Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

Punish red states? America is becoming Europe under the Hussein administration. Why the hell do drivers need federal permission to drive on a freaking highway?
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This is what tyrannical regimes do. They isolate themselves, they contain the population, and they take control of property.

Gads people are stupid. And poorly educated. This has happened many, many, many, many times before. The government is "shut down"...the people are disarmed, the public lands are declared off limits to any except by government permission, and for any use except that approved of by the government, for government profit and increase of power, and then there's a coup and the people are slaughtered.

Brace yourselves, morons. You seem to have forgotten how many times it has happened in the past...and what it looked like.
Baloney. There have been 17 previous government shutdowns in American history, most under Democratic controlled Congresses, and almost all concentrated over budgetary disputes in Congress, and mostly occurring from 1970s to the 1990s. The longest was in 1995 when Clinton vetoed three bills before finally signing one with the welfare reform in it that saved his presidency and gave him what legacy he has. And every single one of those shutdowns used the very same methods that the Congress is using now--legislators voting their conscience or convictions and one chamber or a President refusing to bend to the will of the other.

Baloney. You're revising history, badly. Never before has one party unilaterally demanded total surrender or they'd shut it all down. Those previous cases were all _both_ sides going back and forth over favors for both sides, and then coming to their senses quickly when the deadline passed, quickly compromising for the good of the nation.

And you didn't answer the "are you a hypocrite" question.

If the positions were reversed, and a Democratic house rejected a clean bill and declared the government would be shut down unless a complete gun ban was implemented, would you approve of their heroic resolve?

Would you say the Democrats "compromised" if they then agreed to only banning most guns?

And please don't dodge by declaring your pet issues are special and get an exception, unlike the issues of the evil democrats. That would just prove an "Ends justify the means for my side" philosophy on your part.
The dems did do that. They rejected a bill that would allow the parks and some other depts.. to continue to function...and they absolutely refused to consider it because they refused to compromise on anything.

When was the last time the government shut down the parks and blocked off the white house? I've bee around a while...I don't remember that ever happening.
Funding piecemeal bills of what the Republicans want is exactly the same as a single grand piecemeal bill that funds only what the Republicans want. It's the same hostage-taking, and it fools no one. Except you, but you don't matter, since you'd vote Republicans no matter what. Independents aren't falling for your deception, so you're in trouble.
You didn't answer the question. You said it happened all the time, and the Republicans were refusing to compromise.

So who refused to compromise this time, and when was the last time our parks were closed and our white house cordoned off?
The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

They didn't hold the government hostage though. The House easily passed three separate bills that would fully fund the government through December except for Obamacare and they agreed to submit funding Obamacare as a separate and stand alone bill. Senate Republicans would have voted for funding the government under the House blls in a heartbeat.

The Senate would not agree to that.

So who is holding the government hostage over a piece of legislation?

And many experts have chimed in to express that the consequences and negative aspects of Obamacare will be universally more destructive than the incidental cases that you cite, all of which could have been addressed far less drastically than taking over the entire healthcare system. Responsible legislators don't embrace bad legislation purely because it has a few good things in it.
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.

Instead of these repeated Continuing Resolutions, how about an annual budget?

We haven't seen one of those since The Obama took office.
Baloney. There have been 17 previous government shutdowns in American history, most under Democratic controlled Congresses, and almost all concentrated over budgetary disputes in Congress, and mostly occurring from 1970s to the 1990s. The longest was in 1995 when Clinton vetoed three bills before finally signing one with the welfare reform in it that saved his presidency and gave him what legacy he has. And every single one of those shutdowns used the very same methods that the Congress is using now--legislators voting their conscience or convictions and one chamber or a President refusing to bend to the will of the other.

Baloney. You're revising history, badly. Never before has one party unilaterally demanded total surrender or they'd shut it all down. Those previous cases were all _both_ sides going back and forth over favors for both sides, and then coming to their senses quickly when the deadline passed, quickly compromising for the good of the nation.

And you didn't answer the "are you a hypocrite" question.

If the positions were reversed, and a Democratic house rejected a clean bill and declared the government would be shut down unless a complete gun ban was implemented, would you approve of their heroic resolve?

Would you say the Democrats "compromised" if they then agreed to only banning most guns?

And please don't dodge by declaring your pet issues are special and get an exception, unlike the issues of the evil democrats. That would just prove an "Ends justify the means for my side" philosophy on your part.

You are being absurd to the extreme. Even the Democrats aren't stupid enough to try and ban all guns as long as we still have a 2nd Amendment. Then again...................
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They didn't hold the government hostage though. The House easily passed three separate bills that would fully fund the government through December except for Obamacare and they agreed to submit funding Obamacare as a separate and stand alone bill. Senate Republicans would have voted for funding the government under the House blls in a heartbeat.

The Senate would not agree to that.

So who is holding the government hostage over a piece of legislation?

And many experts have chimed in to express that the consequences and negative aspects of Obamacare will be universally more destructive than the incidental cases that you cite, all of which could have been addressed far less drastically than taking over the entire healthcare system. Responsible legislators don't embrace bad legislation purely because it has a few good things in it.
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.

Instead of these repeated Continuing Resolutions, how about an annual budget?

We haven't seen one of those since The Obama took office.

Yes!!! The Republican House dutifully prepares the budget as they should each year, and the Senate has refused to pass a budget since the last debt ceiling increase. Harry Reid said the debt ceiling increase was all the budget they needed.

So I wanted to throw something at the TV when Fearless Leader gets on television and say that the duty of Congress was to pay the bills and pass a budget. Where was he when Harry Reid was refusing to pass a budget. The unmitigated arrogance and hypocrisy of these people is stunning. And Harry Reid and Obama are also on the record as saying that the issues are not negotiable and then have the gall to say that it is the Republicans who are being stubborn?

And the left wingnuts don't have a problem with that.

I think that logic, reason, and intellectual honesty in this country is so screwed that we're all screwed folks.
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Oh look, mamooth has left the building.

It's embarassing when one gets carried away with rhetoric and easily disproved lies.
The GOP is quietly trying to pass small bills to reopen some public facilities, but Harry Reid remains recalcitrant.

If somebody else has already posted this, I apologize:

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Read more: PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game - Washington Times
They didn't hold the government hostage though. The House easily passed three separate bills that would fully fund the government through December except for Obamacare and they agreed to submit funding Obamacare as a separate and stand alone bill. Senate Republicans would have voted for funding the government under the House blls in a heartbeat.

The Senate would not agree to that.

So who is holding the government hostage over a piece of legislation?

And many experts have chimed in to express that the consequences and negative aspects of Obamacare will be universally more destructive than the incidental cases that you cite, all of which could have been addressed far less drastically than taking over the entire healthcare system. Responsible legislators don't embrace bad legislation purely because it has a few good things in it.
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.

Instead of these repeated Continuing Resolutions, how about an annual budget?

We haven't seen one of those since The Obama took office.

Ask Boehner and McConnel.
The GOP is quietly trying to pass small bills to reopen some public facilities, but Harry Reid remains recalcitrant.

If somebody else has already posted this, I apologize:

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Read more: PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game - Washington Times

You apologize for reposting?

Or you apologize for passing on a link to an article that contains nothing but bullshit?
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.

Instead of these repeated Continuing Resolutions, how about an annual budget?

We haven't seen one of those since The Obama took office.

Ask Boehner and McConnel.

I did ask Boehner and he mentioned that the House has passed a budget every year. You need to ask Harry Reid what happened to them in the Senate. Only the Senate Majority Leader gets to determine what bills the House sends the Senate are debated and voted on.
Oh look, mamooth has left the building.

It's embarassing when one gets carried away with rhetoric and easily disproved lies.

I don't feel it's necessary to apologize for not spending every waking moment at the computer, and I laugh hard at any dumbass who declares victory simply because they do spend every waking moment at the computer.

So who refused to compromise this time, and when was the last time our parks were closed and our white house cordoned off?

The Republicans, by refusing to pass a clean funding bill. This isn't rocket science. You're declaring that since the people you're pointing a gun at won't give you just half their money, they're not "compromising." That's stupid, thuggish and dishonest, and it's fooling no one.

Anyways, I've answered your questions, but you've run screaming from mine. You're still pretending that funding only what the republicans want in piecemeal bills is somehow different from funding only what the Republicans want in a single bill. It's not.

Again, no one cares if you've drunk the koolaid. You'll kiss up to the GOP no matter how badly they act. Convincing the independents is what matters, and the independents are kind of disgusted by your side's tactics.
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You are being absurd to the extreme.

You are being a chickenshit to the extreme. It's a very simply hypothetical question, and it's very telling that I can't find a single Republican anywhere who has the guts to give a straight answer.

And we all know why. It's because Republicans are being stinking hypocrites here. They approve of it when the GOP does it, but they'd be having meltdowns if the Democrats did the same (so it's good that the Democrats never did the same). It's part of that "The ends always justify the means, but only for my side" philosophy common to conservatives, the philosophy that has them auto-justifying any bad behavior that furthers the goals of TheParty.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times
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Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Obama's fault?!?! It's the fault of anyone that thought it was a good idea to vote for a Republican. :cuckoo:
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Obama's fault?!?! It's the fault of anyone that thought it was a good idea to vote for a Republican. :cuckoo:

Explain how any rational thought could justify forcing this hotel, that receives no federal funds, to close.

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