Bush Won't Accept Iraq War Timetable

If you actuallly KNEW what is really going on there, you wouldnt make such an ignorant statement.

And you ACTUALLY KNOW what's going on there how? Does Dick Cheney come whisper in your ear at night while you're sleeping? (Eeew...that creeps even me out!)

Fact is, many of those in the factions are now turning their attention to fighting AQ.

What information do you have to support that assertion? Or are you just repeating White House talking points?

RSR:If the US pulls out of Iraq - the terrorists will not stop their war on Amercia

No, they won't. Our troops will be here to help defend America, instead of being moving targets in a civil war they should never have been involved in in the first place.

They will come here to kill us

Golly, like they don't have access to Map Quest and Google. And, as little as Chimpy and Co have actually done to secure our borders, it's not like they can't waltz in anytime, anywhere.

For some reason. appeaser libs think if the US leaves Iraq - terrorists will stop hating America

No, they won't. What is likely, however is that their hatred of each other will become the driving force once our troops are out of the picture. In their attempts to consolidate power, they will kill each other off while WE rebuild our military which Bush and Co have so shamefully misused and abused.

WHat the dems fail to mention/believe/understand, is while they complain it has weakened us because we are spread over two countries instead of focusing on afghanastan, they forget it also spreads them thin also.
Did you know that some NATO forces were suppose to bolster their presence in Afghanastan last year, but they didnt have the soldiers to fulfill their obligation, so the US filled it instead. SO much for getting the rest of the world involved.

What you supporters of Bush and Co, and I honestly don't know what you see in him or why you continue to support him, fail to understand is that Bush and Co have NEVER taken the invasion and occupation of Iraq seriously. Bush and Co ignored the commanders in the field and sent too few troops to secure Iraq after toppling Saddam. Had Bush and Co actually been serious about Iraq, they would have demanded ALL Americans share in the cost of the war through raising taxes to pay for it and a draft to supply the manpower. Instead, the only sacrifices being made are the lives of our troops on the bloody altar of Bush and Co's political ambition and greed, and our children's children's children paying the debt accrued by Bush and Co's borrowing to pay for the war.

As for NATO, Bush and Co have squandered every bit of good will engendered towards America in the days and weeks after 9/11. They have thrown America's reputation and credibility in the toilet. They have done little but browbeat and insult our partners in NATO, and elsewhere with their "My way or the highway..." rhetoric, so is it any wonder the rest of the world doesn't want to get "involved"?

Wake up and smell the coffee. Bush and Co are steering the ship of the America state towards shore, soon to run it aground and rip its belly out on the reefs and shoals of their moral and intellectual bankruptcy. Unless, of course, that's what YOU want to happen.
Actually it's quite considered. I save it for patronising bastards in particular. I deliver it face to face when needed - after consideration. I will use it in a forum, within a context. I haven't directed my invective at you and probably won't unless you aim it at me first. In the meantime report every post of mine you consider necessary to report and I'll abide by the decision of the mods, whatever that might be. But please spare me the patronising whining. There's an ignore function on the boards here I think. If I'm right then you should use it and put me on ignore.
You are certainly worthy of being ignored. Do you not understand that your foul language demeans the character of the board? Are you incapable of civil discourse? Or do you get some perverse thrill from invective filled drive-bys? You do not use language to communicate; you use it as a club.
You are certainly worthy of being ignored. Do you not understand that your foul language demeans the character of the board? Are you incapable of civil discourse? Or do you get some perverse thrill from invective filled drive-bys? You do not use language to communicate; you use it as a club.

Must have read to many posts from Paul Revere
You are certainly worthy of being ignored. Do you not understand that your foul language demeans the character of the board? Are you incapable of civil discourse? Or do you get some perverse thrill from invective filled drive-bys? You do not use language to communicate; you use it as a club.

Damn right I understand that foul language demeans the nature of the board, that's why I use it for effect. You don't think it's a random swear-athon do you?
I'm very capable of civil discourse. Are you capable of dropping the patronising tone?
Thrill from invective? That's a hoot! Heck no way, it's all about effect. Stick around and you'll see what I mean.
Tell me, seriously, what you think language is used or and what it's capable of being used for? What's worse - a straight out comment that may contain a swear word or two - or the twisted misshapen words like "mis-spoke"? If you appreciate and love language then you'd be better turning your energies to those who corrupt language to control thought and action.
Now if you've finished lecturing me I'll get back to winding someone else up.
And you ACTUALLY KNOW what's going on there how? Does Dick Cheney come whisper in your ear at night while you're sleeping? (Eeew...that creeps even me out!)

What information do you have to support that assertion? Or are you just repeating White House talking points?

No, they won't. Our troops will be here to help defend America, instead of being moving targets in a civil war they should never have been involved in in the first place.

Golly, like they don't have access to Map Quest and Google. And, as little as Chimpy and Co have actually done to secure our borders, it's not like they can't waltz in anytime, anywhere.

No, they won't. What is likely, however is that their hatred of each other will become the driving force once our troops are out of the picture. In their attempts to consolidate power, they will kill each other off while WE rebuild our military which Bush and Co have so shamefully misused and abused.

What you supporters of Bush and Co, and I honestly don't know what you see in him or why you continue to support him, fail to understand is that Bush and Co have NEVER taken the invasion and occupation of Iraq seriously. Bush and Co ignored the commanders in the field and sent too few troops to secure Iraq after toppling Saddam. Had Bush and Co actually been serious about Iraq, they would have demanded ALL Americans share in the cost of the war through raising taxes to pay for it and a draft to supply the manpower. Instead, the only sacrifices being made are the lives of our troops on the bloody altar of Bush and Co's political ambition and greed, and our children's children's children paying the debt accrued by Bush and Co's borrowing to pay for the war.

As for NATO, Bush and Co have squandered every bit of good will engendered towards America in the days and weeks after 9/11. They have thrown America's reputation and credibility in the toilet. They have done little but browbeat and insult our partners in NATO, and elsewhere with their "My way or the highway..." rhetoric, so is it any wonder the rest of the world doesn't want to get "involved"?

Wake up and smell the coffee. Bush and Co are steering the ship of the America state towards shore, soon to run it aground and rip its belly out on the reefs and shoals of their moral and intellectual bankruptcy. Unless, of course, that's what YOU want to happen.

BP - seems the voters do not agree with you and your defeatest Dems

I do not like war and I know that many think this war was not justified. However, I felt it was justified because all of us know weather we like it or not that Saddam was sneakie and horrible. He and his sons killed more people that many WMD. So yes it is good that he and his sons are not around to torture his people.

If we run from the terrorist or insurgents over there they will just bring it to us here. They know America is weak and runs every time there is a war as in the past. They also know that if they come here they will be given a free ride and get what they want because the USA government does not stop people from committing crimes in America that is so evident by them letting the illegal persons get away with everything and not making them leave this country. Instead they say let me change the language to Spanish and give you medical. They should have told them I am sorry but we have laws and rules that must be respected. The terrorist know we are weak and the only people who commit crimes in America that go to jail are Americans. An example of that is our troops who get tortured over there but is an American does it they go to jail. When are we going to stop running and letting people take us over.

Please see that if they come home they apear the weak man in the prison who gets passed around for a smoke.
I do not like war and I know that many think this war was not justified. However, I felt it was justified because all of us know weather we like it or not that Saddam was sneakie and horrible. He and his sons killed more people that many WMD. So yes it is good that he and his sons are not around to torture his people.

If we run from the terrorist or insurgents over there they will just bring it to us here. They know America is weak and runs every time there is a war as in the past. They also know that if they come here they will be given a free ride and get what they want because the USA government does not stop people from committing crimes in America that is so evident by them letting the illegal persons get away with everything and not making them leave this country. Instead they say let me change the language to Spanish and give you medical. They should have told them I am sorry but we have laws and rules that must be respected. The terrorist know we are weak and the only people who commit crimes in America that go to jail are Americans. An example of that is our troops who get tortured over there but is an American does it they go to jail. When are we going to stop running and letting people take us over.

Please see that if they come home they apear the weak man in the prison who gets passed around for a smoke.

There was a time I would have argued with you. But you are right. America is weak, in spirit if not reality. The spirit part will lead to the reality part.
I do not like war and I know that many think this war was not justified. However, I felt it was justified because all of us know weather we like it or not that Saddam was sneakie and horrible. He and his sons killed more people that many WMD. So yes it is good that he and his sons are not around to torture his people.

If we run from the terrorist or insurgents over there they will just bring it to us here. They know America is weak and runs every time there is a war as in the past. They also know that if they come here they will be given a free ride and get what they want because the USA government does not stop people from committing crimes in America that is so evident by them letting the illegal persons get away with everything and not making them leave this country. Instead they say let me change the language to Spanish and give you medical. They should have told them I am sorry but we have laws and rules that must be respected. The terrorist know we are weak and the only people who commit crimes in America that go to jail are Americans. An example of that is our troops who get tortured over there but is an American does it they go to jail. When are we going to stop running and letting people take us over.

Please see that if they come home they apear the weak man in the prison who gets passed around for a smoke.

Dems are doing all they can to help the terrorists win this war
The polls show a majority of voters agree with me

Read it and weep


No he has nothing constructive to add, just a Dead End Link.

Read it and weep asshole

According to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, 61% of Americans oppose “denying the funding needed to send any additional U.S. troops to Iraq,” and opposition is up from 58% in February. (3/23-25, 2007).

A Bloomberg poll reveals 61% of Americans believe withholding funding for the war is a bad idea, while only 28% believe it is a good idea (3/3-11, 2007).
A recent Public Opinion Strategies (POS) poll found that 56% of registered voters favor fully funding the war in Iraq, with more voters strongly favoring funding (40%) than totally opposing it (38%); (3/25-27, 2007).
POS found also that a majority of voters (54%) oppose the Democrats imposing a reduction in troops below the level military commanders requested (3/25-27, 2007).
A separate POS poll finds 57% of voters support staying in Iraq until the job is finished and “the Iraqi government can maintain control and provide security for its people.” And 59% of voters say pulling out of Iraq immediately would do more to harm America’s reputation in the world than staying until order is restored (35%); (2/5-7, 2007).
A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll show 69% of American voters trust military commanders more than members of Congress (18%) to decide when United States troops should leave Iraq. This includes 52% of Democrats, 69% of Independents and 88% of Republicans (3/27-28, 2007).
According to a recent Pew Research survey, only 17% of Americans want an immediate withdrawal of troops (4/18-22, 2007). That same poll found a plurality of adults (45%) believe a terrorist attack against the United States is more likely if we withdraw our troops from Iraq while the “country remains unstable”
Should a date for withdrawal be set, 70% of American believe it is likely that “insurgents will increase their attacks in Iraq” starting on that day. This is supported by 85% of Republicans, 71% of Independents and 60% of Democrats. (FOX News/Opinion Dynamics, 4/17-18, 2007).
An LA Times/Bloomberg polls reveals that 50% of Americans say setting a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq “hurts” the troops, while only 27% believe it “helps” the troops (4/5-9, 2007).
The points are there

The voters do NOT agree with what Dems are doing

Contrary to what Dems have been saying

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