Caravan migrant army attacks Mexican cops, provisions itself robbing Mexican markets

Fortify and arm the border...the vermin have no rights to enter
Not an attack, but just looking for some clarification.
While your stance of creating a border that follows the US immigration laws is fair, I don’t understand why you refer to these folks as “vermin”. Regardless of their nation of origin, I think we can agree that they are humans. Either argument of whether or not they should be allowed entrance into the US is not effected by this simple acknowledgement.
I only bring this up because you are clearly an intelligent and thoughtful person who does not arrive at your conclusions without some deliberation. So could it be possible, that if you ratchet down the rhetoric, you may find that your views are able to be understood and even incorporated by those who disagree with you?
You have no problem with calling Trump supporters names. Please do not lecture libtard.
First of all, I have never and will never assault or name call someone for what they believe. Second, I was not lecturing, just simply suggesting that vitriol will continue to be met with more vitriol. Sassy has introduced an important issue that needs resolution, I just think intellectual points have more impact when they are not bogged down by generalizations or insults. I believe that when/if we can stop assuming what motivates those who we differ with, we can then begin true dialogue that will result in a beneficial outcome. If we just continue to assume all liberals want the government to control the lives of individuals and that conservatives want to drag our nation back 100 years, we will accomplish nothing other than our democracy’s destruction.
We need to reform our immigration policies. Our leaders have refused to do so partly because compromise on this issue is elusive and partly because it is a dangerous political stance regardless of where one falls on this issue. It is only through honest dialogue and true compromise that democracies can function, I fear that we are not allowing our politicians the space or the support to truly govern. Unfortunately, on both sides of the aisle, we are getting the exact type of leadership we continue to ask the way, it’s not working that well.
They're just innocent people looking for a better life. Check out what they did to the Mexican police who tried to stop them.

Wouldn't you do the same?

I'm surprised Mexico doesn't shoot to kill. Really surprised.
Water cannon work well. If they get hurt?? Tough shit.
Water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, sonic crowd dispersal, police dogs....any or all of them. This is an invasion.
Force must be met with force.

Progressives will sit back and whine and cry all the while knowing that a country that can't even protect it's own borders is impotent and doomed. So eff them!
Water cannon work well. If they get hurt?? Tough shit.
Water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, sonic crowd dispersal, police dogs....any or all of them. This is an invasion.
Force must be met with force.

Progressives will sit back and whine and cry all the while knowing that a country that can't even protect it's own borders is impotent and doomed. So eff them!

Something needs to be done. If your methods dont work I'm not opposed to live fire.
This shit needs to end one way or another.
Fortify and arm the border...the vermin have no rights to enter
Not an attack, but just looking for some clarification.
While your stance of creating a border that follows the US immigration laws is fair, I don’t understand why you refer to these folks as “vermin”. Regardless of their nation of origin, I think we can agree that they are humans. Either argument of whether or not they should be allowed entrance into the US is not effected by this simple acknowledgement.
I only bring this up because you are clearly an intelligent and thoughtful person who does not arrive at your conclusions without some deliberation. So could it be possible, that if you ratchet down the rhetoric, you may find that your views are able to be understood and even incorporated by those who disagree with you?

How many American flags do you see the caravan waving, if their escaping their terrible country then why do they still carry that flag= vermin

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They're just innocent people looking for a better life. Check out what they did to the Mexican police who tried to stop them.

Wouldn't you do the same?
I'm surprised Mexico doesn't shoot to kill. Really surprised.
Water cannon work well. If they get hurt?? Tough shit.
Water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, sonic crowd dispersal, police dogs....any or all of them. This is an invasion.
Force must be met with force.

Progressives will sit back and whine and cry all the while knowing that a country that can't even protect it's own borders is impotent and doomed. So eff them!
Ah....we are starting to get answers and actually SEEING what kind of people they are, and WHO THEY WILL BE if allowed into America....Are we really this suiccsui, or just the DemonRSTS will do ANYTHING FOR VOTES?

To hear the left tell it, the vast Honduran migrant caravan, as many as 10,000-strong now, crawling up to the U.S. border to illegally enter the U.S. couldn't possibly have criminals in its ranks.

Get a load of this exchange between President Trump and a mainstream media minion, as reported by the Daily Mail:

At one point during the briefing, Emily Cochrane, a reporter for The New York Times, asked Trump: ‘What evidence do you have that these are hardened criminals that are coming to the United States?’

Trump appeared agitated.

'Oh please. Please, don’t be a baby, OK,’ the president said. ‘Take a look, just take a look, look at what’s happening, look at the Mexican soldiers that are laying on the ground.

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Trump has had 2 years to implement his border plan to handle this and any other issue. If he hasn't yet that's his own fault.

Actually its the wusses who haven't gotten on the Trump train yet. I'm hoping we the people yell "all aboard" and oust such pussies shortly.
It's sad I have to tell you this but the GOP control the federal government and numerous states along the border.
Ah....we are starting to get answers and actually SEEING what kind of people they are, and WHO THEY WILL BE if allowed into America....Are we really this suiccsui, or just the DemonRSTS will do ANYTHING FOR VOTES?

To hear the left tell it, the vast Honduran migrant caravan, as many as 10,000-strong now, crawling up to the U.S. border to illegally enter the U.S. couldn't possibly have criminals in its ranks.

Get a load of this exchange between President Trump and a mainstream media minion, as reported by the Daily Mail:

At one point during the briefing, Emily Cochrane, a reporter for The New York Times, asked Trump: ‘What evidence do you have that these are hardened criminals that are coming to the United States?’

Trump appeared agitated.

'Oh please. Please, don’t be a baby, OK,’ the president said. ‘Take a look, just take a look, look at what’s happening, look at the Mexican soldiers that are laying on the ground.

Read more at ...
Trump has had 2 years to implement his border plan to handle this and any other issue. If he hasn't yet that's his own fault.

Actually its the wusses who haven't gotten on the Trump train yet. I'm hoping we the people yell "all aboard" and oust such pussies shortly.
It's sad I have to tell you this but the GOP control the federal government and numerous states along the border.

It's sad that you attempt to ascribe my statement against a political party when I don't follow either of them. Someone smells like a partisan here - and it ain't me.
There is no policy that says we must take in everyone that wants to move to a better nation than they currently live in.
Such a policy would be idiocy.

Yet just as the American Indians were displaced...Americans ARE IN FACT also actively being displaced

That's an interesting take on it. I fear you might be right. The left is getting votes from anywhere they can since they've lost touch with ... American's really.
Put the armed National Guard on the border. Back them up with water cannons. Shooting these people will only create a leftist backlash, which is just what progressives want.

no----form a coalition with Mexico for control of the mob-----It seems to me
that Trump is trying to do it. Assume that there are many criminals in the
mob-------but also lots of innocents

Lets do both.
A tempting thought. Shooting some of the alpha invaders would send a real message to the rest.
But the political backlash would be great. We have to look at the big picture.
------------------------------------------- well , Israelis 'knee cap' the trouble making 'palis' riot leaders that show themselves with .22 caliber 10-22 rifles from what i hear ,
Fortify and arm the border...the vermin have no rights to enter
Not an attack, but just looking for some clarification.
While your stance of creating a border that follows the US immigration laws is fair, I don’t understand why you refer to these folks as “vermin”. Regardless of their nation of origin, I think we can agree that they are humans. Either argument of whether or not they should be allowed entrance into the US is not effected by this simple acknowledgement.
I only bring this up because you are clearly an intelligent and thoughtful person who does not arrive at your conclusions without some deliberation. So could it be possible, that if you ratchet down the rhetoric, you may find that your views are able to be understood and even incorporated by those who disagree with you?

They have zero right to enter.....none


EL Rich They're beating police up and stealing from businesses in Mexico. If they'd wanted to come here as 'friends' and 'future citizens' then they should have applied for refugee status, but no, [they probably can't qualify so] they're going to use mob tactics to bum rush our border and illegally gain entry.

I see zero reason to treat them with any civility.

Literally like treating the fox trying to sneak into the hen house like a pet...
------------------------------------- these future friends , citizens , nice people are going to kill the USA .
If the caravan makes it to the border, there will be no shelters to house them. They are already overflowing with Asylum seekers. So all asylum supporters list your home town as a destination for them while their asylum requests are processed which will now take months. Immigration has shown they will transport refugees anywhere in the US as they have for Muslims. So just list your home town to show your support for them.
and the thing thats funny is all the younger people that are rooting for being replaced . Its like they can't see whats happening Basic .
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