Obama Seals Court Records of Border Patrol Murder aka Fast and Furious


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Too risky for the next election! Get rid of the public's right to know!

US Seals Court Records of Border Patrol's Murder

The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico. This means information will now be kept from the public as well as the media. Could this be a cover-up on the part of the “most transparent” administration in history? After all, the rifle used to kill the federal agent (Brian Terry) last December in Arizona’s Peck Canyon was part of the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious. Conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the disastrous scheme allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels.

Another transparency campaign promise down the tubes. :rolleyes:
Too risky for the next election! Get rid of the public's right to know!

US Seals Court Records of Border Patrol's Murder

The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico. This means information will now be kept from the public as well as the media. Could this be a cover-up on the part of the “most transparent” administration in history? After all, the rifle used to kill the federal agent (Brian Terry) last December in Arizona’s Peck Canyon was part of the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious. Conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the disastrous scheme allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels.

Another transparency campaign promise down the tubes. :rolleyes:

Very true. I'd like to how his loyal supporters are going to defend this one.
Too risky for the next election! Get rid of the public's right to know!

US Seals Court Records of Border Patrol's Murder

The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico. This means information will now be kept from the public as well as the media. Could this be a cover-up on the part of the “most transparent” administration in history? After all, the rifle used to kill the federal agent (Brian Terry) last December in Arizona’s Peck Canyon was part of the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious. Conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the disastrous scheme allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels.
Another transparency campaign promise down the tubes. :rolleyes:

Very true. I'd like to how his loyal supporters are going to defend this one.
A gag order? They've defended much worse. The smart ones are starting to see the light, however. This one is nipping the heels of every free man's Bill of Rights for political expediency's sake.
What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.
What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.

You are aware that only 200 guns went across the border n Bush's watch BEFORE the ATF realized they couldn't track them and ended the program? In 2009 they reopened said program and something like 2 to 3 thousand guns went across the border without even an effort to track them, followed by the FBI releasing a report that claimed gun shows were responsible for illegal guns crossing into Mexico when it was the ATF doing it.
What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.

But the APPLICATION to seal came from the Obama Administration, you mental defect.

Ergo, according to your mindless bullshit spew, President Obama is busy covering up FOR President Bush.

You couldn't be any more of an ass clown, you imbecile.
What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.
Sorry, ma'am, but Judicial Watch folks are straight shooters, having gone after people abusing the public interest, no matter which side of the aisle they're from.

According to the link:

You can see why the administration wants to keep this information from the public and the media, considering the smugglers were essentially armed by the U.S. government. Truth is, no one will know the reason for the confiscation of public court records in this case because the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed, according to the news story. That means the public or media won’t have access to any new or old evidence, filings, rulings or arguments.
A number of high-ranking Border Patrol officials are questioning how the case is being handled. For instance, they wonder why the defendant (Manuel Osorio-Arellanes) hasn’t been tried even though it’s been almost a year since Terry’s murder. They also have concerns about the lack of transparency in the investigation, not to mention the recent sealing of the court case.
Osorio-Arellanes is charged with second-degree murder. The four other drug smugglers fled the scene and their names were blacked out in the indictment. In 2006 Osorio-Arellanes had been convicted in Phoenix of felony aggravated assault and in 2010 he was twice detained for being in the U.S. illegally.
During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this month to address the flawed gun-tracking program, Attorney General Eric Holder said it’s not fair to assume that mistakes in Operation Fast and Furious led to Terry’s death. Holder also expressed regret to the federal agent’s family, saying that he can only imagine their pain.
If you think Judicial Watch is conservo-fascist, <gong!> you're wrong! I just linked you to 5 pages of lawsuit lists of Judicial Watch against conservatives.

Maybe you should look at the REASON for the lawsuit, instead of ignoring it because you hate conservatives and love liberals.

Face it: Fast and Furious was a huge mistake, and instead of owning the mistake, the Obama group has run and hidden from it, now they're concealing it like the craven narcissists that they are.
"...the judge&#8217;s decision to seal it was also sealed, according to the news story."

Unconscionable. Do we even know at what level of the Federal court system this was done? Specifically at whose behest?
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What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.

puff puff give......
What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.

Don't you have a quote from Rush for this situation, Beets?
On StarNet: Find extensive coverage of immigration issues at azstarnet.com/border

How you slice the statistics

Opposing sides in the debate over gun trafficking to Mexico use the same statistics in contrasting ways to bolster their arguments.

Democrats and Republicans both use data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which regularly traces a portion of the guns seized by the Mexican government.

Republican U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley says bureau data show a minority of the traced weapons come from U.S. dealers. He noted that of 36,256 firearms recovered in Mexico and traced by the ATF in 2009 and 2010, 25 percent had been sold by U.S.-licensed dealers. In other words, he argued, Americans may not be responsible for much of the problem.

Democratic U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein parsed the same data differently: During the 5 3/4 years ending Sept. 30, she said, ATF traced the origins of 93,895 firearms recovered in Mexico. Of those, 64,112, or 68 percent, were manufactured in or imported into the United States. In other words, she concluded, Americans are a major source of Mexico's smuggled guns.

Read more: Mexico gun stats spark backlash

Osorio-Arellanes initially was charged with illegal entry, but that case was dismissed when the indictment was handed up. It named Osorio-Arellanes on a charge of second-degree murder, but did not identify him as the likely shooter, saying only that Osorio-Arellanes and others whose names were blacked out “did unlawfully kill with malice aforethought United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry while Agent Terry was engaged in … his official duties.”

The indictment also noted that Osorio-Arellanes had been convicted in Phoenix in 2006 of felony aggravated assault, had been detained twice in 2010 as an illegal immigrant, and had been returned to Mexico repeatedly.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.

But the APPLICATION to seal came from the Obama Administration,
you mental defect.

Ergo, according to your mindless bullshit spew, President Obama is busy covering up FOR President Bush.

You couldn't be any more of an ass clown, you imbecile.

frankly I'd love to see the request to seal, they had to list a reason for the request......
What a total piece of <omit> !!! Not that he wasn't already.

Ever notice how not one of his supporters ever shows up on a "Fast and Furious" thread?

I see all this whining about an 18-year-old's free rights to speech so long as she is decimating a conservative governor, but the American people's right to know what is happening to our Border Patrol Agent for screwed-up shennanigans going south because Obama has hired incompetent folk who put Government-paid-for guns in the hands of SOTB drug lords who used one of them to kill Border Patrol Terry.

Did you notice in the link how the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed?

No siree, Obama's incompetent people are not for the eyes of the people this close to his upcoming election! People might think Obama is too cowardly to fire incompetent leadership he has appointed to the Justice Department, so everything that points at his unfitness to lead gets put in a lead bubble so that no American will know how bad we are getting screwed. :rolleyes:
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.

Pathetic. Obama could eat a kitten live on TV and you'd praise him for decreasing the surplus pet population.
Gee! What a Surprise! NOT! It wasn't Obama but a JUDGE that sealed the Court Records!!!!! Yet another CON$ervoFascist lie.

Since the judge was unnamed, it probably was a Bush appointee, and the judge was trying to protect Bush from the fact that the serial number on the gun probably traces back to Bush's Operation Gun Runner.

But the APPLICATION to seal came from the Obama Administration,
you mental defect.

Ergo, according to your mindless bullshit spew, President Obama is busy covering up FOR President Bush.

You couldn't be any more of an ass clown, you imbecile.

frankly I'd love to see the request to seal, they had to list a reason for the request......
"Because revelation of this information would have grave effects on President Obama's re-election campaign."

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