Carly Fiorina is the one last chance for Republicans in 2016


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As the primary season is almost in full swing, we do have one last chance at the White House.

Donald Trump and his supporters have successfully chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics). He is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with this group. Historically since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 40% of this group to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

In 2012, The right wing of the Republican party chased off women. They lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points, securing a 2nd term for Barack Obama. This was done by the right wing dragging the party into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions, which was always answered by an old white Republican male.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, democrats at 46 million, and the largest voting block today are independents, representing 40% of the electorate.

Women are the majority voting block at 54%. Hillary Clinton is going into this race as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. This gives her a 6 to 10 point advantage from the start. Women and now Hispanics are going to be voting heavily for her.

No male GOP candidate, even a moderate candidate such as Rubio or Bush, is going to stop this rush to elect the 1st woman POTUS. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum. They're all too far right on abortion, and women would never vote for them.

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race that can defeat Hillary Clinton.

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But what about the fact that she's a complete failure in both business and politics?

Coming from a liberal Democrat, I would expect you to say that--LOL She has a lot more real world experience that Hillary Clinton does.

I'm a liberal, but not a Democrat - and I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me a million bucks in cash - and my opinions on Carly come from a number of friends of mine who worked at HP.

Carly's "real world experiences" consists of running various companies into the ground and losing political campaigns in utter blowouts.
But what about the fact that she's a complete failure in both business and politics?

Coming from a liberal Democrat, I would expect you to say that--LOL She has a lot more real world experience that Hillary Clinton does.

Please tell me about Fiorina's 'experience' that you admire.

Was it her failure at running for Senate?
Was it her experience in laying off employees at HP and watching the value of the company plummet?

So far I from what I am seeing Republicans don't have any interest in selecting a candidate with great experience for the job- is there a single governor left who is even in the top 5?
Left wingers giving advice to republicans about a logical candidate while democrats rely on a registered socialist and a possibly psychotic abused wife of a world class abuser of women? Surely you jest.
But what about the fact that she's a complete failure in both business and politics?

She's a millionaire and a former secretary who rose to become a CEO. In her 2010 bid for the Senate, she cut Boxer's margin of victory in half compared to Boxer's previous re-election campaign (when she ran against Bill Jones, a former CA secretary of state). So it's hard to see how anyone can go to the extreme of saying "she's a complete failure in both business and politics."

Did Carly directly contribute to the deaths of four Americans through incompetence? Oh, wait, that was Hillary.
But what about the fact that she's a complete failure in both business and politics?

She's a millionaire and a former secretary who rose to become a CEO. In her 2010 bid for the Senate, she cut Boxer's margin of victory in half compared to Boxer's previous re-election campaign (when she ran against Bill Jones, a former CA secretary of state). So it's hard to see how anyone can go to the extreme of saying "she's a complete failure in both business and politics."

Did Carly directly contribute to the deaths of four Americans through incompetence? Oh, wait, that was Hillary.

Don't pay any attention to the negative comments on this board. There are liberal democrats on this board. I think they know her record, and of course, they're rooting for Hillary, so expect these type of comments,

Really the problem is not them it's the far right of the Republican party that's the problem. They are supporting candidates that could in no way win the White House. This is the good ol' boy network of the Republican party, and they don't see this train wreck coming right at them.

Donald Trump and his supporters have chased off 17% of the population, and the right wing of the Republican party chased off women by double digits in 2012.

I am a life-long Republican--and crunching these numbers on the make up of the electorate, I really don't see any male Republican winning this year. Women have a foul opinion of Republicans from 2012. Yet we have several candidates in this race that they would never vote for: Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, and the others that dropped out were Scott Walker, Rick Perry & Bobby Jindal. They're just not going to vote for candidates that treat them like their second class citizens or that their lives aren't worth saving on abortion. These candidates are swimming upstream against a 91% population that do give exception on abortion for the life of the mother, rape and incest. So all of the above are only representing the 9% in this nation that don't.

Even if Carly Fiorina wins the nomination, she is going to have to come up with a strategy to win at least 40% of the Hispanic vote back. Ted Cruz won't do it, he is polling at a negative 7%. They're mad at Marco Rubio for pulling back on his immigration reform bill. If she were the nominee she would have to make a very good decision on her VP pick, and he/she would have to be very popular & well liked with Hispanics in this country.

I guess we'll see in February if Republicans primary voters have wised up any since 2012. If not expect Hillary Clinton to be the next POTUS
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"Did Carly directly contribute to the deaths of four Americans through incompetence? Oh, wait, that was Hillary."

No, that's just another ridiculous lie from the right.

"Don't pay any attention to the negative comments on this board. There are liberal democrats on this board. I think they know her record, and of course, they're rooting for Hillary, so expect these type of comments."

Given the propensity of most USMB conservatives to lie, you and others on the right are in no position to be critical of others' comments.
But what about the fact that she's a complete failure in both business and politics?

She's a millionaire and a former secretary who rose to become a CEO. In her 2010 bid for the Senate, she cut Boxer's margin of victory in half compared to Boxer's previous re-election campaign (when she ran against Bill Jones, a former CA secretary of state). So it's hard to see how anyone can go to the extreme of saying "she's a complete failure in both business and politics."

Did Carly directly contribute to the deaths of four Americans through incompetence? Oh, wait, that was Hillary.

She was born and bred with a Silver Spoon in her mouth.
Oh, you forget THAT part of her history.

"Did Carly directly contribute to the deaths of four Americans through incompetence? Oh, wait, that was Hillary."

No, that's just another ridiculous lie from the right.

No, it is not. It is fact. And to try to avoid having to admit this, Hillary has made the astounding claim that Chris Stevens never once--not one, single time--asked her for help in getting his hundreds of unfulfilled security requests approved. Hillary has also lied about never seeing security requests (the Benghazi committee found proof that she did in fact see--and reject--security requests). And we now know that she "knew" on the night of the attack that it had "nothing" (her words) to do with the video, and yet a few days later she stood in front of the grieving families and the coffins and blamed the attack on the video and said the video producers would be "brought to justice."
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A balanced look at Fiorina's record as HP CEO:

Carly Fiorina's controversial record as CEO, explained

Here is Fiorina explaining it herself

"Did Carly directly contribute to the deaths of four Americans through incompetence? Oh, wait, that was Hillary."

No, that's just another ridiculous lie from the right.

I don't like social issues on political platforms. In my opinion they don't belong anywhere on a political platform

But I also know how politics & elections go.

Hillary Clinton is going to try and appeal to the far left wing base of her party, and Carly Fiorina is going to try and appeal to the right wing base of the Republican Party. This is what gets them through the primaries, and once they're nominated they move quickly into the middle to be electable in the general election.

Will she be blamed for the planned parenthood attack later during the election season. I don't know. I live in Colorado just about 1/2 hour from where this Planned Parenthood office is located. It's an awful tragedy, and this guy was a total nutcase from I am hearing on local news. He was shooting at everyone, including those that were in the King Soopers parking lot.

Carly Fiorina is not extreme on abortion, and that's most likely why she doesn't get a lot of Christian right wing support. She is pro-life and gives exceptions for the life of the mother, rape & incest. She is against late term abortions, anything over 5 months and for good reason. Even a pro-choice person wouldn't agree with anyone having an abortion 5 months or later, unless the mother's life was threatened.

I saw a video of a baby with a heart beating and someone talking about harvesting. Was this video set up by the religious far anti-abortionist of the party? Probably. The point is, it does exist. Was it wrong for her to bring it up to the general public? That's a question everyone will have to answer for themselves .Could something similar happen to Hillary Clinton on an issue she talks about? Of course. They're both in the public eye, and any nutcase can pick up on something they say, and take it much farther than words.

If Planned Parenthood was misusing funds or doing other things they weren't supposed to be doing, it's up to our already seated elected officials to investigate and handle.

I can only hope that after this tragedy, that social issues are left to the U.S. Supreme court, where they belong, and that they're permanently out of politics.
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"Don't pay any attention to the negative comments on this board. There are liberal democrats on this board. I think they know her record, and of course, they're rooting for Hillary, so expect these type of comments."

Given the propensity of most USMB conservatives to lie, you and others on the right are in no position to be critical of others' comments.

Oreo is a progressive dude.

"Don't pay any attention to the negative comments on this board. There are liberal democrats on this board. I think they know her record, and of course, they're rooting for Hillary, so expect these type of comments."

Given the propensity of most USMB conservatives to lie, you and others on the right are in no position to be critical of others' comments.

Oreo is a progressive dude.

I am a fiscal conservative, moderate Republican, which is probably something that you're not used to seeing on this board--LOL

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