Capitalism brings on Liberalism, Globalism, and Outsourced jobs.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
These are many things that Conservatives claim to hate, but obviously are too duped into believing Capitalism has the answers.
It's almost like a Stockholm syndrome, really.

Absolutely, Capitalism brings on Globalism to expand it's markets for profits.

Absolutely, Capitalism brings on outsourced jobs to profit off of cheap labor.

Absolutely, Capitalism bring forward Liberalism to profit off of.

- Illegal immigrants = cheap labor for Capitalists.

- Feminism = cheap labor, and a expanded workforce for Capitalists.

- Abortion = profits for the Medical Capitalists.

- Gay marriage = profits for Capitalists who sell Gay wedding goods.

- The music industry, the media and Hollywood sell out Liberal degeneracy because it sells for profits.
Ok this is like saying free will/freedom of choice
enables drug abuse, relationship abuse, lying etc.
All kinds of things can be done by free will which are not "illegal" ie banned by mandatory laws.

so is free will bad if it allows people to make bad choices as well as good choices?
Free enterprise/capitalism can be abused.
And so can socialism, liberalism, conservatism,
Christian or Atheist beliefs, anyone can take their beliefs and abuse them in some way,
going overboard where it causes harm to others.

Does that mean to get rid of religious freedom? Because religions can be abused?
Get rid of govt? because govt leads to govt abuse?
Get rid of the legal system? because of legal abuse.

Ban all sex, because allowing freedom to have sex opens the door to sexual abuse?

Get rid of free speech in the media? because people abuse free speech?
Where does it end?

Get rid of all freedom? Because people can choose to abuse their freedom to impose or harm others?
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Ok this is like saying free will/freedom of choice
enables drug abuse, relationship abuse, lying etc.
All kinds of things can be done by free will which are not "illegal" ie banned by mandatory laws.

so is free will bad if it allows people to make bad choices as well as good choices?
Free enterprise/capitalism can be abused.
And so can socialism, liberalism, conservatism,
Christian or Atheist beliefs, anyone can take their beliefs and abuse them in some way,
going overboard where it causes harm to others.

Does that mean to get rid of religious freedom? Because religions can be abused?
Get rid of govt? because govt leads to govt abuse?
Get rid of the legal system? because of legal abuse.

Ban all sex, because allowing freedom to have sex opens the door to sexual abuse?

Get rid of free speech in the media? because people abuse free speech?
Where does it end?

Get rid of all freedom? Because people can choose to abuse their freedom to impose or harm others?

Does drug abuse pose as big of a threat to national security, and national livelihood as illegal immigrants, and outsourced jobs?

I certainly don't think so, it seems we have a system which caters to the whims of rich Capitalists.

If those who use drugs are put behind bars, so should those businesses who abuse our nation.

If not, then America probably won't exist in the future as we know it, future generations are being sold damages goods.

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