Cheney and daughter push GOP to hawkish stance.

Someone has to explain Cheney to me....

This was one of the most deeply unpopular VPs in history. He got the US into a quagmire of a war and wrote blank checks to a company he was a former CEO...
He is guilty of war profiteering, bribery and misleading shareholders.
Dick Cheney s Halliburton a corporate case study Pratap Chatterjee US news The Guardian

This guy is scum, how people can tollerate to listen to hium is beyond me, he should be shunned from public society... All I know if the piece of manure came on a show in Europe the advertisers would pull there products...

I'll try.

Cheney is unpopular now because of a decade of none stop media/lib propaganda.

Cheney as VP, did not get the US into a war. The President, with the support of Congress, got the US into a war.

He did not write "blank checks" to Halliburton. That's lib conspiracy theory nonsense.
Cheney is unpopular because he has demonstrated all the personality and human kindness of a Killbot. GWB hired him to head his VP search committee, and he found himself, how narcissistic is that?
Cheney has a gay daughter whom he loves and he supports gay marriage.

The media rarely talks about that side of him though.

I believe all politicians are sociopaths. They'd have to be. But Cheney loves this country. More than I can say about Obama.
He pulled back on his support for his gay daughter when his other daughter was running (big failure) for the Senate.

One thing I'd like to'd he end up at the front of the line for a heart transplant so quickly?
He brought his own 'donor'?

Someone has to explain Cheney to me....

This was one of the most deeply unpopular VPs in history. He got the US into a quagmire of a war and wrote blank checks to a company he was a former CEO...
He is guilty of war profiteering, bribery and misleading shareholders.
Dick Cheney s Halliburton a corporate case study Pratap Chatterjee US news The Guardian

This guy is scum, how people can tollerate to listen to hium is beyond me, he should be shunned from public society... All I know if the piece of manure came on a show in Europe the advertisers would pull there products...

I'll try.

Cheney is unpopular now because of a decade of none stop media/lib propaganda.

Cheney as VP, did not get the US into a war. The President, with the support of Congress, got the US into a war.

He did not write "blank checks" to Halliburton. That's lib conspiracy theory nonsense.

Someone has to explain Cheney to me....

This was one of the most deeply unpopular VPs in history. He got the US into a quagmire of a war and wrote blank checks to a company he was a former CEO...
He is guilty of war profiteering, bribery and misleading shareholders.
Dick Cheney s Halliburton a corporate case study Pratap Chatterjee US news The Guardian

This guy is scum, how people can tollerate to listen to hium is beyond me, he should be shunned from public society... All I know if the piece of manure came on a show in Europe the advertisers would pull there products...

I'll try.

Cheney is unpopular now because of a decade of none stop media/lib propaganda.

Cheney as VP, did not get the US into a war. The President, with the support of Congress, got the US into a war.

He did not write "blank checks" to Halliburton. That's lib conspiracy theory nonsense.

Sometimes, a picture is NOT worth a thousand words.

Try to be less of an ass.


Someone has to explain Cheney to me....

This was one of the most deeply unpopular VPs in history. He got the US into a quagmire of a war and wrote blank checks to a company he was a former CEO...
He is guilty of war profiteering, bribery and misleading shareholders.
Dick Cheney s Halliburton a corporate case study Pratap Chatterjee US news The Guardian

This guy is scum, how people can tollerate to listen to hium is beyond me, he should be shunned from public society... All I know if the piece of manure came on a show in Europe the advertisers would pull there products...

I'll try.

Cheney is unpopular now because of a decade of none stop media/lib propaganda.

Cheney as VP, did not get the US into a war. The President, with the support of Congress, got the US into a war.

He did not write "blank checks" to Halliburton. That's lib conspiracy theory nonsense.

Sometimes, a picture is NOT worth a thousand words.

Try to be less of an ass.


Someone has to explain Cheney to me....

This was one of the most deeply unpopular VPs in history. He got the US into a quagmire of a war and wrote blank checks to a company he was a former CEO...
He is guilty of war profiteering, bribery and misleading shareholders.
Dick Cheney s Halliburton a corporate case study Pratap Chatterjee US news The Guardian

This guy is scum, how people can tollerate to listen to hium is beyond me, he should be shunned from public society... All I know if the piece of manure came on a show in Europe the advertisers would pull there products...

I'll try.

Cheney is unpopular now because of a decade of none stop media/lib propaganda.

Cheney as VP, did not get the US into a war. The President, with the support of Congress, got the US into a war.

He did not write "blank checks" to Halliburton. That's lib conspiracy theory nonsense.

Sometimes, a picture is NOT worth a thousand words.

Try to be less of an ass.

And you failed.
No, your post failed but you are to ignorant to understand the fact



Someone has to explain Cheney to me....

This was one of the most deeply unpopular VPs in history. He got the US into a quagmire of a war and wrote blank checks to a company he was a former CEO...
He is guilty of war profiteering, bribery and misleading shareholders.
Dick Cheney s Halliburton a corporate case study Pratap Chatterjee US news The Guardian

This guy is scum, how people can tollerate to listen to hium is beyond me, he should be shunned from public society... All I know if the piece of manure came on a show in Europe the advertisers would pull there products...

I'll try.

Cheney is unpopular now because of a decade of none stop media/lib propaganda.

Cheney as VP, did not get the US into a war. The President, with the support of Congress, got the US into a war.

He did not write "blank checks" to Halliburton. That's lib conspiracy theory nonsense.

Sometimes, a picture is NOT worth a thousand words.

Try to be less of an ass.

And you failed.
Explain , if you can, your so-called idea of being "patriotic."

I agree in part with the Cheney's

We need 10K troops/infantry and marines to destroy ISIS

Get the C-17's ready

You and Cheney have one thing in common. You are both chickenhawk pussies who talk shit, but don't have the balls to put in on the line yourselves. Fucking punks, both of you.

So I take it you will not be signing up to clean the Obama mess?

Very patriotic

Too bad his effort isn't being mounted from inside a cell somewhere.
Brilliant idea, Dick. Let's make the 2016 election about whether or not we want to invade Iraq again!

You're so retro...

All the GOP candidates are backpedaling like crazy away from the first invasion, I'm sure they will jump on the Let's Do The Same Thing Again, And Expect A Different Result bandwagon.
And on the subject, funny that this just popped up. If interested, google Esquire for this headline.
War Criminals Among Us: Bush, Cheney, and the Eyes of the World
Maybe someone should remind the senile bastard that ISISBOOMBAH used to be called Al Qaeda in Iraq. How'd that work out the first time around?

Put away your Jade Helm conspiracy tin foil hat kids, and dust off that old Support Our Troops yellow ribbon magnet. We're gonna party like it's 2003.
I agree in part with the Cheney's

We need 10K troops/infantry and marines to destroy ISIS

Get the C-17's ready


So you don't have anyone in your family in the military. Of course your think we need to drag more young men and women into a hopeless war in the middle east. It is for that reason that the voters in the United States will not elect another Republican to the WH for the foreseeable future.

One of the first things they will do is to send our young men and women off to fight someone else's war. That is guaranteed....

As should be. Boots on the ground to clean up Obama's ISIS mess. It's the American thing to do

Make it so #1

Explain , if you can, your so-called idea of being "patriotic."

I agree in part with the Cheney's

We need 10K troops/infantry and marines to destroy ISIS

Get the C-17's ready

You and Cheney have one thing in common. You are both chickenhawk pussies who talk shit, but don't have the balls to put in on the line yourselves. Fucking punks, both of you.

So I take it you will not be signing up to clean the Obama mess?

Very patriotic


Supporting ground troops to defeat and kill- dead ISIS. We must clean up the mess Obama has made on the world stage

Obama didn't make the mess, Bush made it. Taking out Saddam Hussein created a power vacuum which destabilized the Middle East and when a power vacuum happens, something will rise to fill it. Bush not only took out Hussein, he disbanded the Iraqi army and they took their weapons and their bad attitude towards Americans and joined ISIS. ISIS is lead by former Iraqi generals.

Since ISIS is also killing non-Sunni Muslims, and generally being a total pain in the ass, they should be left to their own devices, unless they pose a genuine threat to the west, which they really don't at this time. Let the Arab League deal with them. That part of the world is so screwed up with Tribalism, and has been for thousands of years, that no one should ever get involved with them.

Right now, fighting expensive useless wars that cannot be won, is doing more damage to the American economy than anything ISIS can do to you. You're pissing away billions of $$ fighting a war you cannot win. Even if you are militarily successful, all you've really done is teach more jihadists to hate Americans. Get out and stay out and consider yourself well rid of them.

Your country is falling behind the rest of the world in so many areas while you fight these useless wars. Your children are getting a third rate education and learning absolute shite like Creationism, instead of science and math. Your infrastructure is crumbing, your middle class is declining, and you're letting it all happen, chasing terrorists.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Going back into Iraq, is insanity. Stay home and take care of your veterans from the last war - they deserve better treatment than what they're getting.

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