CAUGHT ON TAPE: Dem Operative Stuffs Ballot Box in Arizona (Video)

Your link:

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.

Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Hmm sounds familiar

Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida & Connecticut
SPECIAL COVERAGE Ann Coulter s Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida Connecticut The BRAD BLOG

Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!

PAPER Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony The BRAD BLOG

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Mitt Romney, two-time loser, but third-time hopeful, signed voter registration forms with the wrong address and wrong party. Romney is no longer a Republican, apparently, according to his own careful perusal of the voter registration he signed. He also used an address he hasn’t used since 2009. Oopsie!

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Your link:

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.

Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Hmm sounds familiar

Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida & Connecticut
SPECIAL COVERAGE Ann Coulter s Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida Connecticut The BRAD BLOG

Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!

PAPER Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony The BRAD BLOG

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Mitt Romney, two-time loser, but third-time hopeful, signed voter registration forms with the wrong address and wrong party. Romney is no longer a Republican, apparently, according to his own careful perusal of the voter registration he signed. He also used an address he hasn’t used since 2009. Oopsie!

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

I believe we should investigate McRomney, and possibly lock him up immediately as a flight risk!

A lot of Republicans complain about voter fraud. Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White actually committed it

So long as you’re a Republican, you won’t spend any time in jail for voter fraud. And, if you’re Charlie White, Indiana’s lucky, now-former Republican secretary of state who received just one year of home detention for all of those crimes, you’ll likely be “elated,” just as White was after his sentencing hearing last week.

Voter fraud retires shameless GOP official -

December 07, 2011

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme

Paul E. Schurick, the 2010 campaign manager for former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted Tuesday by a Baltimore jury of four counts stemming from a robocall that prosecutors said was intended to suppress the black vote.

Fortunately, other members of the former Republican governor’s team will also stand trial for their role.

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme Political Animal The Washington Monthly

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

A much-hyped investigation in Wisconsin, meanwhile, led to the prosecution of only .0007 percent of the local electorate for alleged voter fraud.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.
You support Voter ID?

Why? 300+ MILLION VOTES AND DUBYA'S DOJ couldn't find ONE person to prosecute?

Conservatives ALWAYS for making Gov't bigger and more intrusive
You should support voter ID to keep those cheating bastards republicans from voting more than once

Oh it's NOT the only voter getting caught trying to vote twice in 2012 was a GOPer (trying to 'prove' voter ID's were needed as she was arrested for attempting the second vote) I'm worried about, but the ORGANIZED voter suppression the GOPers are trying with ID laws

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud.

NYU's Brennan Center: Allegations Of Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out" And Distract From "Real [Election] Problems That Need Real Solutions."

A lot of Republicans complain about voter fraud. Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White actually committed it

So long as you’re a Republican, you won’t spend any time in jail for voter fraud. And, if you’re Charlie White, Indiana’s lucky, now-former Republican secretary of state who received just one year of home detention for all of those crimes, you’ll likely be “elated,” just as White was after his sentencing hearing last week.

Voter fraud retires shameless GOP official -

December 07, 2011

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme

Paul E. Schurick, the 2010 campaign manager for former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted Tuesday by a Baltimore jury of four counts stemming from a robocall that prosecutors said was intended to suppress the black vote.

Fortunately, other members of the former Republican governor’s team will also stand trial for their role.

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme Political Animal The Washington Monthly

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

A much-hyped investigation in Wisconsin, meanwhile, led to the prosecution of only .0007 percent of the local electorate for alleged voter fraud.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.
You support Voter ID?

Why? 300+ MILLION VOTES AND DUBYA'S DOJ couldn't find ONE person to prosecute?

Conservatives ALWAYS for making Gov't bigger and more intrusive
You should support voter ID to keep those cheating bastards republicans from voting more than once

Oh it's NOT the only voter getting caught trying to vote twice in 2012 was a GOPer (trying to 'prove' voter ID's were needed as she was arrested for attempting the second vote) I'm worried about, but the ORGANIZED voter suppression the GOPers are trying with ID laws

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud.

NYU's Brennan Center: Allegations Of Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out" And Distract From "Real [Election] Problems That Need Real Solutions."

Lock them up along with the Democrats... I'm sure you agree?

Your link:

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.

Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Hmm sounds familiar

Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida & Connecticut
SPECIAL COVERAGE Ann Coulter s Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida Connecticut The BRAD BLOG

Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!

PAPER Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony The BRAD BLOG

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Mitt Romney, two-time loser, but third-time hopeful, signed voter registration forms with the wrong address and wrong party. Romney is no longer a Republican, apparently, according to his own careful perusal of the voter registration he signed. He also used an address he hasn’t used since 2009. Oopsie!

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

I believe we should investigate McRomney, and possibly lock him up immediately as a flight risk!

I'd prefer going after Ann Coulter as she has REPEATEDLY done it then repeatedly lied about it!
A lot of Republicans complain about voter fraud. Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White actually committed it

So long as you’re a Republican, you won’t spend any time in jail for voter fraud. And, if you’re Charlie White, Indiana’s lucky, now-former Republican secretary of state who received just one year of home detention for all of those crimes, you’ll likely be “elated,” just as White was after his sentencing hearing last week.

Voter fraud retires shameless GOP official -

December 07, 2011

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme

Paul E. Schurick, the 2010 campaign manager for former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted Tuesday by a Baltimore jury of four counts stemming from a robocall that prosecutors said was intended to suppress the black vote.

Fortunately, other members of the former Republican governor’s team will also stand trial for their role.

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme Political Animal The Washington Monthly

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

A much-hyped investigation in Wisconsin, meanwhile, led to the prosecution of only .0007 percent of the local electorate for alleged voter fraud.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.
You support Voter ID?

Why? 300+ MILLION VOTES AND DUBYA'S DOJ couldn't find ONE person to prosecute?

Conservatives ALWAYS for making Gov't bigger and more intrusive
You should support voter ID to keep those cheating bastards republicans from voting more than once

Oh it's NOT the only voter getting caught trying to vote twice in 2012 was a GOPer (trying to 'prove' voter ID's were needed as she was arrested for attempting the second vote) I'm worried about, but the ORGANIZED voter suppression the GOPers are trying with ID laws

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud.

NYU's Brennan Center: Allegations Of Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out" And Distract From "Real [Election] Problems That Need Real Solutions."

Lock them up along with the Democrats... I'm sure you agree?

Well considering it's generally the GOPers committing the most fraud? And trying to suppress the votes?

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980. This guy still gives weekly strategy sessions to Republicans nowadays. The entire dialog from the clip:

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."


Your link:

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.

Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Hmm sounds familiar

Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida & Connecticut
SPECIAL COVERAGE Ann Coulter s Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida Connecticut The BRAD BLOG

Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!

PAPER Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony The BRAD BLOG

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Mitt Romney, two-time loser, but third-time hopeful, signed voter registration forms with the wrong address and wrong party. Romney is no longer a Republican, apparently, according to his own careful perusal of the voter registration he signed. He also used an address he hasn’t used since 2009. Oopsie!

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

I believe we should investigate McRomney, and possibly lock him up immediately as a flight risk!

I'd prefer going after Ann Coulter as she has REPEATEDLY done it then repeatedly lied about it!

OK, If she is guilty, lock her up also, NO ONE should be above the law!

A lot of Republicans complain about voter fraud. Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White actually committed it

So long as you’re a Republican, you won’t spend any time in jail for voter fraud. And, if you’re Charlie White, Indiana’s lucky, now-former Republican secretary of state who received just one year of home detention for all of those crimes, you’ll likely be “elated,” just as White was after his sentencing hearing last week.

Voter fraud retires shameless GOP official -

December 07, 2011

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme

Paul E. Schurick, the 2010 campaign manager for former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted Tuesday by a Baltimore jury of four counts stemming from a robocall that prosecutors said was intended to suppress the black vote.

Fortunately, other members of the former Republican governor’s team will also stand trial for their role.

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme Political Animal The Washington Monthly

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

A much-hyped investigation in Wisconsin, meanwhile, led to the prosecution of only .0007 percent of the local electorate for alleged voter fraud.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.
You support Voter ID?

Why? 300+ MILLION VOTES AND DUBYA'S DOJ couldn't find ONE person to prosecute?

Conservatives ALWAYS for making Gov't bigger and more intrusive
You should support voter ID to keep those cheating bastards republicans from voting more than once

GOP Quietly Hires Firm Tied to Voter Fraud Scandal for Work in Battleground States

GOP Quietly Hires Firm Tied to Voter Fraud Scandal for Work in Battleground States The Nation
You support Voter ID?

Why? 300+ MILLION VOTES AND DUBYA'S DOJ couldn't find ONE person to prosecute?

Conservatives ALWAYS for making Gov't bigger and more intrusive
You should support voter ID to keep those cheating bastards republicans from voting more than once

Oh it's NOT the only voter getting caught trying to vote twice in 2012 was a GOPer (trying to 'prove' voter ID's were needed as she was arrested for attempting the second vote) I'm worried about, but the ORGANIZED voter suppression the GOPers are trying with ID laws

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud.

NYU's Brennan Center: Allegations Of Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out" And Distract From "Real [Election] Problems That Need Real Solutions."

Lock them up along with the Democrats... I'm sure you agree?

Well considering it's generally the GOPers committing the most fraud? And trying to suppress the votes?

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980. This guy still gives weekly strategy sessions to Republicans nowadays. The entire dialog from the clip:

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." man's opinion, have a few dozen more?
Nope, no voter fraud for Democrats!

The Gateway Pundit ^

They don’t even try to hid their lawlessness anymore. A vulgar, violent Democratic operative was caught on tape stuffing a ballot box. The man dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box....

LOL! I wonder how many of these we're about to be treated to?

Seems like the Americans in Arizona are tired of having their elections rigged by those who oppose American principle.


Now... with that said. The person caught stuffing that ballot box, should be taken to the closest court, read his rights, asked if the person in that video is them... if they deny it, execute a trial sufficient to prove to beyond a reasonable doubt that it is them... at which time the court should read the verdict of guilt and they should be taken directly out in front of the court house and hung by the neck in full view of the public.

All the while the accomplices of that individual should be hunted down, exposed to a similarly brief but open and honest trial... and upon conviction taken immediately outside and hung by the neck until dead.

All poll workers should be outfitting themselves with Go-pro cameras in this election. Recording each person who enters the poll, getting them to state their name on camera, for the record. They should be standing guard over their ballot boxes, recording the counting of each ballot, in all three genres, absentee, Early and election day ballots. And when it is over, going over ever vote, putting the voter to the video... and when there is an irregularity... setting abou the prosecution of those whose intent was to strip others of their means to exercise their rights to govern themselves. A crime of the capital variety... on par with mass-murder.

Your link:

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.

Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Hmm sounds familiar

Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida & Connecticut
SPECIAL COVERAGE Ann Coulter s Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida Connecticut The BRAD BLOG

Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!

PAPER Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony The BRAD BLOG

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Mitt Romney, two-time loser, but third-time hopeful, signed voter registration forms with the wrong address and wrong party. Romney is no longer a Republican, apparently, according to his own careful perusal of the voter registration he signed. He also used an address he hasn’t used since 2009. Oopsie!

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

I believe we should investigate McRomney, and possibly lock him up immediately as a flight risk!

I'd prefer going after Ann Coulter as she has REPEATEDLY done it then repeatedly lied about it!

OK, If she is guilty, lock her up also, NO ONE should be above the law!

And then have conservatives whine about Obama's DOJ going after the 'enemies' like that wingnutter Dinesh D'Souza???
Why? 300+ MILLION VOTES AND DUBYA'S DOJ couldn't find ONE person to prosecute?

Conservatives ALWAYS for making Gov't bigger and more intrusive
You should support voter ID to keep those cheating bastards republicans from voting more than once

Oh it's NOT the only voter getting caught trying to vote twice in 2012 was a GOPer (trying to 'prove' voter ID's were needed as she was arrested for attempting the second vote) I'm worried about, but the ORGANIZED voter suppression the GOPers are trying with ID laws

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud.

NYU's Brennan Center: Allegations Of Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out" And Distract From "Real [Election] Problems That Need Real Solutions."

Lock them up along with the Democrats... I'm sure you agree?

Well considering it's generally the GOPers committing the most fraud? And trying to suppress the votes?

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980. This guy still gives weekly strategy sessions to Republicans nowadays. The entire dialog from the clip:

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." man's opinion, have a few dozen more?

History shows it's pretty true???

Why do you think Dubya's DOJ 5 year investigation prosecuted ZERO cases of voter ID theft (fraud) that voter I laws are meant to stop after looking at over 300+ million votes? lol
Nope, no voter fraud for Democrats!

The Gateway Pundit ^

They don’t even try to hid their lawlessness anymore. A vulgar, violent Democratic operative was caught on tape stuffing a ballot box. The man dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box....

LOL! I wonder how many of these we're about to be treated to?

Seems like the Americans in Arizona are tired of having their elections rigged by those who oppose American principle.


Now... with that said. The person caught stuffing that ballot box, should be taken to the closest court, read his rights, asked if the person in that video is them... if they deny it, execute a trial sufficient to prove to beyond a reasonable doubt that it is them... at which time the court should read the verdict of guilt and they should be taken directly out in front of the court house and hung by the neck in full view of the public.

All the while the accomplices of that individual should be hunted down, exposed to a similarly brief but open and honest trial... and upon conviction taken immediately outside and hung by the neck until dead.

All poll workers should be outfitting themselves with Go-pro cameras in this election. Recording each person who enters the poll, getting them to state their name on camera, for the record. They should be standing guard over their ballot boxes, recording the counting of each ballot, in all three genres, absentee, Early and election day ballots. And when it is over, going over ever vote, putting the voter to the video... and when there is an irregularity... setting abou the prosecution of those whose intent was to strip others of their means to exercise their rights to govern themselves. A crime of the capital variety... on par with mass-murder.

Read the thread dummy. He was someone turning in absentee ballots! Watch the entire video

Your link:

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.

Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Hmm sounds familiar

Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida & Connecticut
SPECIAL COVERAGE Ann Coulter s Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida Connecticut The BRAD BLOG

Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!

PAPER Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony The BRAD BLOG

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Mitt Romney, two-time loser, but third-time hopeful, signed voter registration forms with the wrong address and wrong party. Romney is no longer a Republican, apparently, according to his own careful perusal of the voter registration he signed. He also used an address he hasn’t used since 2009. Oopsie!

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

I believe we should investigate McRomney, and possibly lock him up immediately as a flight risk!

I'd prefer going after Ann Coulter as she has REPEATEDLY done it then repeatedly lied about it!

OK, If she is guilty, lock her up also, NO ONE should be above the law!

And then have conservatives whine about Obama's DOJ going after the 'enemies' like that wingnutter Dinesh D'Souza???

So what, whining bothers you, you're that thin skinned?
You should support voter ID to keep those cheating bastards republicans from voting more than once

Oh it's NOT the only voter getting caught trying to vote twice in 2012 was a GOPer (trying to 'prove' voter ID's were needed as she was arrested for attempting the second vote) I'm worried about, but the ORGANIZED voter suppression the GOPers are trying with ID laws

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud.

NYU's Brennan Center: Allegations Of Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out" And Distract From "Real [Election] Problems That Need Real Solutions."

Lock them up along with the Democrats... I'm sure you agree?

Well considering it's generally the GOPers committing the most fraud? And trying to suppress the votes?

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980. This guy still gives weekly strategy sessions to Republicans nowadays. The entire dialog from the clip:

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." man's opinion, have a few dozen more?

History shows it's pretty true???

Why do you think Dubya's DOJ 5 year investigation prosecuted ZERO cases of voter ID theft (fraud) that voter I laws are meant to stop after looking at over 300+ million votes? lol

Democratic State Senator Sentenced for Perjury Voter Fraud Washington Free Beacon

A lot of Republicans complain about voter fraud. Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White actually committed it

So long as you’re a Republican, you won’t spend any time in jail for voter fraud. And, if you’re Charlie White, Indiana’s lucky, now-former Republican secretary of state who received just one year of home detention for all of those crimes, you’ll likely be “elated,” just as White was after his sentencing hearing last week.

Voter fraud retires shameless GOP official -

December 07, 2011

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme

Paul E. Schurick, the 2010 campaign manager for former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., was convicted Tuesday by a Baltimore jury of four counts stemming from a robocall that prosecutors said was intended to suppress the black vote.

Fortunately, other members of the former Republican governor’s team will also stand trial for their role.

Conviction in GOP voter-suppression scheme Political Animal The Washington Monthly

The irony is, the fraud Republicans are worried about is imaginary, while the real-world fraud is coming from their side of the political divide.

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop.

Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

A much-hyped investigation in Wisconsin, meanwhile, led to the prosecution of only .0007 percent of the local electorate for alleged voter fraud.

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.
You support Voter ID?

Why? 300+ MILLION VOTES AND DUBYA'S DOJ couldn't find ONE person to prosecute?

Conservatives ALWAYS for making Gov't bigger and more intrusive

But Texas found 62 since 2002!


Not voter fraud stopped with GOP suppression ID laws!
Your link:

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.

Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Hmm sounds familiar

Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida & Connecticut
SPECIAL COVERAGE Ann Coulter s Voter Fraud Felony Felonies in Florida Connecticut The BRAD BLOG

Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!

PAPER Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony The BRAD BLOG

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

Republican Voter Fraud Found as Scott Walker Supporter Charged With 13 Felonies In Wisconsin

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

Mitt Romney, two-time loser, but third-time hopeful, signed voter registration forms with the wrong address and wrong party. Romney is no longer a Republican, apparently, according to his own careful perusal of the voter registration he signed. He also used an address he hasn’t used since 2009. Oopsie!

Mitt Romney Accidentally Commits Misdemeanor Voter Fraud While Leaving The Republican Party

I believe we should investigate McRomney, and possibly lock him up immediately as a flight risk!

I'd prefer going after Ann Coulter as she has REPEATEDLY done it then repeatedly lied about it!

OK, If she is guilty, lock her up also, NO ONE should be above the law!

And then have conservatives whine about Obama's DOJ going after the 'enemies' like that wingnutter Dinesh D'Souza???

So what, whining bothers you, you're that thin skinned?

Sure, it feeds the low informed base that votes the GOPers into office!
Oh it's NOT the only voter getting caught trying to vote twice in 2012 was a GOPer (trying to 'prove' voter ID's were needed as she was arrested for attempting the second vote) I'm worried about, but the ORGANIZED voter suppression the GOPers are trying with ID laws

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

Actual Instances Of Voter Fraud Are Few And "Scattered"

Supreme Court Plurality Actually Found Only "Scattered Instances Of In-Person Voting Fraud.

NYU's Brennan Center: Allegations Of Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out" And Distract From "Real [Election] Problems That Need Real Solutions."

Lock them up along with the Democrats... I'm sure you agree?

Well considering it's generally the GOPers committing the most fraud? And trying to suppress the votes?

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980. This guy still gives weekly strategy sessions to Republicans nowadays. The entire dialog from the clip:

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." man's opinion, have a few dozen more?

History shows it's pretty true???

Why do you think Dubya's DOJ 5 year investigation prosecuted ZERO cases of voter ID theft (fraud) that voter I laws are meant to stop after looking at over 300+ million votes? lol

Democratic State Senator Sentenced for Perjury Voter Fraud Washington Free Beacon

A lot of Republicans complain about voter fraud. Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White actually committed it

So long as you’re a Republican, you won’t spend any time in jail for voter fraud. And, if you’re Charlie White, Indiana’s lucky, now-former Republican secretary of state who received just one year of home detention for all of those crimes, you’ll likely be “elated,” just as White was after his sentencing hearing last week.

Voter fraud retires shameless GOP official -

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