Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

The Constitution says that owning a gun is your right.

Then pick a different issue. Immigration, abortion, environment, whatever.

Would it be acceptable for a Democratic house to reject a clean debt bill from a Republican senate and shut down the government unless they got their way 100% on one of their pet issues?

And if the Democrats announced they'd settle for merely 90% of their pet issue, would that mean they "compromised", and thus the Republicans were totally at fault?

Just a consistency test. And no conservatives have passed it, so far.
Anyhow, all essential parts of government are still running as if nothing has happened. And the only parts of government that shut down are deemed 'non essential.' What part of 'non essential' is a really bad thing to shut down?
We do not have to ask. It is clear. There is no need to negotiate an existing law in order to keep the government open. That is bullshit. Reid is doing the right thing.

The GOP needs to begin doing the right thing.

It a law, whoopee-do-da! Doesn't mean we have to allocate funding for it. It's still a law, funding, or not. So why do Reid and Obama insist on shutting down government rather that negotiating and then trying some different tactic later? Oh, wait...elections have consequences...
As far as I am concerned, the GOP and TEA party reps are doing the right thing. They voted for this atrocity, whether they've read it yet, well...I'd say that some of them have.


Marijuana is legal in Washington and Colorado. Several states have legalized medical MJ.

But under Federal law, MJ is illegal.

I wonder how many who want Obamacare funded would also support the funding of Federal law enforcement against MJ.

The point here is that just because something is a law, that doesn't make it right.

Several states have also enacted state law that makes confiscation of firearms, or enforcement of anti-Constitutional firearm laws illegal. The Feds are ignoring the 10th Amendment at their peril, I'm thinking.
Anyhow, all essential parts of government are still running as if nothing has happened. And the only parts of government that shut down are deemed 'non essential.' What part of 'non essential' is a really bad thing to shut down?

My buddy went to work this morning. He was hoping to be shut down so he could enjoy these last few golden days of Fall. Oh, well...
I wonder how many who want Obamacare funded would also support the funding of Federal law enforcement against MJ.

Almost all of them. Because we're consistent in believing that the house doesn't unilaterally dictate law via funding. It's that Constitution thing.

There is no Constitutional requirement for Congress to fund any law or program.
It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.

The way your representatives.....most of whom are in INCREDIBLY SAFE districts...are going about this is wrong. Plain and simple.

It is obvious enough for those who only pay fleeting attention to understand. The GOP shut down the government because they do not like an established law.

If the clean CR is voted on in the house, it will pass and the government opens.

The GOP has a list of platform items that they are saying they will use in return for raising the debt of them being a delay/ defund of the ACA.

What do you think of that tactic? If you are a loyal American as you should piss you the fuck off.

I'm glad you asked. Since the ACA is an unfair TAX law, I am all for repealing all or part of the TAX.
As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.
The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

Ask the Democrats, specifically Reid why he wouldn't even discuss some changes made to the law. basically "my way or the highway" - so the shutdown happened.
Because the "changes" we're to repeal the entire act? Some compromise!
We do not have to ask. It is clear. There is no need to negotiate an existing law in order to keep the government open. That is bullshit. Reid is doing the right thing.

The GOP needs to begin doing the right thing.

It a law, whoopee-do-da! Doesn't mean we have to allocate funding for it. It's still a law, funding, or not. So why do Reid and Obama insist on shutting down government rather that negotiating and then trying some different tactic later? Oh, wait...elections have consequences...
As far as I am concerned, the GOP and TEA party reps are doing the right thing. They voted for this atrocity, whether they've read it yet, well...I'd say that some of them have.


Marijuana is legal in Washington and Colorado. Several states have legalized medical MJ.

But under Federal law, MJ is illegal.

I wonder how many who want Obamacare funded would also support the funding of Federal law enforcement against MJ.

The point here is that just because something is a law, that doesn't make it right.

According to this, Obama only enforces laws that he wants to.

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration announced Thursday a limited pullback on federal enforcement of marijuana, saying it will not interfere with new state laws that permit recreational use of marijuana.

The Justice Department said it will not seek to veto new state laws in Colorado and Washington that legalize the recreational use of marijuana, and it will not bring federal prosecutions against dispensaries or businesses that sell small amounts of marijuana to adults.
government shut down...they are closing all the federal parks.....that will close the parkway and the great smokey mountains national park...closing the main way from cherokee to gatlinburg during the peak foliage season

Not only are the national park nightmares the baby of the dems from way back...

House and Senate Democrats say they'll reject a bid by Republicans to reopen portions of the government, including national parks and processing of claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs."

The assholes made the land grab that gave the federal government all that land that private citizens are not allowed to develop or use...and now they're going to also prevent us from enjoying them.

So much for "holding in trust", lol. That's liberal progress for you. Things are going according to plan. Enjoy the fruits of your progressive regime, bones. It's going to get much, much worse.

Democrats To Oppose GOP Plan To Reopen National Parks
"House GOP leaders pushed a new approach, offering to fund some parts of the government — including national parks, veterans benefits and the District government."

At the moment, neither side is feeling a clear imperative to end the shutdown.
Republican leaders prefer keeping the government closed to compromising on health care. And, with polls showing that voters overwhelmingly blame Republicans for the impasse, Democrats, too, are willing to let it drag on."

Washington braces for prolonged government shutdown - The Washington Post
Frankly, it wouldn't bother me in the least if they closed the national parks up here. It might stem the annual invasion of tourpests who ask dumb-assed questions like: "Do you take American money?", or "How far above sea level are we?" (as they disembark from their cruise ship), or any other the dozens of other incredibly stupid fucking things they say. They treat my home like a nickel whore on Saturday night, use it, fuck it, and haul their asses back to wherever they crawled her from.
The government doesn't own land. We do. The land belongs to us, not to the government. Telling us we can't be on it is fucking ridiculous. And not likely to be a real successful endeavor. People who won't fight for the right to attend the church of their choice will kill your ass if you try to prevent them from accessing their regular hunting grounds.
When they started charging "trespass fees" to hunt on the local military installations, I quit registering for a permit to hunt there. I figure military posts are public property, even more...I'm a veteran. Why should I pay an additional fee to hunt there?
I support your right to attend any church you like, as long as your church tells me I cannot hunt.
Didn't Elton John write a song about this?

Blue Ridge Parkway
Virginia lady...
Seamstress for the band

Pretty eyed, pirate smile,
you'll marry a music man...
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

October is one of the busiest months on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Maybe not this year, however.

I have a difficult time with the Feds ordering privately owned business, such as travel lodges, restaurants and motels to shut down. If I owned one of these businesses, I would tell the government to FO and would remain open.

The parkway will remain open in case of a federal government shutdown, but all of the sites and attractions along the scenic road will close.

The National Park Service had ordered the closing of the road if Congress could not reach a resolution by 12:01 a.m. today to keep the government running. However, park service officials decided Monday to keep the 469-mile parkway open.

“The mother road will be open,” said Steve Stinnett, the parkway’s chief ranger.
Didn't Elton John write a song about this?

Blue Ridge Parkway
Virginia lady...
Seamstress for the band

Pretty eyed, pirate smile,
you'll marry a music man...

Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band
Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man
Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand

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