Characteristics of the Illegal Alien Population


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Characteristics of the Illegal Alien Population

One way to get a sense of what the illegal alien population is like is to look at the illegal aliens who were given amnesty in the late 1980s (under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986). This group of almost three million illegal aliens, all of whom had been in the United States since before 1982, was made into legal aliens and has since been surveyed by the federal government. The government study found that out of the amnestied illegal alien population:[1]

94 percent had migrated for economic reasons.
55 percent lived in California.
70 percent were from Mexico.
13 percent were from Central America.
74 percent had never been apprehended.
15 percent spoke English.
80 percent used public health services.
49 percent had no health insurance.

Their median age was 32, with an average household of four, seven years education, an hourly wage of $5.45, an annual individual income of $8,982, and annual family income of $15,364.

Remember, at the time of this survey, many of the illegal aliens were well established, having lived in the United States for over ten years. Many less successful illegal aliens would have left the country. The above profile of amnestied illegal aliens represented the most successful people in the illegal alien population. A profile of the overall current illegal alien population could be expected show worse results.

On the basis of this and similar information, estimates can be made of the costs to our society from illegal immigrants (see FAIR’s state cost studies). Additional factors must be taken into account, such as the illegal aliens' school-age children (who number roughly 1.5 million). More difficult to estimate is the effect of displacement of American workers (the roughly 730,000 low-skilled workers a year who lose their jobs because of competition from illegal alien workers). The total costs are enormous, even after counting to their benefit the taxes collected from the illegal aliens (giving the net cost).

Updated 11/07

FAIR: Distribution of the Illegal Alien Population
$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.


Obamacare isn’t for Americans it’s for the illegal aliens when they get amnesty!

In California, the cost of free medical care for illegal aliens forced 60 hospitals to close between 1993 and 2003.


Once the illegal aliens out breed us and become the majority of the population they will vote themselves into politicial power and they will change the rules and laws to suit their 3rd world thinking. America will be their slave! Then _ _ it will hit the fan and we will have a nationwide civil war. Believe me no one will be the winner, no one will be unscathed, and everyone one will lose. To stop this from happening we simply have to close the Southern border and deport ALL illegal aliens no matter if they are a man woman or child. You're children's future is depending on you and how you vote. You must call your politicians and tell them to close the Southern border and give NO AMNESTY of any kind, and End Birthright Citizenship to illegal aliens! Do it now!

If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants. The non-Hispanic white population will increase more slowly than other racial and ethnic groups; whites will become a minority (47%) by 2050.


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60 percent of all unauthorized immigrants to the United States come from Mexico, and about 62 percent of all Mexican immigrants to the United States were unauthorized in 2009. About 46 percent of Salvadorans, 60 percent of Guatemalans, and 68 percent of Hondurans were unauthorized in 2009.

Between 2000 and 2010, the numbers of unauthorized Mexican immigrants increased by 42 percent, Salvadoran immigrants by 44 percent, Guatemalans by 79 percent, and Hondurans by 106 percent.

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