Manchin: Obama declared ‘war on coal’


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
then stop blowing smoke out your asses and DO SOMETHING

By Justin Sink - 06/25/13 04:15 PM ET

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) blasted President Obama's proposals to address climate change, saying new regulations on power plants would unfairly burden the coal industry.

“The regulations the President wants to force on coal are not feasible. And if it’s not feasible, it’s not reasonable,” Manchin said in a statement.

“It’s clear now that the President has declared a war on coal,” he added. “It’s simply unacceptable that one of the key elements of his climate change proposal places regulations on coal that are completely impossible to meet with existing technology."

The Democratic senator’s comments highlight the tough — and bipartisan — resistance facing the White House's new energy proposals.

Manchin’s comments echoed remarks made by a member of a White House panel of outside science advisers, who told The New York Times on Monday that the president should use Tuesday’s climate speech to launch a “war on coal.”

Republicans have also seized on the remark, saying the president's energy plan — unveiled Tuesday at Georgetown University — would cause energy bills to spike and increase unemployment among the middle class.

Read more: Manchin: Obama declared ?war on coal? - The Hill's E2-Wire
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Manchin: Obama declared ?war on coal? - The Hill's E2-Wire
first- its a channel changer, the whole last month or so has been one long list of fail, so he needs to get out there and do what he does best and appear he only ever does or is capable of, rabble rouse.....and second- hes doing it the only way he knows how, via regulatory agencies...he just f*cked red state democrats to boot. and has made them antsy about associating with him on anything else, some politician:rolleyes:....oh and not to mention we have in effect met the 92 Kyoto targets without signing on....
WV is a coal and gun state.

Looks like he is trying to at least not piss off the coal interests like he did with the pro-gun vote
Mancini is afraid of losing his job now...His master Obama put him in between being on knees for him or his job..

he deserves it..
first- its a channel changer, the whole last month or so has been one long list of fail, so he needs to get out there and do what he does best and appear he only ever does or is capable of, rabble rouse.....and second- hes doing it the only way he knows how, via regulatory agencies...he just f*cked red state democrats to boot. and has made them antsy about associating with him on anything else, some politician:rolleyes:....oh and not to mention we have in effect met the 92 Kyoto targets without signing on....

The outcome of any implementation of this job-killing ambition will at least unseat some Dems n both Houses in `14 and conservatives can sweep them each. :clap2: We'll get this nation back to prosperity.


But while liberals are cheering Obama’s far-reaching fiat, a lot of Democrats, especially in coal-producing states, must be far from happy.

The president’s orders that will impose new carbon emission levels on existing power plants will raise the price of energy for everyone and harm an already fragile economy that has struggled to maintain an anemic recovery. By itself that may prove to be a political liability for Democrats running in next year’s midterm elections even if by now most Americans have had their natural skepticism about global warming alarmism pounded out of them by an ideological media. But an all-too-candid Obama advisor may have made a crucial gaffe that could kill the president’s party in coal-producing states next year.

To which Democrats running in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky,
West Virginia and more than a dozen other coal-producing states may say, “Thanks for nothing.”


Coal is still responsible for 37 percent of America’s energy production
and with new technologies for mining it is no longer the ecological nightmare that it was routinely depicted as being for decades. That means that the president’s new regulations will have a drastic impact on energy prices and reduce the income of a vast cross-section of Americans.

Do Democrats Really Want a War on Coal? « Commentary Magazine
Let us all gather around and mourn for the buggy whip manufacturers.

When we have a better way of producing a neccessity, electricity, one that does not poison our children, we should use it. Coal is and always has been dirty, and destructive to the environment. From the poisoning of the streams from mountain top removal, to the effects of the heavy metals that it puts into the atmosphere, coal has negatively effected the health of all of us.
Let us all gather around and mourn for the buggy whip manufacturers.

When we have a better way of producing a neccessity, electricity, one that does not poison our children, we should use it. Coal is and always has been dirty, and destructive to the environment. From the poisoning of the streams from mountain top removal, to the effects of the heavy metals that it puts into the atmosphere, coal has negatively effected the health of all of us.

whatever, china and India are stopping not for us, not for anyone, they are bringing coal fired plants on line monthly...the impact will be vaporous, like your distraught emotional posts.

We have reduced our output, and natural gas has been substituting and adding to that drop to but as we all know, this is more about dogma than facts, so, fracking- natural gas will be next up for massive intervention.

The fact is- HR 2454 American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 passed by a whisker in 2009 in the house, then Reid never brought it to a vote (S.1462) in the Senate, why? Because he didn't have the votes, and several committees had their own jurisdictions and bills, he could not get them all on the same page,though, he had the votes, on cloture and naturally to pass S.1462 there after at 51.......

NOW, Obama will use fiat means via the EPA/regulatory strictures and Exec. orders, you know, the same actions that brought the term " Imperial Presidency " to the fore in the Bush years , but somehow, this is different...:rolleyes:
I saw some coal miners interviewed on tv last night. It is appalling to see the tragedy our President is promising to create for them and their community (and all other coal mining towns). The town is built around the coal company...and the local business live via the incomes generated by coal miners. These men kept saying "they just want to be able to work". Why should they have to plead with our government to be able to work?
I saw some coal miners interviewed on tv last night. It is appalling to see the tragedy our President is promising to create for them and their community (and all other coal mining towns). The town is built around the coal company...and the local business live via the incomes generated by coal miners. These men kept saying "they just want to be able to work". Why should they have to plead with our government to be able to work?

Pleading with "this" government is useless. The coal miner's president would rather see them suckling from the teat of it's programs, to render them powerless, as one more steppingstone in his march towards complete economic disaster.

Islam is not primarily a religion but a political control system for economic and territorial domination. It is fascism exactly like Hitler or Stalin that seeks to take over the world.

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