Two Fraudulent Cases.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Today we have a right wing activist court made because Mitch McConnell denied Obama his CONSTITUTIONAL right to nominate a justice, then during an election year rushed a right wing judge to nomination. These are 2 seats that would have gone to liberal justices and we would not be facing the bs we are now.

This last weekend the Republican activists on the Supreme court ruled to take away things based on 2 bogus cases.

SFA v. Harvard claimed that Asians were discriminated against in admission. SFA is an organization with no students and is made up basically of one white racist who is funded by the right wing billionaires who are buying "conservative" supreme court justices. The case was taken to the court and no Asian was represented

"conservative activist Ed Blum — who is white — argued that Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s policies discriminated against Asian Americans, no Asian American students came forward to testify to having experienced discrimination."

Asians argued in support of AA in this case and the right wing activists justices voted to end AA anyway.


And then we have this.

The Supreme Court Just Used a Fake Case to Make It Easier to Discriminate Against Gay People

The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 in favor of a Colorado web designer’s crusade to make exemptions from anti-discrimination laws so she can refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings.

“Consistent with the First Amendment, the Nation’s answer is tolerance, not coercion. The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands,” the court wrote in an opinion led by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

303 Creative LLC v. Elenis is among the most peculiar cases to reach the highest court of the land. Since 2016, web designer Lorie Smith had been appealing courts to outright make exceptions to Colorado anti-discrimination laws, so she could provide wedding website design services to straight couples only. Smith’s initial suit with a Colorado district court failed in 2019, and her subsequent appeal to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals failed as well. The Supreme Court took up her case in February 2022.

Puzzlingly, before she actually filed the first suit in 2016, Smith had apparently never designed a wedding website. Even weirder: She had never apparently been asked to provide services to a same-sex couple up to that point either.

Two fraudulent cases.
Today we have a right wing activist court made because Mitch McConnell denied Obama his CONSTITUTIONAL right to nominate a justice, then during an election year rushed a right wing judge to nomination. These are 2 seats that would have gone to liberal justices and we would not be facing the bs we are now.

This last weekend the Republican activists on the Supreme court ruled to take away things based on 2 bogus cases.

SFA v. Harvard claimed that Asians were discriminated against in admission. SFA is an organization with no students and is made up basically of one white racist who is funded by the right wing billionaires who are buying "conservative" supreme court justices. The case was taken to the court and no Asian was represented

"conservative activist Ed Blum — who is white — argued that Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s policies discriminated against Asian Americans, no Asian American students came forward to testify to having experienced discrimination."

Asians argued in support of AA in this case and the right wing activists justices voted to end AA anyway.


And then we have this.

The Supreme Court Just Used a Fake Case to Make It Easier to Discriminate Against Gay People

The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 in favor of a Colorado web designer’s crusade to make exemptions from anti-discrimination laws so she can refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings.

“Consistent with the First Amendment, the Nation’s answer is tolerance, not coercion. The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands,” the court wrote in an opinion led by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

303 Creative LLC v. Elenis is among the most peculiar cases to reach the highest court of the land. Since 2016, web designer Lorie Smith had been appealing courts to outright make exceptions to Colorado anti-discrimination laws, so she could provide wedding website design services to straight couples only. Smith’s initial suit with a Colorado district court failed in 2019, and her subsequent appeal to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals failed as well. The Supreme Court took up her case in February 2022.

Puzzlingly, before she actually filed the first suit in 2016, Smith had apparently never designed a wedding website. Even weirder: She had never apparently been asked to provide services to a same-sex couple up to that point either.

Two fraudulent cases.

Justices and judges are the last people on earth to be political and should be removed for basing their decisions on politics.
Today we have a right wing activist court made because Mitch McConnell denied Obama his CONSTITUTIONAL right to nominate a justice, then during an election year rushed a right wing judge to nomination. These are 2 seats that would have gone to liberal justices and we would not be facing the bs we are now.

This last weekend the Republican activists on the Supreme court ruled to take away things based on 2 bogus cases.

SFA v. Harvard claimed that Asians were discriminated against in admission. SFA is an organization with no students and is made up basically of one white racist who is funded by the right wing billionaires who are buying "conservative" supreme court justices. The case was taken to the court and no Asian was represented

"conservative activist Ed Blum — who is white — argued that Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s policies discriminated against Asian Americans, no Asian American students came forward to testify to having experienced discrimination."

Asians argued in support of AA in this case and the right wing activists justices voted to end AA anyway.


And then we have this.

The Supreme Court Just Used a Fake Case to Make It Easier to Discriminate Against Gay People

The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 in favor of a Colorado web designer’s crusade to make exemptions from anti-discrimination laws so she can refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings.

“Consistent with the First Amendment, the Nation’s answer is tolerance, not coercion. The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands,” the court wrote in an opinion led by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

303 Creative LLC v. Elenis is among the most peculiar cases to reach the highest court of the land. Since 2016, web designer Lorie Smith had been appealing courts to outright make exceptions to Colorado anti-discrimination laws, so she could provide wedding website design services to straight couples only. Smith’s initial suit with a Colorado district court failed in 2019, and her subsequent appeal to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals failed as well. The Supreme Court took up her case in February 2022.

Puzzlingly, before she actually filed the first suit in 2016, Smith had apparently never designed a wedding website. Even weirder: She had never apparently been asked to provide services to a same-sex couple up to that point either.

Two fraudulent cases.
Today we have a right wing activist court made because Mitch McConnell denied Obama his CONSTITUTIONAL right to nominate a justice,

Garland was nominated.
Justices and judges are the last people on earth to be political and should be removed for basing their decisions on politics.

These decisions say different. But you are one of the people who believe the teflon theory of history.
You are not an indentured servant to any request that comes through the door simply because you hang an "open for business" sign. This has been tried before in many other cases, bakers, florists, etc. People who use speech and/or artistry as their means of commerce do not have to be compelled into using that speech and artistry in a manner to which they're morally opposed.

Cope and seethe
So correctly ruling in support of the rights of business owners & ending actual systemic racism is is fraudulent?

No wonder no one takes you serious.
So correctly ruling in support of the rights of business owners & ending actual systemic racism is is fraudulent?

No wonder no one takes you serious.
Systemic racism wasn't ended and what part of:

"conservative activist Ed Blum — who is white — argued that Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s policies discriminated against Asian Americans, no Asian American students came forward to testify to having experienced discrimination."
Puzzlingly, before she actually filed the first suit in 2016, Smith had apparently never designed a wedding website. Even weirder: She had never apparently been asked to provide services to a same-sex couple up to that point either.

Do you not understand?
The louder you and your ilk cry the more I know that the decisions were spot-on.

You have zero credibility and indeed, the things that you promote weakens the country in the long run.
Wrong. Garland was not able to get his hearing. An unconstitutional move.
neither did Bork. and many others

But. like Garland, they WERE nominated.

(psst, just because they were nominated, does NOT mean they get a hearing)
He did not get A FUCKING HEARING! It was blocked for an entire year! There seem to be something seriously wrong with you if you don;t understand what happened
It was blocked for an entire year!
wrong,,, 293 days, not an entire year.

and, AGAIN, he was not the first.
(the longest yes)
and there seems to be something seriously wrong with you.

Never heard of the Biden rule?

wrong,,, 293 days, not an entire year.

and, AGAIN, he was not the first.
(the longest yes)
and there seems to be something seriously wrong with you.

Never heard of the Biden rule?

There is no "Biden Rule" There was only a Biden opinion. In any case, where the fuck was the Biden Rule when McConnell pushed through Trumps nominee just weeks before the election which Trump lost. Are you actually going to admit that you are not bright enough to understand the discrepancy between the way that Obama's nominee was handled as opposed to Trump? You probobly are not really that stupid. More likely its your MAGAt dishonesty and gaslighting bullshit
There is no "Biden Rule" There was only a Biden opinion. In any case, where the fuck was the Biden Rule when McConnell pushed through Trumps nominee just weeks before the election which Trump lost. Are you actually going to admit that you are not bright enough to understand the discrepancy between the way that Obama's nominee was handled as opposed to Trump? You probobly are not really that stupid. More likely its your MAGAt dishonesty and gaslighting bullshit
More likely its your MAGAt dishonesty and gaslighting bullshit
and again you prove your idiocy.
and again you prove your idiocy.
OK Hugo. I am not plying your childish game. I know exactly what you are and there are far too many of you here. You're a deliberatly annoying little twerp who is not as nearly as clever as you think you are with your pathetic "gotcha" games, and then ignores any rebuttal, so just fuck off. I have better things to do. But for the record, McConnell and Trump gamed the system and anyone who has half a brain and who has not been sucked into the MAGAt cult knows it
OK Hugo. I am not plying your childish game. I know exactly what you are and there are far too many of you here. You're a deliberatly annoying little twerp who is not as nearly as clever as you think you are with your pathetic "gotcha" games, and then ignores any rebuttal, so just fuck off. I have better things to do. But for the record, McConnell and Trump gamed the system and anyone who has half a brain and who has not been sucked into the MAGAt cult knows it
But for the record, McConnell and Trump gamed the system and anyone who has half a brain and who has not been sucked into the MAGAt cult knows it

I have a full brain, and l have no, and have had no, interest in seeing Trump in the WH.

which is why I consider you an idiot.

In the last 50 years, I have failed to vote for a president in only 2 elections.

Trump was in both.

and his opponents, both times, was as disgusting as he was.

If it's Trump v Biden again next year, I will again do a write in.
I have a full brain, and l have no, and have had no, interest in seeing Trump in the WH.

which is why I consider you an idiot.

In the last 50 years, I have failed to vote for a president in only 2 elections.

Trump was in both.

and his opponents, both times, was as disgusting as he was.

If it's Trump v Biden again next year, I will again do a write in.
You made an ass out of yourself regarding the SCOTUS issue so now you want to make it about something else- support for Trump- anduse that to call me an idiot. Get the hell out of here
You made an ass out of yourself regarding the SCOTUS issue so now you want to make it about something else- support for Trump- anduse that to call me an idiot. Get the hell out of here
I made an ass out of you on the SCOTUS issue.

But, keep pretending you know best.

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