Boys will be boys?

No it did took place in Colorado.

Hmmm....the people of Denver would be surprised to learn their city is not part of the United States.

Well, to be fair, it's a town closer to Telleride....and Esmeralda, if I may poke you a were calling for the Principal to be fired and that was the victim's father. :D

The original post said the principal urged the parents not to report the incident. I was going on that. And I disagree with you that the town, just because it is in the same area as Telleride is a liberal town. This thread seems to be 'your' thread, so I' will just go away so you can reign supreme.
The world is just plain upside down under liberalism. Kids are escorted off school grounds and suspended for pointing at someone in a way that looks like a gun. They are kicked out of school for wearing a NRA T shirt but unlawful imprisonment, assault and rape are just kids being kids (if the victim is White). My guess is that the education establishment is so desperate to cover up the negligence and potential imprisonment of teachers who apparently ignore or condone criminal behavior that they take the offensive and turn on the victim.

Yes. If they were trying to cover this up to protect the sports program than what exactly do you suggest it is?

Idolotry of sports, school sports like wresting, football, etc., is something more common in conservative areas, not liberal areas. Texas is a prime example.

in the small ranching town of Norwood
I'm pretty certain this small ranching town is not a liberal enclave.

I dont know or care about the politics of the people involved. It's completely irrelevant to the story.

As I said earlier, not everything is a liberal/conservative thing.
There is nothing more important in the world than Jazz basketball during the season.

I was at Liberty Park over the weekend and Thurl Baily and 3000 of his most intimate friends were there.

What a great city.
First, and I'm certain this won't be a popular thing to say, but I wonder if the victim feels as strongly about this as his parents. He may, and would be justified in feeling so, but I can imagine his strongest feeling about this being embarrassment rather than anger or violation. Trying to recall my teenage years, I think it's possible I would have preferred something like this not come up rather than become a public incident. At 13, I think the opinions of my peers was probably the most important thing in life, as I think it is for many teens.

I don't say this to defend the perpetrators or the townspeople who defended them. They deserved their punishment. I just think that how the incident is viewed is at least a little bit subjective.

Now that I've opened myself up for everyone's ire, I think the actions of the coach and school board are reprehensible. It sounds like the kind of stereotype sports could do without; a town so enamored of their sports team they are willing to let almost any transgression by the athletes pass by. As Avatar called it, it's almost sports idolatry, nearly religious. I love watching the sports I enjoy, I have various sports paraphernalia, but it sounds as though these people take it WAY too far. These are the fanatics rather than just fans.
Hmmm....the people of Denver would be surprised to learn their city is not part of the United States.

Well, to be fair, it's a town closer to Telleride....and Esmeralda, if I may poke you a were calling for the Principal to be fired and that was the victim's father. :D

The original post said the principal urged the parents not to report the incident. I was going on that. And I disagree with you that the town, just because it is in the same area as Telleride is a liberal town. This thread seems to be 'your' thread, so I' will just go away so you can reign supreme.

Actually, it was the superintendent. And having read more on this, the school district may have broken the law by not reporting this as soon as they had knowledge of it. There are certain jobs out there where there is mandatory reporting. Perhaps this school district should have a few people looked at more closely.
Well, to be fair, it's a town closer to Telleride....and Esmeralda, if I may poke you a were calling for the Principal to be fired and that was the victim's father. :D

The original post said the principal urged the parents not to report the incident. I was going on that. And I disagree with you that the town, just because it is in the same area as Telleride is a liberal town. This thread seems to be 'your' thread, so I' will just go away so you can reign supreme.

Actually, it was the superintendent. And having read more on this, the school district may have broken the law by not reporting this as soon as they had knowledge of it. There are certain jobs out there where there is mandatory reporting. Perhaps this school district should have a few people looked at more closely.

It is more than sports as the victim's father was not only the principal abut the footballs coach. Just a bunch of "Good Old Boys" who were bullies themselves. I cannot imagine "Brokeback Mountain" was a hit in this little shit hole.
The original post said the principal urged the parents not to report the incident. I was going on that. And I disagree with you that the town, just because it is in the same area as Telleride is a liberal town. This thread seems to be 'your' thread, so I' will just go away so you can reign supreme.

Actually, it was the superintendent. And having read more on this, the school district may have broken the law by not reporting this as soon as they had knowledge of it. There are certain jobs out there where there is mandatory reporting. Perhaps this school district should have a few people looked at more closely.

It is more than sports as the victim's father was not only the principal abut the footballs coach. Just a bunch of "Good Old Boys" who were bullies themselves. I cannot imagine "Brokeback Mountain" was a hit in this little shit hole.

And the Wrestling coach is father to two of the three boys who sodomized the principal's son.....and he is (or was) the head of the school board.

Creepy stuff there.
Actually, it was the superintendent. And having read more on this, the school district may have broken the law by not reporting this as soon as they had knowledge of it. There are certain jobs out there where there is mandatory reporting. Perhaps this school district should have a few people looked at more closely.

It is more than sports as the victim's father was not only the principal abut the footballs coach. Just a bunch of "Good Old Boys" who were bullies themselves. I cannot imagine "Brokeback Mountain" was a hit in this little shit hole.

And the Wrestling coach is father to two of the three boys who sodomized the principal's son.....and he is (or was) the head of the school board.

Creepy stuff there.

The whole thing is incestuous and I agree they are mandated reporters who should have acted as such.

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