Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

I would say that you are missing the fact that some very large employers who are very big supporters of the Republican party, in no way want their source of cheap labor to dry up.

Repubs are all talk, no actions about immigration reform. And there is a reason. Cheap workers who do a decent job.
If we wanted cheap, dumb labor we'd go to Democrat Big City schools and hire people in college who can't read or write
It does give the GOP an opportunity at least to add or modify some of the conditions. May not go anywhere, but at least maybe a conversation can occur.

What worries me Mac, is with Obama's speech, and this last years wave of kids that came here and are likely to stay, that there is going to now more than ever be the message sent out that if you can get here, you'll likely be able to stay.

We could really be in for a tsunami from the south.
If we wanted cheap, dumb labor we'd go to Democrat Big City schools and hire people in college who can't read or write
Obama was elected to free his base from the tyranny of work.

I am thinking that when these hard working illegals start making money and having to pay taxes to support Obama's base, they will become Republicans.
It does give the GOP an opportunity at least to add or modify some of the conditions. May not go anywhere, but at least maybe a conversation can occur.

What worries me Mac, is with Obama's speech, and this last years wave of kids that came here and are likely to stay, that there is going to now more than ever be the message sent out that if you can get here, you'll likely be able to stay.

We could really be in for a tsunami from the south.

Thanks for the response, for a minute there I thought everyone had me on ignore.

I'm just mystified as to why the GOP doesn't want to just pass a bill. If they're so sure of their positions, why the hell won't they put them in writing?

The Senate passed a bipartisan bill with 68 votes...seriously, in this divided government, 68 votes in the Senate on an immigration bill that the Boehner has refused to allow the full House to vote on...because it will pass. This bill was passed by the Senate over 500 days ago.

I was against it and emailed my rep to oppose it. It doesn't even deal with border security issues.
The Senate passed a bipartisan bill with 68 votes...seriously, in this divided government, 68 votes in the Senate on an immigration bill that the Boehner has refused to allow the full House to vote on...because it will pass. This bill was passed by the Senate over 500 days ago.

The plan has been to never let the President to ever appear to have any victory and then complain loudly that he is not getting anything done.

Works for the faithful and stupid.
The big deal is illegal means a person has not followed the law. A nation of lawlessness cannot stand. An illegal is here for self interests, we need a nation united. Historically we discovered it was best to grant entry to this country to higher skilled people, this flies in the face of good immigration policy.
It does give the GOP an opportunity at least to add or modify some of the conditions. May not go anywhere, but at least maybe a conversation can occur.

What worries me Mac, is with Obama's speech, and this last years wave of kids that came here and are likely to stay, that there is going to now more than ever be the message sent out that if you can get here, you'll likely be able to stay.

We could really be in for a tsunami from the south.

Thanks for the response, for a minute there I thought everyone had me on ignore.

I'm just mystified as to why the GOP doesn't want to just pass a bill. If they're so sure of their positions, why the hell won't they put them in writing?


I just told you's because that would be seen as an accomplishment for President Obama.
If we wanted cheap, dumb labor we'd go to Democrat Big City schools and hire people in college who can't read or write
Why go through all of that fuss?

It would be far easier to recruit conservatives from this site. Apparently, a lifetime of being a native speaker of English is insufficient to learn spelling and grammar.
He said he wants more border security, more agents on the border, telling illegals they will be deported if they come here, continuing to deport criminals, no amnesty and more.

Will the Repubs now do their job?
Despite the far left propaganda:

OBAMA: "It does not grant citizenship, or the right to stay here permanently, or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. Only Congress can do that. All we're saying is we're not going to deport you."

THE FACTS: He's saying, and doing, more than that. The changes also will make those covered eligible for work permits, allowing them to be employed in the country legally and compete with citizens and legal residents for better-paying jobs.

OBAMA: "Although this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it's been in nearly two years."

THE FACTS: The numbers certainly surged this year, but it was more than a "brief spike." The number of unaccompanied children apprehended at the border has been on the rise since the 2011 budget year. That year about 16,000 children were found crossing the border alone. In 2012, the Border Patrol reported more than 24,000 children, followed by more than 38,800 in 2013. In the past budget year, more than 68,361 children were apprehended.
It does give the GOP an opportunity at least to add or modify some of the conditions. May not go anywhere, but at least maybe a conversation can occur.

What worries me Mac, is with Obama's speech, and this last years wave of kids that came here and are likely to stay, that there is going to now more than ever be the message sent out that if you can get here, you'll likely be able to stay.

We could really be in for a tsunami from the south.

Thanks for the response, for a minute there I thought everyone had me on ignore.

I'm just mystified as to why the GOP doesn't want to just pass a bill. If they're so sure of their positions, why the hell won't they put them in writing?

they did, but Harry "Whorehouse" Reid shelved them, as he did with 99.99999999% of what the Republicans proposed. :up:
If we wanted cheap, dumb labor we'd go to Democrat Big City schools and hire people in college who can't read or write
Which is why most of the best schools are in liberal states and Red State governors go to Blue States trying to poach jobs and lure liberal workers.

Dipshits say the stupidest things and then I come along and correct them and can, at least, PROVE what I say.

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