Can Science Ever Prove One Way Or Another Whether Or Not People Are Born Gay?

I do construction work for gays, I know quite a few single gays and gay couples. But if there was a vote on gay marriage etc, I would vote no.

People like you seem to struggle with that. I think your problem is is that you think people must love or hate gays, so until you can sort yourself out on that, you're just gonna be an annoying ****.
It's wrong to not let gays marry. It's a problem you don't understand why.
I do construction work for gays, I know quite a few single gays and gay couples. But if there was a vote on gay marriage etc, I would vote no.

People like you seem to struggle with that. I think your problem is is that you think people must love or hate gays, so until you can sort yourself out on that, you're just gonna be an annoying ****.
Biden does business with commies. Doesn't make him a commy lover.
Correct, let them get married and give them the legal benefits, but call it civil partnership and don't hijack the long aged tradition of Marriage.
Oh you care about the name? Reminds me of my dad. That's fine. But you can't stop them from calling each other married couples. Husbands, wifes, marriage. They are just words. But if you want to say by law all "married" people are "hitched" instead, that's fine by me. You can say whatever you want. But I will call them married and husband and husband.

Again, I'm really shocked you give a fuck what they do when it comes to marriage/civil unions. Like it affects you how?

How about the long aged tradition of beating your wife?

And another thing. You act like straight people "own" marriage. Are you sure you guys haven't given the practice up? You can't give something up and then cry because another group takes it over. It's like if blacks cried that whites stole rap from them and only 60% of them even listen to rap today.

Almost 90% of the world's population now live in countries with falling marriage rates. In the U.S., marriage has declined by 60% since the 1970s
Marriage is a holy bond between a man and a woman. Nothing more, nothing less. That's it.
No it's not. Is that what it means to you? Because in the eyes of the law and citizens of this country, it doesn't mean that at all. Lots of atheists are married so take the holy part out.

Then consider half of you get divorces so how holy is marriage today? How many times has the orange messiah been in holy matrimony?
Oh you care about the name? Reminds me of my dad. That's fine. But you can't stop them from calling each other married couples. Husbands, wifes, marriage. They are just words. But if you want to say by law all "married" people are "hitched" instead, that's fine by me. You can say whatever you want. But I will call them married and husband and husband.

Again, I'm really shocked you give a fuck what they do when it comes to marriage/civil unions. Like it affects you how?

How about the long aged tradition of beating your wife?

And another thing. You act like straight people "own" marriage. Are you sure you guys haven't given the practice up? You can't give something up and then cry because another group takes it over. It's like if blacks cried that whites stole rap from them and only 60% of them even listen to rap today.

Almost 90% of the world's population now live in countries with falling marriage rates. In the U.S., marriage has declined by 60% since the 1970s
No, I care about hijacking tradition because my temperament is Guardian.
it's a personal preference that has been portrayed as a defect of some sort throughout the centuries, and it's about time that changed.
So you believe people choose to be gay, they are not born gay.
From what I've read, the science on a "gay gene" is still inconclusive. Some studies suggest a genetic component, but it's not a slam dunk. It's likely a mix of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors.
So you believe people choose to be gay, they are not born gay.
everybody is born to become an asexual toddler, before they start thinking about sex.
so yeah, young kids choose what they want to become, and the current indoctrination by LGBTQ+ers of young youths is NOT helping them make a choice on their own. a free choice.
No, I care about hijacking tradition because my temperament is Guardian.
I'm Greek Orthodox. Or at least I was born into that. There are all kinds of other things in America. Atheists, gays, catholics, born agains, jews, muslims, mormons, jehovas.

None of them are fucking with my traditions. They do them I do me. You do you.
No it's not. Is that what it means to you? Because in the eyes of the law and citizens of this country, it doesn't mean that at all. Lots of atheists are married so take the holy part out.

Then consider half of you get divorces so how holy is marriage today? How many times has the orange messiah been in holy matrimony?
Everyone has their own idea of marriage, I believe it is between myself, my wife and God, you believe it is a legality. I would marry my wife whether there was a financial benefit or not, that is not why I got married, I am in love, I would have married her no matter what.

That’s what is comical you wanted gays to marry to gain a financial advantage. That is the difference between you and I, I believe you marry for love, you believe you marry for money and tax breaks.
everybody is born to become an asexual toddler, before they start thinking about sex.
so yeah, young kids choose what they want to become, and the current indoctrination by LGBTQ+ers of young youths is NOT helping them make a choice on their own. a free choice.
Do boys choose to be boys or girls choose to be girls? No. They just are and at some point in the developmental process they become aware that some people are boys and some are girls. And at some point, without making an intentional choice, a small percentage of those realize that most boys are attracted to girls and vice versa but they themselves are not attracted to persons of the opposite gender. Many try to force being attracted to persons of the opposite gender and may even date and marry but it will never be the same for them as it is for 'normal' people.

Gay people are just wired differently. They don't choose it. Most don't want it. But those who come to accept it about themselves generally are a lot more psychologically sound and well balanced and happier than those who do not.
Do boys choose to be boys or girls choose to be girls? No. They just are and at some point in the developmental process they become aware that some people are boys and some are girls. And at some point, without making an intentional choice, a small percentage of those realize that most boys are attracted to girls and vice versa but they themselves are not attracted to persons of the opposite gender. Many try to force being attracted to persons of the opposite gender and may even date and marry but it will never be the same for them as it is for 'normal' people.

Gay people are just wired differently. They don't choose it. Most don't want it. But those who come to accept it about themselves generally are a lot more psychologically sound and well balanced and happier than those who do not.
look, i may be a bit homophobic at the moment, with gay pride movement sticking their dirty fingers into girls' locker rooms and the education of the youngest of kids, but that does not mean i'm anti-gay.

that sounds like a paradox, i know.
let this clarify it :
i'll support any gay person who is fighting for his/her adolescent/adult rights, for as far as the traditional role of their parents doesn't grant those a final say in matters relating to their (gay) child.
and for as long as they don't flirt with me! ;)
gays really gotta learn it's better to stay "in the closet" in the home of a straight person... too many personal displays of affection, are among the current gay pride movement's problems! (too long of a gay pride holiday each summer is as well! :p )
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Everyone has their own idea of marriage, I believe it is between myself, my wife and God, you believe it is a legality. I would marry my wife whether there was a financial benefit or not, that is not why I got married, I am in love, I would have married her no matter what.

That’s what is comical you wanted gays to marry to gain a financial advantage. That is the difference between you and I, I believe you marry for love, you believe you marry for money and tax breaks.
The right of marriage that we want gays to have has nothing to do with love. It has to do with all the financial benefits that come with it. Sharing social security, tax breaks, death benefits, probate, life insurance.

So what you are doing is thinking with your heart not your brain.
Just as long as you know your "view" is unconstitutional.
Why? I know many left wingers that have views that are unconstitutional, you have views that are unconstitutional and that is fine by me. Opinions are fine, trying to control thoughts is also unconstitutional.

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