British Muslims demand insulting Islam be outlawed

I wonder if the Brits are foolish enough to ever cave in to such a demand? Hope not.

I wish that all of Europe would do what the Netheralands did. As a Daughter of the American Revolution, I never though I would see the day when feudalism looked to be the only hope of the world. If you look closely at coutries where muslims have become more than half the population they have voted in an islamic theocracy and systematically persecuted those who belong to other religions. They could do that here under the right circumstances. But in the UK, the monarch can do away with Parliament. We have no such mechanism that would take back our country.

No...we have a Constitution that prevents the establishment of a state religion....

...thank God (well, the founders, anyway)!
Ut-oh! I believe you are onto something there, There4! I am watching the news and apparently there is no cemetary plot available for the Boston Bomber. Not a single cemetary in the USA will accept his body for burial. The undertaker is appealing to the state to find a place to bury him. If they can't find a place to bury him why not cremate his body?
Ut-oh! I believe you are onto something there, There4! I am watching the news and apparently there is no cemetary plot available for the Boston Bomber. Not a single cemetary in the USA will accept his body for burial. The undertaker is appealing to the state to find a place to bury him. If they can't find a place to bury him why not cremate his body?

the state still paying for this mess
Ut-oh! I believe you are onto something there, There4! I am watching the news and apparently there is no cemetary plot available for the Boston Bomber. Not a single cemetary in the USA will accept his body for burial. The undertaker is appealing to the state to find a place to bury him. If they can't find a place to bury him why not cremate his body?

the state still paying for this mess

Yes. It looks like it. I do believe that is quite a statement from the American People that not a single cemetary is willing to accept this Muslim for burial. Maybe they can ship his body back to his parents and let them pick up the tab for their own child - for a change.
I wonder if the Brits are foolish enough to ever cave in to such a demand? Hope not.

I wish that all of Europe would do what the Netheralands did. As a Daughter of the American Revolution, I never though I would see the day when feudalism looked to be the only hope of the world. If you look closely at coutries where muslims have become more than half the population they have voted in an islamic theocracy and systematically persecuted those who belong to other religions. They could do that here under the right circumstances. But in the UK, the monarch can do away with Parliament. We have no such mechanism that would take back our country.

No...we have a Constitution that prevents the establishment of a state religion....

True at this red hotminute, BUT there is a process for changing that Constitution. With adequate numbers involved, it most certainly CAN be changed to allow a state religion. There was a time I would never have believed we would see the number of Hispanics we have here in this country. Numbers of other demographics can increase as well, and exponentiall so.
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But back on topic Sunni,
Do you think we should also pass law regarding insulting of Islam? What should the punishment be if someone insults Islam or Mohammad?
Should we also punish those who insult Jews?
You need to take your Christian hate some where else Irish Ram .. :cool:

You need to stop confusing hate with curiosity, Sunni.
Like, what stops you from answering my questions? Or, is how you really feel contradictory to the facade you portray, so you deflect to take the spotlight off of the foot in your mouth?
Thanks Irish Ram for exposing what you term curiosity is in fact just more of your Christian hate in disguise. .. :cool:
Too bad. He should have thought about that before he decided to blow up americans at the Boston Marathon.
Ut-oh! I believe you are onto something there, There4! I am watching the news and apparently there is no cemetary plot available for the Boston Bomber. Not a single cemetary in the USA will accept his body for burial. The undertaker is appealing to the state to find a place to bury him. If they can't find a place to bury him why not cremate his body?

It's against their religion for muslims to be cremated.

They should cremate him and dump his ashes into a landfill.
The news show well the real face of muslim invaders. And with every day things are getting worse. At the moment these radicals do not kill anyone in Britain and the rest of the sane world, but in muslim countries they kill critics of islam daily for their idea to create an islamic world with sharia order. And it means there will be no place for people of other views and confessions, now we see it clearly, because islam is religion of radicals and it do not suppose any indulgencies for non-muslims, of infidels, or enemies of islam, at your convenience... Physical destruction of enemies is their only tool to prove their sick views. I just wonder if everything is lost and that just a matter of the time when our politicians will surrender to these muslim radicals? I hope we still have might to defeat these muslim weirdos.
The news show well the real face of muslim invaders. And with every day things are getting worse. At the moment these radicals do not kill anyone in Britain and the rest of the sane world, but in muslim countries they kill critics of islam daily for their idea to create an islamic world with sharia order. And it means there will be no place for people of other views and confessions, now we see it clearly, because islam is religion of radicals and it do not suppose any indulgencies for non-muslims, of infidels, or enemies of islam, at your convenience... Physical destruction of enemies is their only tool to prove their sick views. I just wonder if everything is lost and that just a matter of the time when our politicians will surrender to these muslim radicals? I hope we still have might to defeat these muslim weirdos.

Wow. And that's what you get from a "peaceful demonstration" protesting a film?

If they can't find a place to bury him why not cremate his body?
Just like Judaism, cremation is not allowed in Islam. .. :cool:
Well, no point turning the body over to someone who will build a martyr's shrine around it in some Islamic country, so, perhaps they'll just take him a few miles offshore and feed his stinking carcass to the fish... no muss... no fuss... (well, mebbe an Environmental Impact Statement )...
All this over a few Pakis in the UK protesting a film, huh?

Can somebody direct me to the thread protesting these protests?

A comparison:

"“Thousands have come together to show peacefully to the western world that the production and promotion of a recent film insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has caused hurt to Muslims all over the world. We are a peaceful community and we will do everything to protect peace and respect for all on equal basis. It’s not fair that some people insult Islam everyday and preach hatred through their actions and words but the lack of legislation encourages such elements. We want to tell our government that we welcome debate and constructive criticism of our religion but insults are unacceptable and inflammatory language is contributing to the rise of extremism amongst youth in western countries where youth mistakenly believe that the West hates Islam and Muslims.” (OP)

"“As far as I know, the magnitude of this act of public reparation is unparalleled. The moral outrage is real and Catholics proved it by forming the largest grassroots protest against blasphemy in history,” said TFP president Raymond E. Drake. “We will not remain silent as Our Divine Savior is publicly ridiculed and reviled by The Da Vinci Code or any anti-Catholic display of disrespect that targets the sacred person of Our Lord.” (link above)

See the difference?
Me neither.

Perspective: the buzzkill of paranoia.
I wish that all of Europe would do what the Netheralands did. As a Daughter of the American Revolution, I never though I would see the day when feudalism looked to be the only hope of the world. If you look closely at coutries where muslims have become more than half the population they have voted in an islamic theocracy and systematically persecuted those who belong to other religions. They could do that here under the right circumstances. But in the UK, the monarch can do away with Parliament. We have no such mechanism that would take back our country.

No...we have a Constitution that prevents the establishment of a state religion....

True at this red hotminute, BUT there is a process for changing that Constitution. With adequate numbers involved, it most certainly CAN be changed to allow a state religion. There was a time I would never have believed we would see the number of Hispanics we have here in this country. Numbers of other demographics can increase as well, and exponentiall so.

This is totally wrong. If it changes into another country, in someone's wildest imagination it could happen, but not in America.

It wouldn't be 'America' any more.
The news show well the real face of muslim invaders. And with every day things are getting worse. At the moment these radicals do not kill anyone in Britain and the rest of the sane world, but in muslim countries they kill critics of islam daily for their idea to create an islamic world with sharia order. And it means there will be no place for people of other views and confessions, now we see it clearly, because islam is religion of radicals and it do not suppose any indulgencies for non-muslims, of infidels, or enemies of islam, at your convenience... Physical destruction of enemies is their only tool to prove their sick views. I just wonder if everything is lost and that just a matter of the time when our politicians will surrender to these muslim radicals? I hope we still have might to defeat these muslim weirdos.
Well, personally, I'm not sure that I would have expressed it in just those terms, but you are quite probably on the right track, in your perception of Islam as a re-emergent global danger; having been (politically, militarily) asleep in large part for several centuries, and re-awakening to a thirst for aggrandizement and domination now that the Colonial Era is over and now that they're showing their first signs of catching-up (in terms of technology and infrastructure and popular education) to The West.

Centuries ago - prior to the Reformation and Renaissance and Enlightenment periods - most of The West (a.k.a. Christendom) had lagged far behind Islam - the Political System and Warrior's Creed, not the Religion - but, once the European Middle Ages drew to a close, The West overtook Islam and eventually greatly surpassed it.

In the end, The West conquered and occupied many of the lands dominated by Islam and treated them as Imperial Dominions or Colonies, for many decades (or even centuries) - until Europe bled itself near to death during the 20th with two World Wars, and they were too anemic to hold onto the Empires that their ancestors had carved out.

So they let-go of those Empires during the 1940s and 1950s and 1960s - well within living memory.

Well, Islam is back on the scope again, seriously, for the first time in several centuries.

And, they seem to be pissed... or, at least, some significant minority percentage of Muslims are (nowadays) perpetually angry with The West; and many of the remainder are susceptible to becoming incensed and aggressive against The West without having to work at it overly hard.

The root of this anger may very well not be anything as glaringly obvious as the State of Israel or Jews or Palestinians or any of that conveniently distracting claptrap; rather, the root of Muslim anger may be more about the humiliation of being subjected to Western Imperialism and exploitation for a couple of centuries, than anything else; something that we can thank our British and French and Belgian and Dutch distant cousins for, no doubt.

Payback's a bitch, and this tension between Islam and The West (Christendom) may last for several more decades or a century or more before it burns itself out.

The Big Question is whether Islam and The West will find a way out of this mess or whether we're gonna start lobbing nukes at each other in the coming decades.

At its core, Islam is a Warrior's Religion - a Political Expansionism Device spliced onto a Spiritual Belief System; its Core Teachings feature a wide array of permissions to commit violence and to engage in warfare in the name of their 'flavor' of The Deity and to advance their Cause, as well as assigning positions of inferiority and servitude to those who do not think or worship like they do.

Over time, Christendom (The West) have committed spectacularly grotesque and bloody crimes and repeatedly committed great slaughter in the name of their 'flavor' of The Deity and to advance their own Cause, but there are considerable differences between the way in which the Core Teachings of Christianity have been warped to excuse such behaviors, versus the way in which violence and warfare are committed by Islam in accordance with their Core Teachings.

It's been 700-800 years since we (The West) had our fun with The Crusades, and, although the crusading concept continued to be utilized to push the frontiers of northeastern Europe for a century or two after that - and ignoring the occasional Western political crackpot or amateur who has spoken of Crusade in a surreal setting - it's been centuries since any Christian church-leader has called the faithful to mobilize for a Crusade.

How long has it been since a responsible Muslim cleric has called for Jihad?


The day before?

You get the idea.

Islam has been asleep for many years, in an expansionist and political sense.

It's awake again.

It's hungry.

And it's a damned sight more dangerous than most of us complacent self-assured Westerners are willing to allow ourselves to believe.

We don't have to resort to hate.

But we'd damned sure better open our eyes, and keep 'em open, from this point forward.
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