Burn the Koran on 9-11


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."
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Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."
One crazy church represents "Christians"?? WTF?
A new low, even for you, Nutwinger. They no more represent Christians than Rev Wright does.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH5ixmT83JE]YouTube - Jeremiah Wright - God Damn America - Obama's Spiritual Mentor / Pastor[/ame]
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

How can this be true? Was the book they're going to burn found too close to Ground Zero?
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

How can this be true? Was the book they're going to burn found too close to Ground Zero?

But it was burned in the minds of the terroist that killed over 3000 people on 9/11
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

hypocrite calling for others to be tolerant when you are the least of the tolerant. Being tolerant gives the enemy time to dig in or move forward and take advantage. FUCK'EM burn the Koran.
Not just a troll thread, but a dupe troll thread, at that

And yet appropriate in a time we are willing to ignore our own Constitution to prevent a mosque from being built in lower Manhattan.

Is the way to protest a horrific act of religious intolerance to perform an act of religious intolerance?
Not just a troll thread, but a dupe troll thread, at that

And yet appropriate in a time we are willing to ignore our own Constitution to prevent a mosque from being built in lower Manhattan.

Is the way to protest a horrific act of religious intolerance to perform an act of religious intolerance?
You mean the part that says that Congress shall pass NO law concerning the establishment of a religion or the "free exercise thereof"?

Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

How can this be true? Was the book they're going to burn found too close to Ground Zero?

But it was burned in the minds of the terroist that killed over 3000 people on 9/11

We were attacked on 9/11 because Bin Laden et al wanted the US 'invaders' out of their homeland/holy land. That is far more than a mere religious motive.
OP needs to educate himself on Islam. If the world were an organism, Islam would be the cancer that kills it. It needs to be iradicated, at the very least, minimized.

Islam has sought to subjugate the people of the world for as long as they have been around. If you are for freedom, you are against Islam. Just look at the Sharia Law threads here on USMB for starters.

And the attitude of "Christianity is just as bad" will not negate that.
Get some 2nd Amendment activists down there passing out guns and we'll have ourselves the making of damn entertaining news.
OP needs to educate himself on Islam. If the world were an organism, Islam would be the cancer that kills it. It needs to be iradicated, at the very least, minimized.

Islam has sought to subjugate the people of the world for as long as they have been around. If you are for freedom, you are against Islam. Just look at the Sharia Law threads here on USMB for starters.

And the attitude of "Christianity is just as bad" will not negate that.

And yet, there are those who believe people with your mindset are the cancer
Not just a troll thread, but a dupe troll thread, at that

Christian bashing...all the cool kids are doing it.

When Christians are intollerant and divisive, they deserve to be bashed......just like Muslims or Jews or Scientologists

Oh, and you've had what to say about the mosque near GZ?? Yeah, that's not divisive at all. It's just as "legal" as burning books. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Get some 2nd Amendment activists down there passing out guns and we'll have ourselves the making of damn entertaining news.

Speech is one thing. These idiots, whatever they call themselves, have every right to pull their dumbass stunt for the cameras and donors. I'm sure the people printing and selling them the Korans will thank them from the bottom of their checkbooks, too.

But let's not even go there with the violence.
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

Hate mongering, profiling, misrepresenting. All par for you Rightwinger.

From your link....

Groups as diverse as Al-Azhar's Supreme Council in Egypt and the National Association of Evangelicals in the U.S. have condemned the event, which the church announced in July on its Facebook page. Many Americans may be wagging their fingers at Terry Jones, says Chris McGreal in the Guardian, but he's hardly alone in his "hostility" to Islam. From the protests against the mosque at Ground Zero to the attempts to portray Barack Obama as a closet Islamist, "Muslim-bashing" is a reality of post-9/11 American life. No matter what you think about Islam, says Rick Moore at the Holy Coast blog, you should recognize that this "stunt" does not advance the cause of Christ. These hateful "wackos" give Christians "a bad name.

Burning the Koran - The Week

How about backing down a bit and rethink your claim???
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

How can this be true? Was the book they're going to burn found too close to Ground Zero?

How about you choose to either continuing to post while jerking off, or just jerk off and then post when you are done? We are loosing patience with you.
Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."
One crazy church represents "Christians"?? WTF?
A new low, even for you, Nutwinger. They no more represent Christians than Rev Wright does.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH5ixmT83JE]YouTube - Jeremiah Wright - God Damn America - Obama's Spiritual Mentor / Pastor[/ame]

one has to laugh (at you)

I tried to count all the times hate filled scumbag conservatives like YOU pointed to wright and said "he represents ALL liberals!"

but my computer doesn't actually go to infinity......

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