice and unlawful for a person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from, or deny to an individual or a group, because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry, the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation or,​

The above was passed by the legislature, not by the courts.

You're asking the court to INTERPRET what the law says....

Oh for the love of Ted, the law says it is illegal to for a business to not discriminate from providing "full and equal" access to their goods and services based on disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.

The baker denied full and equal goods and services routinely offered and advertized for based on the sexual orientation of the customers. There is no INTERPRETING to that. That's like saying the law says it is illegal to steel a car, someone steels a care and then saying pissing and moaning about the Judge "interpreting" the law.

I'm done here, fuck off phony lawyer.

I doubt it. We'll see you back.

A 'gake'? Sprinkled with Fruit Loops, presumably?
Bakers who refuse to bake cakes for same sex weddings really won't care if they lose the business they didn't want anyway. Yes they will lose a small amount of general business while retaining and growing from personal recommendations. Will it bother gays to find that their favorite bakery just doesn't make wedding caked any more? Maybe. As you point out they will still have 95 other bakeries to choose from. Incidentally the same 95 bakeries they had to choose from had their favorite baker refused to make the cake in the first place.

This isn't about getting a wedding cake. It's about forcing someone to violate their deeply held religious convictions. They could get their cake from 95 other places. It's about forcing themselves on this one individual and breaking his will. It is all about using whatever pressure it takes to make someone else commit what they think is a sin.

It's no different from what Iran does when it punishes Christians who won't renounce their faith and convert to islam. Gays want Christians to convert to secular humanism. Or at the very least act like they have converted to secular humanism.

Is the profit from a wedding cake worth violating your principles? Surely the unprincipled think so.
Why would I show you in a Koran dumb ass? The guy professes to be Christian. Are you that stupid you don't know the difference? You must be the king of stupid not to look this up in the bible prior to running your mouth. As far as the bible goes take a gander at these speedy.

Damn, that was almost smart enough to qualify as stupid.

You said, and I quote, "(W)e should start refusing business licensing to people that sin by ignoring Gods instructions to not judge people." It really doesn't matter what religion you are, or he is, the government has to reat everyone the same, regardless of their religion. That is why I asked about the Koran.

The reason it went over your head is that you are no where near as smart as you think you are.

My personal favorites

John 8:7

And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
1 Corinthians 4:5

Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.

How do you feel about these?

John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

1 Cor 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1 Cor 11:13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

1 Cor 14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

That is a lot of judging of others that we are supposed to do, and it barely scratches the surface. The thing about the Bible is that yo have to read the whole thing, not just the parts that make you feel warm and fuzzy.
All that effort put into a long rant must have put a tremendous strain on your brain. Stll you forgot or are unaware of 2 important points.

I am not an atheist.

You are not a Christian.

Let me get this straight, you are a Christian that judges other people even though you say it is a sin to judge other people. That either makes you a hypocritical sack of shit, or a lying sack of shit. Which is it?

You dont have it straight. As usual for you the confusion of reading causes wide gaps in your comprehension. Like when you said the pyramids were built by aliens. Where did you get the notion I was a Christian? The bad thing about jumping to conclusions is sometime there is no safe place to land and your point? Well... it ends up breaking its leg.

Lying sack of shit, got it. If you aren't a Christian, what makes you think you can judge others on their religion?
Let me get this straight, you are a Christian that judges other people even though you say it is a sin to judge other people. That either makes you a hypocritical sack of shit, or a lying sack of shit. Which is it?

You dont have it straight. As usual for you the confusion of reading causes wide gaps in your comprehension. Like when you said the pyramids were built by aliens. Where did you get the notion I was a Christian? The bad thing about jumping to conclusions is sometime there is no safe place to land and your point? Well... it ends up breaking its leg.

Lying sack of shit, got it. If you aren't a Christian, what makes you think you can judge others on their religion?

Dont be mad bro you got caught being stupid. A hypocrite is a hypocrite. What makes you think I cant judge someone on their religion? More to the point what do you think you can do about it?
Why would I show you in a Koran dumb ass? The guy professes to be Christian. Are you that stupid you don't know the difference? You must be the king of stupid not to look this up in the bible prior to running your mouth. As far as the bible goes take a gander at these speedy.

Damn, that was almost smart enough to qualify as stupid.

You said, and I quote, "(W)e should start refusing business licensing to people that sin by ignoring Gods instructions to not judge people." It really doesn't matter what religion you are, or he is, the government has to reat everyone the same, regardless of their religion. That is why I asked about the Koran.

The reason it went over your head is that you are no where near as smart as you think you are.

My personal favorites

1 Corinthians 4:5

Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.

How do you feel about these?

John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

1 Cor 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1 Cor 11:13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

1 Cor 14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

That is a lot of judging of others that we are supposed to do, and it barely scratches the surface. The thing about the Bible is that yo have to read the whole thing, not just the parts that make you feel warm and fuzzy.

But it does matter if you can read. You really need to stop before you pull a muscle in your head Quantum. People who are Islamic and use the Koran pray to Allah not God. Again with the stupidity. Why don't you lay down and take nap or something. Do you have trouble like this often when attempting to think clearly?

I guess those quotes are pretty cool even though I think you confused yourself again. What did you point those out for?
You dont have it straight. As usual for you the confusion of reading causes wide gaps in your comprehension. Like when you said the pyramids were built by aliens. Where did you get the notion I was a Christian? The bad thing about jumping to conclusions is sometime there is no safe place to land and your point? Well... it ends up breaking its leg.

Lying sack of shit, got it. If you aren't a Christian, what makes you think you can judge others on their religion?

Dont be mad bro you got caught being stupid. A hypocrite is a hypocrite. What makes you think I cant judge someone on their religion? More to the point what do you think you can do about it?

Why do all the whiny bitches think they can piss me off from thousands of miles away? Is it because I piss them off that they think no one has any self control?

Unless your name is L. Ron Hubbard and we are talking about Scientology you have no idea what anyone's religion actually is. That fact is easily demonstrated by the fact that you think the Koran is irrelevant to a discussion about religion, and by the fact that you don't know that the Bible tells us to judge other people.

As for what I can do about it, I can laugh at you. Maybe you could send your ancient Martian ancestors to get me with their death ray, I promise not to sneeze on them if you do.
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Why would I show you in a Koran dumb ass? The guy professes to be Christian. Are you that stupid you don't know the difference? You must be the king of stupid not to look this up in the bible prior to running your mouth. As far as the bible goes take a gander at these speedy.

Damn, that was almost smart enough to qualify as stupid.

You said, and I quote, "(W)e should start refusing business licensing to people that sin by ignoring Gods instructions to not judge people." It really doesn't matter what religion you are, or he is, the government has to reat everyone the same, regardless of their religion. That is why I asked about the Koran.

The reason it went over your head is that you are no where near as smart as you think you are.

My personal favorites

How do you feel about these?
John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

1 Cor 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1 Cor 11:13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

1 Cor 14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

That is a lot of judging of others that we are supposed to do, and it barely scratches the surface. The thing about the Bible is that yo have to read the whole thing, not just the parts that make you feel warm and fuzzy.

But it does matter if you can read. You really need to stop before you pull a muscle in your head Quantum. People who are Islamic and use the Koran pray to Allah not God. Again with the stupidity. Why don't you lay down and take nap or something. Do you have trouble like this often when attempting to think clearly?

I guess those quotes are pretty cool even though I think you confused yourself again. What did you point those out for?

Allah is the Arabic word for God, it literally means the God. Want tot ell me again how Muslims don't pray to God?
Lying sack of shit, got it. If you aren't a Christian, what makes you think you can judge others on their religion?

Dont be mad bro you got caught being stupid. A hypocrite is a hypocrite. What makes you think I cant judge someone on their religion? More to the point what do you think you can do about it?

Why do all the whiny bitches think they can piss me off from thousands of miles away? Is it because I piss them off that they think no one has any self control?

Unless your name is L. Ron Hubbard and we are talking about Scientology you have no idea what anyone's religion actually is. That fact is easily demonstrated by the fact that you think the Koran is irrelevant to a discussion about religion, and by the fact that you don't know that the Bible tells us to judge other people.

As for what I can do about it, I can laugh at you. Maybe you could send your ancient Martian ancestors to get me with their death ray, I promise not to sneeze on them if you do.

To your first question I can only say I dont know. To your second point you seem confused. I said God. Thats what I meant. What was hard to understand about that? God is what Christians call their deity. So the Koran is definitely irrelevant to the conversation. I already told you so. How are you completely missing that fact?

They say mentally ill people tend to laugh thinking it has some sort of power to harm but it really doesn't. So you laughing is really not doing anything to me at all. I keep telling you that space aliens had nothing to do with the pyramids. You must be a racist not to give credit where it belongs which is the Black Africans that built them.
Damn, that was almost smart enough to qualify as stupid.

You said, and I quote, "(W)e should start refusing business licensing to people that sin by ignoring Gods instructions to not judge people." It really doesn't matter what religion you are, or he is, the government has to reat everyone the same, regardless of their religion. That is why I asked about the Koran.

The reason it went over your head is that you are no where near as smart as you think you are.

How do you feel about these?
John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

1 Cor 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

1 Cor 11:13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

1 Cor 14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

That is a lot of judging of others that we are supposed to do, and it barely scratches the surface. The thing about the Bible is that yo have to read the whole thing, not just the parts that make you feel warm and fuzzy.

But it does matter if you can read. You really need to stop before you pull a muscle in your head Quantum. People who are Islamic and use the Koran pray to Allah not God. Again with the stupidity. Why don't you lay down and take nap or something. Do you have trouble like this often when attempting to think clearly?

I guess those quotes are pretty cool even though I think you confused yourself again. What did you point those out for?

Allah is the Arabic word for God, it literally means the God. Want tot ell me again how Muslims don't pray to God?

That's pretty arrogant. I think you mean it translates to God right? If it was literally God then I think the would spell it G o d and say God instead of spelling it A l l a h and pronouncing it Allah. if you really think that I can see where you got mixed up and confused. You need to go back to school for reals.
Dont be mad bro you got caught being stupid. A hypocrite is a hypocrite. What makes you think I cant judge someone on their religion? More to the point what do you think you can do about it?

Why do all the whiny bitches think they can piss me off from thousands of miles away? Is it because I piss them off that they think no one has any self control?

Unless your name is L. Ron Hubbard and we are talking about Scientology you have no idea what anyone's religion actually is. That fact is easily demonstrated by the fact that you think the Koran is irrelevant to a discussion about religion, and by the fact that you don't know that the Bible tells us to judge other people.

As for what I can do about it, I can laugh at you. Maybe you could send your ancient Martian ancestors to get me with their death ray, I promise not to sneeze on them if you do.

To your first question I can only say I dont know. To your second point you seem confused. I said God. Thats what I meant. What was hard to understand about that? God is what Christians call their deity. So the Koran is definitely irrelevant to the conversation. I already told you so. How are you completely missing that fact?

They say mentally ill people tend to laugh thinking it has some sort of power to harm but it really doesn't. So you laughing is really not doing anything to me at all. I keep telling you that space aliens had nothing to do with the pyramids. You must be a racist not to give credit where it belongs which is the Black Africans that built them.

God is a job description, YHWH is His name.

Laughing at you must be doing something, otherwise you wouldn't go out of your way to point out it wasn't.
But it does matter if you can read. You really need to stop before you pull a muscle in your head Quantum. People who are Islamic and use the Koran pray to Allah not God. Again with the stupidity. Why don't you lay down and take nap or something. Do you have trouble like this often when attempting to think clearly?

I guess those quotes are pretty cool even though I think you confused yourself again. What did you point those out for?

Allah is the Arabic word for God, it literally means the God. Want tot ell me again how Muslims don't pray to God?

That's pretty arrogant. I think you mean it translates to God right? If it was literally God then I think the would spell it G o d and say God instead of spelling it A l l a h and pronouncing it Allah. if you really think that I can see where you got mixed up and confused. You need to go back to school for reals.

The first mistake was where you tried to think.
Why do all the whiny bitches think they can piss me off from thousands of miles away? Is it because I piss them off that they think no one has any self control?

Unless your name is L. Ron Hubbard and we are talking about Scientology you have no idea what anyone's religion actually is. That fact is easily demonstrated by the fact that you think the Koran is irrelevant to a discussion about religion, and by the fact that you don't know that the Bible tells us to judge other people.

As for what I can do about it, I can laugh at you. Maybe you could send your ancient Martian ancestors to get me with their death ray, I promise not to sneeze on them if you do.

To your first question I can only say I dont know. To your second point you seem confused. I said God. Thats what I meant. What was hard to understand about that? God is what Christians call their deity. So the Koran is definitely irrelevant to the conversation. I already told you so. How are you completely missing that fact?

They say mentally ill people tend to laugh thinking it has some sort of power to harm but it really doesn't. So you laughing is really not doing anything to me at all. I keep telling you that space aliens had nothing to do with the pyramids. You must be a racist not to give credit where it belongs which is the Black Africans that built them.

God is a job description, YHWH is His name.

Laughing at you must be doing something, otherwise you wouldn't go out of your way to point out it wasn't.

So Gods a job description? Never heard that one before. Laughing doesnt really work Quantum. If it did laughing at me would only make me laugh back at you harder than I do on most of your posts. That would mean you would have passed about a month ago.
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Allah is the Arabic word for God, it literally means the God. Want tot ell me again how Muslims don't pray to God?

That's pretty arrogant. I think you mean it translates to God right? If it was literally God then I think the would spell it G o d and say God instead of spelling it A l l a h and pronouncing it Allah. if you really think that I can see where you got mixed up and confused. You need to go back to school for reals.

The first mistake was where you tried to think.

Well I'm trying to help you. How can you be so arrogant to take someones word and say it literally means your word? Typical white boy logic. It only means that the word translated most closely resembles the meaning of your word.
To your first question I can only say I dont know. To your second point you seem confused. I said God. Thats what I meant. What was hard to understand about that? God is what Christians call their deity. So the Koran is definitely irrelevant to the conversation. I already told you so. How are you completely missing that fact?

They say mentally ill people tend to laugh thinking it has some sort of power to harm but it really doesn't. So you laughing is really not doing anything to me at all. I keep telling you that space aliens had nothing to do with the pyramids. You must be a racist not to give credit where it belongs which is the Black Africans that built them.

God is a job description, YHWH is His name.

Laughing at you must be doing something, otherwise you wouldn't go out of your way to point out it wasn't.

So Gods a job description? Never heard that one before. Laughing doesnt really work Quantum. If it did laughing at me would only make me laugh back at you harder than I do on most of your posts. That would mean you would have passed about a month ago.

You laughing at me would require you to have two things you lack, intelligence, and a sense of humor.
That's pretty arrogant. I think you mean it translates to God right? If it was literally God then I think the would spell it G o d and say God instead of spelling it A l l a h and pronouncing it Allah. if you really think that I can see where you got mixed up and confused. You need to go back to school for reals.

The first mistake was where you tried to think.

Well I'm trying to help you. How can you be so arrogant to take someones word and say it literally means your word? Typical white boy logic. It only means that the word translated most closely resembles the meaning of your word.

What makes you think I am white? Your racism is showing again.

As for your blathering about words not meaning what they mean, is that supposed to make sense? Is there some reason you think Dios doesn't mean God simply because it is Spanish? Do you have an alternate translation for إله in English that doesn't mean God? If a Christian from Japan starts talking about 神 am I supposed to ask him Who he is talking about? If I talk to my friend in Esperanto and he starts talking about Dio am I supposed to wonder if a word in that was deliberately chosen to represent the concept of the Creator actually means the same thing in English?

The fact that I know all of this does not make me arrogant,. The fact that I am confident in myself might appear to be arrogance to the dimwitted and unintelligent people who believe the pyramids have no tool marks, but it is not arrogance.

Arrogance is me sneering at you for your stupidity.

FYI, there are 99 names of Allah in the Koran.
You must be a racist not to give credit where it belongs which is the Black Africans that built them.
Hundreds of years from now there will be a Negro like Asclepias telling people that Negro's built Detroit

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