Breaking: Roy Moore Releases Witness Testimony Proving Allred And Accuser Nelson Lied

The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.
His is still pretty minor at this point and he's apologized (it was accepted by the victim) and called for an ethics investigation on himself. Should he resign? Yes.

Should Moore leave? Yes. Trump? Yes. All others? Yes. I'm so glad we cleared that little matter up.

That has exactly nothing to do with my post.
A million women are not going to march because someone took a joke picture of a man grabbing their breasts (which he didn't), through a flack vest no less. He's still an almost nothing burger at this point.
The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.
His is still pretty minor at this point and he's apologized (it was accepted by the victim) and called for an ethics investigation on himself. Should he resign? Yes.

Should Moore leave? Yes. Trump? Yes. All others? Yes. I'm so glad we cleared that little matter up.

If everyone that was acussed of anything left Washington, it would be empty. Wait, that ain't such a bad idea!
We can replace them with women and what few men of honor are around.
That was a single incident.

This, by contrast, is a glut of similar stories from different women (girls at the time) in different places at different times, all pointing to the same guy. Plus the mall and the 'open secret' thingy.

all hearsay, the only hard evidence, the yearbook, has been proven to be a forgery.

The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

In the USA we do not convict people based on hearsay, the media, or public opinion.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Prove that he did these things and I will be right there with you pushing him behind bars, but until then--------------------------------------------

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.

Again --- on what basis would they do that?

Besides, it would be up to the electorate of Minnesota, not "women" in general.
sure he was. but you go with that. sad, again, I think Mary Jo's mother and father said differently.
I don't give a damn what they think. The truth is what matters. You are free to care about what they think but it's totally irrelevant.
no, history tells us what actually happened. and Moore will win his election. no matter if you think the news outlet is legit or not.

Stay on topic.
The topic is Moore is an unethical creep (and a potential sexual predator), always has been always will be. By his own admissions.
that's your position, not mine. now tell me why you think your position is more valuable than mine?
Because unlike yours mine is both rational and non-partisan.
LOL, yep for sure you have me on rational. cause you believe anything anyone says. i merely ask for evidence. how fking unfair of me. You'd prefer to ruin a 40 year career on nothing. got it. that is so much more rational than me. And the fact you bring up partisan is funny to me. so is the seat more important or the harassment? the mere fact you went to politics tells me this is more partisan to you. but that's just my opinion. like yours is yours. so still you have nothing on me. The one thing I will tell you is that Moore will most likely win the election. cause like me, the majority are looking for verification of a 38 year old claim. and so far we got nothing. now, we could have the yearbook looked at and end the speculation right away. why are you against that if you are for the accusers getting justice?
"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.
His is still pretty minor at this point and he's apologized (it was accepted by the victim) and called for an ethics investigation on himself. Should he resign? Yes.

Should Moore leave? Yes. Trump? Yes. All others? Yes. I'm so glad we cleared that little matter up.

That has exactly nothing to do with my post.
A million women are not going to march because someone took a joke picture of a man grabbing their breasts (which he didn't), through a flack vest no less. He's still an almost nothing burger at this point.

So again I will ask. Both Trump and Franken classified their incidents as tasteless Pranks. Why is only one worth a Million Woman March and the other not?

Seems a bit odd
That was a single incident.

This, by contrast, is a glut of similar stories from different women (girls at the time) in different places at different times, all pointing to the same guy. Plus the mall and the 'open secret' thingy.

all hearsay, the only hard evidence, the yearbook, has been proven to be a forgery.

The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

In the USA we do not convict people based on hearsay, the media, or public opinion.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Prove that he did these things and I will be right there with you pushing him behind bars, but until then--------------------------------------------

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.

there is no basis for franken to resign. a) franken is not a child molester; b) franken's "accuser" said she doesn't want him to resign and doesn't want an ethics investigation (hmmmm); and c) let us know when you demand the orange loon in the white house resign for being a sexual predator
I don't give a damn what they think. The truth is what matters. You are free to care about what they think but it's totally irrelevant.
no, history tells us what actually happened. and Moore will win his election. no matter if you think the news outlet is legit or not.

Stay on topic.
The topic is Moore is an unethical creep (and a potential sexual predator), always has been always will be. By his own admissions.
that's your position, not mine. now tell me why you think your position is more valuable than mine?
Because unlike yours mine is both rational and non-partisan.
LOL, yep for sure you have me on rational. cause you believe anything anyone says. i merely ask for evidence. how fking unfair of me. You'd prefer to ruin a 40 year career on nothing. got it. that is so much more rational than me. And the fact you bring up partisan is funny to me. so is the seat more important or the harassment? the mere fact you went to politics tells me this is more partisan to you. but that's just my opinion. like yours is yours. so still you have nothing on me. The one thing I will tell you is that Moore will most likely win the election. cause like me, the majority are looking for verification of a 38 year old claim. and so far we got nothing. now, we could have the yearbook looked at and end the speculation right away. why are you against that if you are for the accusers getting justice?
The only "evidence" needed for decent people Moore has already provided. That is more than enough for people with morals not to vote for him. We will see just how many that is shortly. Mall-rat Roy is not who a decent person would want representing them.
all hearsay, the only hard evidence, the yearbook, has been proven to be a forgery.

The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

In the USA we do not convict people based on hearsay, the media, or public opinion.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Prove that he did these things and I will be right there with you pushing him behind bars, but until then--------------------------------------------

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.

Again --- on what basis would they do that?

Besides, it would be up to the electorate of Minnesota, not "women" in general.

Huh, this is a universal assault on women. Remember? Do it to one, you do it to all. State borders matter?

So again I will ask. Both Trump and Franken classified their incidents as tasteless Pranks. Why is only one worth a Million Woman March and the other not?

Seems a bit odd
No, it doesn't. You just can't think your way out of a wet paper bag.
Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games

Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games
so prove it with documentation. let's see the complaints.
Formal or informal? The informal ones are already out there.
the one that triggered it. you know the one that got their attention to do this. or are we now doing more hearsay like the mall thingy that isn't so? you all are great at this shit. but it is just more shit. submit the yearbook up for analysis and put this to bed. because everything you all say is 100% factual so far. LOL.
all hearsay, the only hard evidence, the yearbook, has been proven to be a forgery.

The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

In the USA we do not convict people based on hearsay, the media, or public opinion.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Prove that he did these things and I will be right there with you pushing him behind bars, but until then--------------------------------------------

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.

there is no basis for franken to resign. a) franken is not a child molester; b) franken's "accuser" said she doesn't want him to resign and doesn't want an ethics investigation (hmmmm); and c) let us know when you demand the orange loon in the white house resign for being a sexual predator

so if a co-worker grabbed your boobs and your ass, you would just sluff it off and not demand that he be punished? Has anyone ever grabbed your boobs and ass?
all hearsay, the only hard evidence, the yearbook, has been proven to be a forgery.

The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

In the USA we do not convict people based on hearsay, the media, or public opinion.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Prove that he did these things and I will be right there with you pushing him behind bars, but until then--------------------------------------------

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.

there is no basis for franken to resign. a) franken is not a child molester; b) franken's "accuser" said she doesn't want him to resign and doesn't want an ethics investigation (hmmmm); and c) let us know when you demand the orange loon in the white house resign for being a sexual predator

Reading comprehension problems. I've not called for him to resign. So the rest of your post is loony
no, history tells us what actually happened. and Moore will win his election. no matter if you think the news outlet is legit or not.

Stay on topic.
The topic is Moore is an unethical creep (and a potential sexual predator), always has been always will be. By his own admissions.
that's your position, not mine. now tell me why you think your position is more valuable than mine?
Because unlike yours mine is both rational and non-partisan.
LOL, yep for sure you have me on rational. cause you believe anything anyone says. i merely ask for evidence. how fking unfair of me. You'd prefer to ruin a 40 year career on nothing. got it. that is so much more rational than me. And the fact you bring up partisan is funny to me. so is the seat more important or the harassment? the mere fact you went to politics tells me this is more partisan to you. but that's just my opinion. like yours is yours. so still you have nothing on me. The one thing I will tell you is that Moore will most likely win the election. cause like me, the majority are looking for verification of a 38 year old claim. and so far we got nothing. now, we could have the yearbook looked at and end the speculation right away. why are you against that if you are for the accusers getting justice?
The only "evidence" needed for decent people Moore has already provided. That is more than enough for people with morals not to vote for him. We will see just how many that is shortly. Mall-rat Roy is not who a decent person would want representing them.
then they won't vote for him right. people like me will and he will win. so what's next?
Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games

Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games
so prove it with documentation. let's see the complaints.
Formal or informal? The informal ones are already out there.
the one that triggered it. you know the one that got their attention to do this. or are we now doing more hearsay like the mall thingy that isn't so? you all are great at this shit. but it is just more shit. submit the yearbook up for analysis and put this to bed. because everything you all say is 100% factual so far. LOL.
The yearbook changes nothing. But a creep like Moore would do such a thing. It fits him perfectly. He loved that young meat. The same with his wife of 14 years younger.
all hearsay, the only hard evidence, the yearbook, has been proven to be a forgery.

The yearbook is (a) not the issue... signing a yearbook is not criminal or even questionable; and (b) has not been proven a forgery. Go ahead, prove me wrong on either count.

In the USA we do not convict people based on hearsay, the media, or public opinion.

Again, there is no "conviction" involved here. There is no "arrest" or "indictment" either. That too is not the issue. Again, deflection attempt fails.

Prove that he did these things and I will be right there with you pushing him behind bars, but until then--------------------------------------------

Which one is "he"?

These are personal-life issues. They're not my concern. And this just in --- if you look around you'll see Louisiana. That means it's not yours either.

"he" is anyone convicted of sexual harassment, any party.

My error, I was confusing this thread with one where I pointed out that Rump did exactly the same thing as Franken, and yet no calls for Rump to resign over it.

Lotta shit going on, it's hard to keep up.

What I am objecting to here is destroying someone by allegations with no proof. There was proof of Clinton's perversions, Franken admitted to his, plus pictures. There is nothing on moore but hearsay. He may have been a slimeball, but there is no proof.

Interesting that women telling their stories is interpreted as "destroying someone".

It's a fucking election. In an election, voters want to know who the candidates are. That election is, once again, the decision of the voters of the state of Alabama.

"Proof" would be required for an indictment. "Crime" - "Election". Know the difference.

You got "proof" of Hillary's Parkinson's Disease? Got "proof" of O'bama being born in Kenya? Got "proof" of John McCain "fathering an illegitimate black child"?

OK then.

I've not called for Franken to resign. I have been curious as to why there is no million Woman march to force him out though.

there is no basis for franken to resign. a) franken is not a child molester; b) franken's "accuser" said she doesn't want him to resign and doesn't want an ethics investigation (hmmmm); and c) let us know when you demand the orange loon in the white house resign for being a sexual predator
wow you know all of this already? they haven't even investigated yet. dude you truly are a special human, you know more than everyone. LOL.
Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games

Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games
so prove it with documentation. let's see the complaints.
Formal or informal? The informal ones are already out there.
the one that triggered it. you know the one that got their attention to do this. or are we now doing more hearsay like the mall thingy that isn't so? you all are great at this shit. but it is just more shit. submit the yearbook up for analysis and put this to bed. because everything you all say is 100% factual so far. LOL.
The yearbook changes nothing. But a creep like Moore would do such a thing. It fits him perfectly. He loved that young meat. The same with his wife of 14 years younger.

so marrying someone younger than you is a moral crime to you libtardians?

the forged yearbook means nothing?????????????? WTF is wrong with you?
The topic is Moore is an unethical creep (and a potential sexual predator), always has been always will be. By his own admissions.
that's your position, not mine. now tell me why you think your position is more valuable than mine?
Because unlike yours mine is both rational and non-partisan.
LOL, yep for sure you have me on rational. cause you believe anything anyone says. i merely ask for evidence. how fking unfair of me. You'd prefer to ruin a 40 year career on nothing. got it. that is so much more rational than me. And the fact you bring up partisan is funny to me. so is the seat more important or the harassment? the mere fact you went to politics tells me this is more partisan to you. but that's just my opinion. like yours is yours. so still you have nothing on me. The one thing I will tell you is that Moore will most likely win the election. cause like me, the majority are looking for verification of a 38 year old claim. and so far we got nothing. now, we could have the yearbook looked at and end the speculation right away. why are you against that if you are for the accusers getting justice?
The only "evidence" needed for decent people Moore has already provided. That is more than enough for people with morals not to vote for him. We will see just how many that is shortly. Mall-rat Roy is not who a decent person would want representing them.
then they won't vote for him right. people like me will and he will win. so what's next?
If you wish to vote for a man without morals you will not be alone. ~60 million did just that for Trump.

And if Moore is elected it won't matter. The Senate will treat him as the scum that he is. he might as well just stay home and go to the high school football games as usual.
Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games

Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games
so prove it with documentation. let's see the complaints.
Formal or informal? The informal ones are already out there.
the one that triggered it. you know the one that got their attention to do this. or are we now doing more hearsay like the mall thingy that isn't so? you all are great at this shit. but it is just more shit. submit the yearbook up for analysis and put this to bed. because everything you all say is 100% factual so far. LOL.
The yearbook changes nothing. But a creep like Moore would do such a thing. It fits him perfectly. He loved that young meat. The same with his wife of 14 years younger.
the yearbook is the telling piece. so you are already conceding that it is forged? is that it? Remember once tainted all tainted.

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