Can America Stop the Palestinian Squeeze Play? Yes Obama Can!

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
In other words, even before negotiations began, Israel would have to concede everything on territory and then, presumably, begin talking about the Palestinian “right of return,” which would doom the Jewish state inside the 1949 armistice lines.

As a consequence, not only would the West Bank settlers be pirates living on “stolen” land, but the hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Jerusalem would be just as “illegal.” Clearly, such a move will not be an end in itself but a prelude to further pressure on Israel to compromise its sovereignty even inside the old borders.

First, if there was any doubt at all that the Palestinians have ever negotiated in good faith during the last 18 years of peace talks with Israel, it is gone. They refused an offer of a state in the West Bank, Gaza, and part of Jerusalem in 2000, 2001, and 2008, and they will keep on saying No in the hope of getting even more—and perhaps ending Israel’s independent existence—by other means.

Can America Stop the Palestinian Squeeze Play? Yes Obama Can! « Commentary Magazine
Third, contrary to Bronner’s assertion, the United States is not helpless to stop this strategy. Rather than threatening Israel to buckle under and accept draconian concessions, as Obama appears to be considering doing in the upcoming months, Washington could start putting serious pressure on the PA at last. Abbas depends on foreign aid to keep his corrupt authority in place and on Western and Israeli military aid and protection to prevent a Hamas coup d’état in the West Bank. Were Obama to make it clear that the United States will not tolerate an initiative that disregards our interests then it is more than possible that Abbas’s bluff would be called. Perhaps then this looming catastrophe, which will do nothing to pave the way to peace, can be averted.

That would be a very dangerous thing for Obama to do. The Abbas government is illegal. It is only US money and weapons that keeps it in power. If that government collapses, the Hamas led elected government would take over.

Security forces that have cost the US hundreds of millions would then be under the control of the elected government. That would be great for the Palestinians. Israel not so much.

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