Celebrity Hotel: Scarlet Witch Satyricon (Trump Scandal?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I was getting so tired of Trump media/sex-scandals on the news that I decided to re-present one in a more human tone.

What do you think?



"Actress/celebrity Jennifer Connelly (star of A Beautiful Mind and Blood Diamond) was at the impressive Lowell Courtyard Marriott Hotel (Massachusetts) with Steven Spielberg on Friday (early October), since they were attending a special Comic-Con event in Lowell to plan a new Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics) movie adaptation. Spielberg thought Connelly would be the perfect Scarlet Witch and slated Connie Nielsen to play the comic book superheroine's evil rival, the White Siren. However, U.S. President Donald Trump was also at the Lowell Courtyard that weekend, since he was touring some archaeological exhibit about the Lowell Factory Girls (part of a new women-in-history campaign Trump was coordinating with Hillary Clinton)."


"Connelly seemed genuinely excited about the new Marvel film-project being orchestrated by the legendary Spielberg who became interested in comic books after reading some Blackhawk war-comics his friend showed him just two years ago. Spielberg had done some adequate research into the world of 'comic book art' and wanted Connelly to portray the offbeat Scarlet Witch, who had already made an appearance in one of the Avengers films."


"Meanwhile, President Trump and Hillary Clinton couldn't say enough about the amenities and hospitality and maintenance and charm of the Lowell Courtyard Marriott Hotel. Courtyard was a proud mini-franchise/series offered by the Marriott company, and the Lowell Courtyard was arguably one of its best. Trump and Clinton both remarked about the quality of the rooms and the level of service. It was then that Trump noticed that Spielberg and Connelly were at the same hotel that weekend as well."


"Spielberg showed President Trump his film-concept sketches for the new Scarlet Witch film, and why Jennifer Connelly and Connie Nielsen would shine as the titular heroine and her rival-nemesis White Siren. Trump was amazed at how elegant and attractive the character-sketches of Scarlet Witch and White Siren really were and suggested to Spielberg that he had a developed 'knack' for recruiting the 'right faces' to portray eccentric characters. Trump demanded to talk to Connelly about the upcoming film!"


CONNELLY: It was during our chat about Marvel that the President began flirting.
CNN: So he started to hit on you?
CONNELLY: He began by harmlessly suggesting that I had the 'right face.'
CNN: To portray Scarlet Witch in Spielberg's new film?
CONNELLY: Exactly.
CNN: But then, the President got more...personal?
CONNELLY: He started telling me that only gorgeous women should play Scarlet Witch.
CNN: Implying that he was 'intrigued' by your physical attractiveness...
CONNELLY: Precisely; I was caught off guard.
CNN: You thought Spielberg introduced you to him so you could talk about comic books!
CONNELLY: Exactly; I didn't realize the President wanted to talk more 'crudely.'
CNN: Are you aware of the other sex-scandal/harassment accusations involving Trump?
CONNELLY: I know President Trump deals with a lot of messy stuff, but I wasn't interested.
CNN: You're not a big 'TrumpUSA' supporter?
CONNELLY: Well, he's the first celebrity-prez since Ronald Reagan, so I empathize with him.
CNN: Right, since everyone's saying "Reaganomics...now Trumponomics!"
CONNELLY: Right, everyone wants to tear him down (like he's shallow of greedy).
CNN: Since he was a capitalism-baron and casino-owner before turning to Washington!
CONNELLY: Right; Reagan was a movie-star; I just wanted to talk about comics-art!
CNN: You felt (perhaps) the pressures Trump faced led him to make 'strange' conversation.
CONNELLY: Precisely; that's it; hopefully, we can just focus on the art/work.
CNN: Scarlet Witch is a lovely avatar; congratulations.


"In fact, Connelly carried a miniature doll-model of Scarlet Witch around in her backpack, since she wanted to feel 'close' to the comic book superheroine. Spielberg advised Connelly to simply forget about all the chatter regarding Trump's strange personality and proceed with the film-work and let Trump/Clinton worry about the gender-implications for their Lowell Factory Girls museum-exhibit tour/PR-mission. Connelly agreed and decided that weekend at the Lowell Courtyard Marriott Hotel would remind her of Scarlet Witch daydreams...not TrumpUSA protests!"


"As Spielberg's film went underway, some critics wondered if he'd keep his interest in the female character or abandon the project altogether to pursue a more 'manly' movie-adaptation of the war-commando hero Blackhawk! Well, for some unknown reason, that's just what happened. Spielberg abandoned the Scarlet Witch project, while Connelly began working on a new cyber-punk film (titled Alita: Battle Angel). As Spielberg proceeded with his Blackhawk project, critics whispered and wondered if somehow Trump PR-strings had 'forced' Spielberg's hand and compelled the film-maker to 'trash' Scarlet Witch in favor of Blackhawk to simply 'forget' about the Connelly-Trump incident at the Lowell Courtyard. Some even wondered if Hillary Clinton was somehow pulling strings to make it 'all work'."




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