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Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

Ask the Democrats, specifically Reid why he wouldn't even discuss some changes made to the law. basically "my way or the highway" - so the shutdown happened.

We do not have to ask. It is clear. There is no need to negotiate an existing law in order to keep the government open. That is bullshit. Reid is doing the right thing.

The GOP needs to begin doing the right thing.

There is no need to negotiate an existing law...holy shit you are dumb. What the hell do you think they are supposed to do? Once a law is passed, no matter how bad it is..nope has to stand - it's the law!!
It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.

The way your representatives.....most of whom are in INCREDIBLY SAFE districts...are going about this is wrong. Plain and simple.

It is obvious enough for those who only pay fleeting attention to understand. The GOP shut down the government because they do not like an established law.

If the clean CR is voted on in the house, it will pass and the government opens.

The GOP has a list of platform items that they are saying they will use in return for raising the debt ceiling.....one of them being a delay/ defund of the ACA.

What do you think of that tactic? If you are a loyal American as you claim...it should piss you the fuck off.

The House has a Republican majority and it has a Republican majority mostly due to people not wanting the government to take over their health care. The GOP majority in the House was due to the vote of the people. We elected them mostly to repeal Obamacare that was rammed down our throats by a Democratic Super Majority who had to bribe people like the dickens to very VERY narrowly pass it in the House even with their super majority. Evenso, almost 40 Democrats voted against it.

Now if you Democrats believe that those who win elections do so with a mandate to govern according to their campaign promises that got them elected, then those opposing Obamacare have every bit as much right to do so as Obama had to pass it with his super majority, bribes and all.

The Republican House passed three bills to fund the government EXCEPT for Obamacare which they had pledged to us that they would not support. That is why we elected them. One of those bills was simply to delay the implementation for one year. That was a reasonable request given that only a little over half the rules and regs are even written yet and nothing is really ready to run as it is supposed to. But from the Senate or the President, they are not willing to negotiate a single thing or give a single inch. The Republicans have moderated each of the three bills they passed in an effort to reach an agreement.

It was the Democrats who shut down the government. Not the GOP.
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Ask the Democrats, specifically Reid why he wouldn't even discuss some changes made to the law. basically "my way or the highway" - so the shutdown happened.

We do not have to ask. It is clear. There is no need to negotiate an existing law in order to keep the government open. That is bullshit. Reid is doing the right thing.

The GOP needs to begin doing the right thing.

There is no need to negotiate an existing law...holy shit you are dumb. What the hell do you think they are supposed to do? Once a law is passed, no matter how bad it is..nope has to stand - it's the law!!

Asshole....you conveniently ignored the full sentence. Try again.
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

Democraps and the Commander In Chump own this, sweathog. Get a fucking grip on yourself.
fuck you....they are closing the parkway and the park....i never said there were businesses inside the damned park now did i.....i said the businesses in the area would suffer...
can you fucking read or just a troll who goes by and shouts our this verbage?

So ladylike....
As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.

The way your representatives.....most of whom are in INCREDIBLY SAFE districts...are going about this is wrong. Plain and simple.

It is obvious enough for those who only pay fleeting attention to understand. The GOP shut down the government because they do not like an established law.

If the clean CR is voted on in the house, it will pass and the government opens.

The GOP has a list of platform items that they are saying they will use in return for raising the debt ceiling.....one of them being a delay/ defund of the ACA.

What do you think of that tactic? If you are a loyal American as you claim...it should piss you the fuck off.

The House has a Republican majority and it has a Republican majority mostly due to people not wanting the government to take over their health care. The GOP majority in the House was due to the vote of the people. We elected them mostly to repeal Obamacare that was rammed down our throats by a Democratic Super Majority who had to bribe people like the dickens to very VERY narrowly pass it in the House even with their super majority. Evenso, almost 40 Democrats voted against it.

Now if you Democrats believe that those who win elections do so with a mandate to govern according to their campaign promises that got them elected, then those opposing Obamacare have every bit as much right to do so as Obama had to pass it with his super majority, bribes and all.

The Republican House passed three bills to fund the government EXCEPT for Obamacare which they had pledged to us that they would not support. That is why we elected them.

That should be honored too.


If the GOP thinks it has the American people behind it...it should try to amend or repeal the law in the normal manner. This method is bullshit. You know it. You are rationalizing as a result of your ideology.
Does anybody remember what happened after the last government shutdown back in 1995?

We got a balanced budget.

Imagine that! Obama and Congress haven't been able to even produce an unbalanced budget for the last 4 years.

So, yeah, shut it down. I'm not seeing the downside of this.
So many nutters are pleased by the shutdown.......and so many are blaming the Dem's for it.

Something is off.
The way your representatives.....most of whom are in INCREDIBLY SAFE districts...are going about this is wrong. Plain and simple.

It is obvious enough for those who only pay fleeting attention to understand. The GOP shut down the government because they do not like an established law.

If the clean CR is voted on in the house, it will pass and the government opens.

The GOP has a list of platform items that they are saying they will use in return for raising the debt ceiling.....one of them being a delay/ defund of the ACA.

What do you think of that tactic? If you are a loyal American as you claim...it should piss you the fuck off.

The House has a Republican majority and it has a Republican majority mostly due to people not wanting the government to take over their health care. The GOP majority in the House was due to the vote of the people. We elected them mostly to repeal Obamacare that was rammed down our throats by a Democratic Super Majority who had to bribe people like the dickens to very VERY narrowly pass it in the House even with their super majority. Evenso, almost 40 Democrats voted against it.

Now if you Democrats believe that those who win elections do so with a mandate to govern according to their campaign promises that got them elected, then those opposing Obamacare have every bit as much right to do so as Obama had to pass it with his super majority, bribes and all.

The Republican House passed three bills to fund the government EXCEPT for Obamacare which they had pledged to us that they would not support. That is why we elected them.

That should be honored too.


If the GOP thinks it has the American people behind it...it should try to amend or repeal the law in the normal manner. This method is bullshit. You know it. You are rationalizing as a result of your ideology.

As I have already said, and won't bother to repeat here, I agree that the GOP did not go about this in the smartest way. If they had their wits about them, they could have had the Democrats over a huge barrel. I started my own thread with an OP describing that barrel and I still think it was the best approach.

But they didn't. Hind sight is always 20-20.

But they ARE doing the right thing standing on principle instead of political expediency. We who voted them into the majority gave them their marching orders. They are acting with honor and respect for what we elected them to do.
The House has a Republican majority and it has a Republican majority mostly due to people not wanting the government to take over their health care. The GOP majority in the House was due to the vote of the people. We elected them mostly to repeal Obamacare that was rammed down our throats by a Democratic Super Majority who had to bribe people like the dickens to very VERY narrowly pass it in the House even with their super majority. Evenso, almost 40 Democrats voted against it.

Now if you Democrats believe that those who win elections do so with a mandate to govern according to their campaign promises that got them elected, then those opposing Obamacare have every bit as much right to do so as Obama had to pass it with his super majority, bribes and all.

The Republican House passed three bills to fund the government EXCEPT for Obamacare which they had pledged to us that they would not support. That is why we elected them.

That should be honored too.


If the GOP thinks it has the American people behind it...it should try to amend or repeal the law in the normal manner. This method is bullshit. You know it. You are rationalizing as a result of your ideology.

As I have already said, and won't bother to repeat here, I agree that the GOP did not go about this in the smartest way. If they had their wits about them, they could have had the Democrats over a huge barrel. I started my own thread with an OP describing that barrel and I still think it was the best approach.

But they didn't. Hind sight is always 20-20.

But they ARE doing the right thing standing on principle instead of political expediency. We who voted them into the majority gave them their marching orders. They are acting with honor and respect for what we elected them to do.

OK. A minority of the house majority is honorable. Great. Vote on the clean CR in the house. Let them do their thing.
Harry Reid is the primary reason for this shutdown strolling.
Saying it is the republicans is like blaming the gunpowder manufacturer for killing someone, and letting the person who pulled the trigger go free.
The shutdown is because the Repubs attached Obamacare changes to the budget (imagine that - how dare they :cuckoo:)
The changes the republicans wanted to make to Obamacare was primarily:

1) Remove the 2000 exemptions the Democrats gave to favored corporations/unions and themselves of course.
2) To delay the individual mandate, since Dems gave corporations and employers an equal delay.

That's pretty much it? Sounds reasonable? What is wrong with those changes?
Harry Reid and the Senate dems refused to even talk about it, would not even meet with republicans...and then Harry Reid comes out and says "I will not be bullied by the fringe far right arm of their party"
Really?...this is bullying?

Reid and Obama have already made it clear they will not compromise. Ever. So it's their way or the highway and fuck the hell out of the majority of thinking Americans who have recognized this bullshit for what it is.
The House Republicans passed three separate bills, each that would have fully funded the government including government services involving the Blue Ridge Parkway and most Republican Senators would have voted aye on each one. The Senate Democrats rejected or refused to bring to a vote each and every one.

So how is the shutdown of the Blue Ridge Parkway the Republicans fault?

Because the stooped sheeple suck prog dick. Those who gain the most also vote. Those who pay for it all are now a minority.
So under Bush, should the Democrats have caused a government shutdown unless, say, all guns were banned? They could have then "compromised" and graciously accepted that only most guns be banned.

According to the Republicans, that would have been acceptable behavior, right? Heck of a way to run a government, but it seems to be what Republicans want.
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So under Bush, should the Democrats have caused a government shutdown unless, say, all guns were banned? They could have then "compromised" and graciously accepted that only most guns be banned.

According to the Republicans, that would have been acceptable behavior, right? Heck of a way to run a government, but it seems to be what Republicans want.

The Constitution says that owning a gun is your right.

It also says that spending bills are supposed to originate in the House, not the Senate.
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

They don't close highways during a shut down, stupid.
The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

Ask the Democrats, specifically Reid why he wouldn't even discuss some changes made to the law. basically "my way or the highway" - so the shutdown happened.

We do not have to ask. It is clear. There is no need to negotiate an existing law in order to keep the government open. That is bullshit. Reid is doing the right thing.

The GOP needs to begin doing the right thing.

It a law, whoopee-do-da! Doesn't mean we have to allocate funding for it. It's still a law, funding, or not. So why do Reid and Obama insist on shutting down government rather that negotiating and then trying some different tactic later? Oh, wait...elections have consequences...
As far as I am concerned, the GOP and TEA party reps are doing the right thing. They voted for this atrocity, whether they've read it yet, well...I'd say that some of them have.
Due to the Government Shutdown, other than Newfound Gap Road/US441 (THE MAIN ROAD OVER THE MOUNTAIN FROM CHEROKEE NC TO GALINBURG TN), the Spur and the Gatlinburg Bypass all GSM National Park roads will be closed to use of any kind by people.

All GSMNP Facilities, Hiking Trails, Picnic Areas and Visitor Centers will be closed

Great Smoky Mountains National Park Road Conditions

Last time I checked there were no businesses in the National park.

Just another Liberal trying to scare people with the lie of GOVT shutdown.[/QUOTE

fuck you....they are closing the parkway and the park....i never said there were businesses inside the damned park now did i.....i said the businesses in the area would suffer...
can you fucking read or just a troll who goes by and shouts our this verbage?

All absolutely unnecessary actions. Whatever did we do before the Feds took over control? Just an example of abusive government overreach. If you do not cooperate, we will punish you.
Thanks Obamacare not GOP. The majority of this country doens want it and yet the democRATS cont to shove it down our throats. GOP is doing the will of the people.
It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.

Our voices don't count because what we are saying counters the progressive script. We are not PC lemmings so we don't count.
Ask the Democrats, specifically Reid why he wouldn't even discuss some changes made to the law. basically "my way or the highway" - so the shutdown happened.

We do not have to ask. It is clear. There is no need to negotiate an existing law in order to keep the government open. That is bullshit. Reid is doing the right thing.

The GOP needs to begin doing the right thing.

It a law, whoopee-do-da! Doesn't mean we have to allocate funding for it. It's still a law, funding, or not. So why do Reid and Obama insist on shutting down government rather that negotiating and then trying some different tactic later? Oh, wait...elections have consequences...
As far as I am concerned, the GOP and TEA party reps are doing the right thing. They voted for this atrocity, whether they've read it yet, well...I'd say that some of them have.


Marijuana is legal in Washington and Colorado. Several states have legalized medical MJ.

But under Federal law, MJ is illegal.

I wonder how many who want Obamacare funded would also support the funding of Federal law enforcement against MJ.

The point here is that just because something is a law, that doesn't make it right.
It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.
The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

Those federal jobs will be paid back pay as soon as a budget passes. Ask yourself, is the award of crony contracts that important to you? So many of those Federally backed mortgages should not be made to start with, if a bank would not consider the applicant as reliable, why should the taxpayers be put on the line to cover such mortgages?
Shut down government? Maybe NSA and the IRS won't be funded for their spying activities or to pay more "agents" to execute gestapo tactics to force the unwilling to buy "insurance" that won't cover shit for health care unless they cough up exorbitant deductibles or co-pays before it kicks in and covers them? Oh, wait...unless they qualify for government subsidies.
I pass for white, I work three jobs. I was once comfortable, saving for retirement. Now, I just barely make it month-to-month. Why? Government interference with the market, bullshit regulations, and increased taxation. I've paid to raise my family. I should be able to look forward to a comfortable retirement in a few years. Now, it looks like I'd just better plan on working until I drop in my traces, at which time I can expect a bullet in my head because I am no longer financially worthwhile and the powers that be determine that I am better off dead. Fuck my contributions. Fuck what I have done, who I have been, I am old and useless and not able to support myself. Thanks, liberal/progressive shit-suckers. May your fates be even more grim than mine and those like me.

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