Where does the March Toward Marxism End? Does it End?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.


Oh, where is my little tin hat, my little tin hat, ......................................... LOL

Oh, where is my childish response, my childish response....for I am too much a fool to actually address the message, so let me try to make fun of the messenger.
Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.

It's going to end for you in November 2018. Do you really think the American people are going to vote for a do nothing Congress?
You have to earn people's votes.
You haven't.
You haven't done a goddamn thing.
You're toast and you know it.
Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.

Drain the swamp. lol
Trump has stocked the swamp with ferocious alligators and you haven't noticed.
He's counting on your stupidity... I see you're in full compliance.
You shallow half-wit Bolsheviks keep posting these nonsensical playground taunts...it just keeps the original post...to which you have no response...at the top, so more people with good sense will have a chance to read it.
LOL Marxism hardly applies to the economics we have today. No more than laissez faire capitalism does. And silly little shits like you that try to shoe horn modern economics into one of them prove you are either a fool or suffering from dementia.
Of course it ends.

Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.

Actually Marx was not opposed to Capitalism at all,if you had really read Marx.......Marxism was one thing...Stalinism was something completely different and Negative,Wilful and Destructive
Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.


There is no ‘march toward Marxism.’

No one advocates for ‘Marxism.’

The thread premise is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.

Jefferson and the Founders had Lafayette save the Republic, we had Trump and uncle Vlad. Hillary would have been the end of the American Experiment.
Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.

Unfortunately we aren't on a Marxist path. What is described in the article, Marx would very much warn against.

The propagation of ignorance is a huge problem in this country.
Any article which quotes extensively for the Great Thomas Jefferson, as the one below does...is worth reading.

Where Does It End?

"Whenever a major country is in decline and approaching collapse, a contingent arises that does everything it can to speed up the process toward collapse." {Here, the Democratic/Marxist Party}
Well, truth be told, no matter how inspired or sincere the founding fathers of any nation may be, those who would usurp them are always many in number and, in most cases, are prepared to do whatever it takes to slowly take power and return to tyrannical rule.

As Thomas Jefferson said,

"Even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

Can the march toward Marxism which the Democratic Party is now sponsoring...and which leads naturally to Stalinism...ever be reversed?

The nest few years will tell the story. America is in crisis.

Drain the Swamp
Build the Wall

Fuck the New York Media.

It ends when freedom loving people have had enough and kill every politician, lawyer, lobbyist and hanger-on in DC and in every state.

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