Breaking" High School shooting at Wash State High School

Wow, an anti gunner source...yeah, those numbers are accurate...and the 40 percent number is wrong...since licensed firearms dealers at gun shows do background checks...

Checking the Logic of Background Checks -

Even in surveys conducted before the Brady Act, only a fifth of state prisoners who had used guns to commit crimes said they bought them from licensed dealers. In a 2004 survey, the share was just one-tenth.

Furthermore, a criminal turned away by a licensed dealer can always steal a gun, buy one from someone who does not run background checks, or ask someone with a clean record to buy one for him. Obama is therefore doubly wrong to equate blocking sales through NICS with preventing "dangerous people" from "getting their hands on a gun."

yeah...didn't the Sandy Hook killer skip the background murdering his mother and stealing her guns...I guess the background check has a "murder" loophole...

Yeah...and all those mass shooters who did pass background checks...and still committed murder...

Given these realities, it is not surprising that a 2000 study by criminologists Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig found no evidence that the Brady Act had an impact on homicide rates. But according to supporters of expanded background checks, the problem is that the Brady Act did not go far enough.

One difficulty with that argument: As Cook and Ludwig note, most people who use guns to commit crimes—including almost all mass shooters—could have passed a background check. But what about the rest? Would they be thwarted by a broader screening requirement?

Probably not. Forcing private sellers at gun shows to arrange background checks with the help of licensed dealers is relatively straightforward. But in that 2004 inmate survey, less than 2 percent of respondents said they had bought weapons at gun shows or flea markets.
Well omg.... nut jobs falls through the cracks every damn day. He could of used a car, a pipe bomb etc

Blame your wonderful Guberment who you all so rely on for EVERYTHING in your life

You know pipe bombs are illegal correct? And cars serve a different purpose than killing.

I don't agree with gun bans, but morons like you make the argument easier for the ones that do.

A guns primary purpose is to kill. It can also be used for sport shooting. Nothing else. Correct your argument.
For example...Tennessee...

Amid a Red Sea of Republicans Democrats run Tennessee s largest cities Times Free Press

dittos for the rest of those states...except maybe Texas...they have violence because of the mexican drug cartels...

As Tennessee Democrats’ electoral fortunes continue crumbling at the state and federal level, some of the party’s bright lights are alive, well and leading the state’s six largest cities as mayors elected in nonpartisan races.

Former state Sen. Andy Berke, D-Chattanooga, joined the select group when he was elected Chattanooga mayor in March.

Now there’s intense speculation the state Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, Caucus Chairman Lowe Finney, is eyeing a bid for mayor of Jackson after announcing last week he would not seek re-election next year to the Legislature.

Democrats also serve as mayors in Memphis (A C Wharton), Nashville (Karl Dean), Knoxville (Madeline Rogero), Clarksville (Kim McMillan) and Murfreesboro (Tommy Bragg). All six were elected in nonpartisan contests.

Also...look up the 25 most dangerous cities...24 of by democrats...the one in Ohio goes back and forth...

So, stop electing democrats and the crime rate will drop...
stop electing democrats and America will return to greatness once again

^ The other parties say the same thing. The root cause of these issues is much more complex. But that would make you take time out of your day to research. Hard stuff.
A guns primary purpose is to kill. It can also be used for sport shooting. Nothing else. Correct your argument.

Hmmm...wrong, and wrong...

A guns primary purpose in the hands of a good person is to save lives and stop violent crimes...they save lives...and they deter crime ....since in every state that passed concealed carry had a drop in crime rates...

so again...wrong and wrong...
The other parties say the same thing. The root cause of these issues is much more complex. But that would make you take time out of your day to research. Hard stuff.

So...tell me which of the 25 most violent cities in the country are run by Republicans....try researching that before you spout off...generations of teenagers raising children who have children when they are teenagers living on government welfare, raised in communities with no responsible adult role models...and the only role models are gang members and drug dealers...that is where the violence originates...and the democrats foster this lifestyle because it gives them lots of voters...
The other parties say the same thing.

The democrats are lying...they know exactly what they are doing in these cities...they have been enslaving people since before the Civil War...
Some more on why the 40% of gun sales are done without background check myth...just more anti gunner lying...

The 40 Percent Myth National Review Online

Obama made many other false statements during his talk. He asserted that “over the last 14 years [background checks] kept 1.5 million of the wrong people from getting their hands on a gun.” But these were only “initial denials,” not people prevented from buying guns.

In 2010, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms dropped over 94 percent of those “initial denials” after just preliminary reviews. Virtually all the remaining cases were dropped after further investigation by ATF field offices or the Department of Justice. Few of these “initial denials,” 62 people or about 0.1 percent, involved strong enough evidence to be consideration for prosecution. Just 13 pleaded guilty or were convicted.

and the 40% myth...or should I say lie...

But the high figure comes primarily from including such transactions as inheritances or gifts from family members. Putting aside these various biases, if you look at guns that were bought, traded, borrowed, rented, issued as a requirement of the job, or won through raffles, 85 percent went through FFLs; just 15 percent were transferred without a background check.
A guns primary purpose is to kill. It can also be used for sport shooting. Nothing else. Correct your argument.

Hmmm...wrong, and wrong...

A guns primary purpose in the hands of a good person is to save lives and stop violent crimes...they save lives...and they deter crime ....since in every state that passed concealed carry had a drop in crime rates...

so again...wrong and wrong...

If you don't know the history of the gun and the dangers behind it you probably shouldn't own one. Guns were not made to stop people with guns.................
Guns were not made to stop people with guns.................

and the modern world that is just what they do...isn't your point is...well...pointless...isn't it...

If the user is evil, the gun will be used for evil...

If the user is good, the gun will be used to stop violent crime and save lives...

And since the bad guys can get guns...the good guys better have guns too...don't you think...?
To me, the bottom line is that if we look at other countries with strict gun laws, they have a great deal less gun violence, and they do not have, as a regular event, these school, mall, cinema, etc., shootings. The US must impose much stricter gun laws if we are ever to have a reality that does not include our children being shot down at school.
So, do you want to take guns away from just the criminals or EVERYBODY?
I would use the guns laws of a country that has them strict enough to prevent the type of gun violence we have in the US. Use their laws as a model and impose them on America. It makes sense: if something works, it's a good model. Obviously, the gun laws we have in the US are not working.
So, you're gonna start with a country that has over 300,000,000 firearms in the possession of a population that has a constitutional protection to have those arms and you're gonna pass a law similar to one in a country that restricts gun ownership?
With gun control a hot topic in the upcoming local election, more kids are gun down at school.


Strange how school shooters are feral white kids
He is native American, not 'white.' A member of the Tulalip tribe.
That is so illiberal of you to post such a hateful fact.
So does anyone have any actual information about the Seattle shooter why he did what he did where and how he got the gun he used or is everyone just going straight to their usual right and left talking points?
Marysville is not Seattle. Marysville is 35 miles from Seattle. I lived in Seattle for 13 years and never went there. It's a small town 35 miles from Seattle.
Thanks for the info but it doesn't answer my question.

The kid owned several guns. His parents just gave him a hunting rifle. Nobody knows if he owned the one he used at the school. He was depressed because his girl friend broke up with him.
I wonder did the kid actually own several guns or did the parents? It seems a bit odd a high school kid owning several guns.
Now, that would depend on where you live, I would think.

Many teens here have rifles and shotguns, though they cannot legally possess a handgun under the Federal Juvenile handgun act.
To me, the bottom line is that if we look at other countries with strict gun laws, they have a great deal less gun violence, and they do not have, as a regular event, these school, mall, cinema, etc., shootings. The US must impose much stricter gun laws if we are ever to have a reality that does not include our children being shot down at school.
The US is not "other countries", though you are free to move.
I don't think that this kid was an outright psycho. He just seemed to have gone over the edge because of hormonal changes that happen to 14 year old boys, so background checks would not have helped in this instance.

However, I can't for the life of me see what the hell the Right has against background checks. I have bought three guns in 4 years, and had background checks. they cost $25, and take 5 minutes. We also do background checks on people who want to join the Sheriff's auxiliary where I volunteer. Amazingly enough, we turn down about 4 applicants per year who have felony convictions, who, for some reason, don't think that we will notice.
Hormonal changes??

Man, we were all 14, once, and how many of us shot up the school?

That is just absurd.

He shot up the schools because he was a self-centered little bastard, a "me generation" little fuck.
A guns primary purpose is to kill. It can also be used for sport shooting. Nothing else. Correct your argument.

Hmmm...wrong, and wrong...

A guns primary purpose in the hands of a good person is to save lives and stop violent crimes...they save lives...and they deter crime ....since in every state that passed concealed carry had a drop in crime rates...

so again...wrong and wrong...

If you don't know the history of the gun and the dangers behind it you probably shouldn't own one. Guns were not made to stop people with guns.................
My firearms were created for what ever purpose I choose to use them for. It's an individual right thing
Wow, an anti gunner source...yeah, those numbers are accurate...and the 40 percent number is wrong...since licensed firearms dealers at gun shows do background checks...

Checking the Logic of Background Checks -

Even in surveys conducted before the Brady Act, only a fifth of state prisoners who had used guns to commit crimes said they bought them from licensed dealers. In a 2004 survey, the share was just one-tenth.

Furthermore, a criminal turned away by a licensed dealer can always steal a gun, buy one from someone who does not run background checks, or ask someone with a clean record to buy one for him. Obama is therefore doubly wrong to equate blocking sales through NICS with preventing "dangerous people" from "getting their hands on a gun."

yeah...didn't the Sandy Hook killer skip the background murdering his mother and stealing her guns...I guess the background check has a "murder" loophole...

Yeah...and all those mass shooters who did pass background checks...and still committed murder...

Given these realities, it is not surprising that a 2000 study by criminologists Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig found no evidence that the Brady Act had an impact on homicide rates. But according to supporters of expanded background checks, the problem is that the Brady Act did not go far enough.

One difficulty with that argument: As Cook and Ludwig note, most people who use guns to commit crimes—including almost all mass shooters—could have passed a background check. But what about the rest? Would they be thwarted by a broader screening requirement?

Probably not. Forcing private sellers at gun shows to arrange background checks with the help of licensed dealers is relatively straightforward. But in that 2004 inmate survey, less than 2 percent of respondents said they had bought weapons at gun shows or flea markets.
Who told you licesed dealers do not do background checks at gun shows?

Private individuals do not do background checks, but, dealers must.
Good thing we had a teacher there who took action.

I might hold off on that idea...I have heard the kid killed himself...if the teacher grabbed him...kind of hard to do...

Really? What's so hard about it? If I grab your left arm and you are holding your gun in your right hand, whats the problem with you getting the gun to your head?
This lack of parents being very careful about gun ownership is a reason for stricter gun laws.

And which law would correct the problem of a 14 year old stealing a gun from his parents...? Perhaps a law that said....we really, really mean it when we say 14 year olds can't use a gun to murder innocent people?

Here a fucking idea for you billoc, you crazy gun nutter you.

How about the parents putting their guns in a fucking gun safe that the kid can't get into.

That idea is pretty much beyond your ability to comprehend. Responsible gun ownership. Isn't it? Gun safes. Who'd a thought of them.

At least Lanzas Mom had to die before her son could get to the guns. Appropriate don't cha think.
and a lot of kids have access to guns all the time...and they don't kill innocent people, they hunt, they compete and they also stop bad guys breaking into their homes...more than one have even used an AR-15 to stop criminals....

If the kid is evil...or mentally unstable the gun will be used for evil...

If the kid is good, they will never harm another innocent person...
To me, the bottom line is that if we look at other countries with strict gun laws, they have a great deal less gun violence, and they do not have, as a regular event, these school, mall, cinema, etc., shootings. The US must impose much stricter gun laws if we are ever to have a reality that does not include our children being shot down at school.
The US is not "other countries", though you are free to move.

Well, Ruusia and Latin American countries have,absolute,gun control and have far more murders than we do....

Switzerland has far more military rifles,in private hands and has less gun murders than we do....

Britain has the type of gun control you want and has almost twice as much violence as we do....

You are just wrong....

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