Burgess Owens exposes race baiters:blacks have had the most success in USA than in any other country


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
these race baiters are anti American

you can make it in America, folks, whatever your color!
Listening to NPR today (wait I just threw up in my mouth), ok and they had the subject going about the African - American's etc. Well the first thing I thought when listening was the why AFRICAN AMERICAN ????????? WHY NOT JUST AMERICAN ??????? THE SOUTH WANTED TO SEPARATE FROM THE UNION, AND A HUGE WAR BROKE OUT OVER IT. SO WHY ARE THE Americans who are black, trying to still fight that war today ??
If you think that it's tough being Black In America, look at what it's like being Black in Chad, Haiti, Liberia, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Ethiopia .......
Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again

June 22, 2019 ~~ By Lloyd Marcus
Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again. By Lloyd Marcus. A congressional hearing was held on a bill to study reparations for blacks as payback for slavery. Reparations is simply another worm Democrat presidential candidates will put on the hook of their fishing rods to catch black votes.... If Democrats and wealthy black celebs really cared about their people rather than furthering a leftist socialist political agenda, they would call for blacks to take full responsibility for their lives. They would encourage a return to biblical morality. They would encourage traditional marriage, bringing fathers back into households. They would encourage black youths to exploit the wonderful blessing of being born in America; the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for their dreams.
I love this line from the movie Blazing Saddles: “We don't need no stinkin' badges.” I say to Democrats, “We don't need no stinkin' reparations!”

Thank you Lloyd Marcus, the line "We don't need no stinkin' reparations" says it all. Ain't life wonderful with you as a grateful American to set my compass today?
The fouled compass of the Democrats that deny God's wonderous creation of humans in his image saddens me and is like a bent compass that always points untrue.
Thank you for my morning joy in the gifts of God that we share.
Over the past fifty years, the federal government has transferred trillions of dollars of wealth from white Americans to black Americans in the form of welfare benefits, so they’ve gotten their “reparations” and with interest. On top of that, for years, black Americans have gotten preferential treatment from both educational institutions and employers. It's been called "Affirmative Action".
When will African Americans that are now demo's realize they have lost ground over the past 50 years and it might be time for a change, not just politically? Used to be, you had to stay in school, apparently that idea has disappeared along with marriage. Too many young black men are not sticking with school so they end up on the streets performing bad deeds or living with a working female friend.
Until black voters honestly connect their situation to their local politicians, nothing will change. Trump posed this question during his campaign, "Vote for me, what harm could come." The demo's and their media buddies are using the race card by falsely calling Trump a "racist." It is a shame but it seems to be working.
these race baiters are anti American

you can make it in America, folks, whatever your color!
This is true but like most disingenuous whites it has nothing to do with the point. The point is that the system is constructed to make it easier for whites and at the other end of the scale, very difficult for Blacks. You take two millionaires one white and the other Black that did not earn their money in sports or entertainment and you will typically find that the road to financial wealth was fraught with way more obstacles and barriers directly attributable to race for the Black person.
For a group of people claiming intellectual superiority, these are some stupid ass mf's.
Listening to NPR today (wait I just threw up in my mouth), ok and they had the subject going about the African - American's etc. Well the first thing I thought when listening was the why AFRICAN AMERICAN ????????? WHY NOT JUST AMERICAN ??????? THE SOUTH WANTED TO SEPARATE FROM THE UNION, AND A HUGE WAR BROKE OUT OVER IT. SO WHY ARE THE Americans who are black, trying to still fight that war today ??
......NPR is anti-white...they constantly have anti-white=pro-black stories...and they get federal funding !!!
For a group of people claiming intellectual superiority, these are some stupid ass mf's.
Africa is a mega shithole
you just make YOURself look stupid by your racist replies

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