Black teen shoots (2) innocent white men

Well you know, Obama's son wouldn't look like either of those victims.

He might look like the perp though, so no doubt the family of Tyson has the Hussein's sympathy for all he is going through. Not getting the death penalty and getting three free meals a day for the rest of your life has got to be hard do deal with after murdering two people.
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Well you know, Obama's son wouldn't look like either of those victims.

He might look like the perp though, so no doubt the family of Tyson has the Hussein's sympathy for all he is going through. Not getting the death penalty and getting three free meals a day for the rest of your life has got to be hard do deal with after murdering two people.

What he was saying is that trayvon could have been any black man's son. Even preppies were hoodies.:cuckoo:
At least they were arrest, given a trial and in prison. Zimmerman is free and would remain free if not for the protest. For the first time Jessie and Al is doing something right. None of you know what is in Obama mind. He cannot offer his condolences to every child which is killed. He comment because of the media out cry.
More white people kill more white people than any other race.
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where was Obama? i never heard this on the news? I do not believe that blacks kill more whites then blacks.


Forty-nine year old James Craig Anderson just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. According to reports, following an all-night party in June, two truckloads of white teens in Mississippi drove to a predominantly black area of town to “go fuck with some *******”.
Well you know, Obama's son wouldn't look like either of those victims.

He might look like the perp though, so no doubt the family of Tyson has the Hussein's sympathy for all he is going through. Not getting the death penalty and getting three free meals a day for the rest of your life has got to be hard do deal with after murdering two people.

What he was saying is that trayvon could have been any black man's son. Even preppies were hoodies.:cuckoo:
At least they were arrest, given a trial and in prison. Zimmerman is free and would remain free if not for the protest. For the first time Jessie and Al is doing something right. None of you know what is in Obama mind. He cannot offer his condolences to every child which is killed. He comment because of the media out cry.

In the face of known facts, Obama's comment was right on. The fact remains that an innocent kid was killed, while walking home, by some vigilante wannabe, for no other reason but ovarian bingo. Even sensible white people get it. It could have been my son that this paranoid freak, with a history of violence, killed. My son happens to be autistic, and some loon could say to themselves that this person looks like they're on drugs or something, and chase him and use deadly force.

I'm not black due to my ovarian bingo draw, but I can fully empathize with the point Our President made.
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Well you know, Obama's son wouldn't look like either of those victims.

He might look like the perp though, so no doubt the family of Tyson has the Hussein's sympathy for all he is going through. Not getting the death penalty and getting three free meals a day for the rest of your life has got to be hard do deal with after murdering two people.

What he was saying is that trayvon could have been any black man's son. Even preppies were hoodies.:cuckoo:
At least they were arrest, given a trial and in prison. Zimmerman is free and would remain free if not for the protest. For the first time Jessie and Al is doing something right. None of you know what is in Obama mind. He cannot offer his condolences to every child which is killed. He comment because of the media out cry.
More white people kill more white people than any other race.

Ok then why did Obama not say he could be any black mans son. Too many syllables?
Ok black people like hoodies, dont get it, dont care.
If he doesnt offer condolences to every kid, offer them to none.
Media outcry, hmmmm, interesting so the media made it worse? I agree, funny how they pick certain things, but not others.
Yes intraracial crime is by far the most. Although in interracial crime, blacks kill whites way more than whites kill blacks.
So why dont Sharpton and JAckson care about blacks killing blacks, or blacks killing whites? ah, because they make no money or gain no power from it, so no they arent doing anything right, they cause the sheep to get angry and can get people killed. They are horrible people.
Well you know, Obama's son wouldn't look like either of those victims.

He might look like the perp though, so no doubt the family of Tyson has the Hussein's sympathy for all he is going through. Not getting the death penalty and getting three free meals a day for the rest of your life has got to be hard do deal with after murdering two people.

What he was saying is that trayvon could have been any black man's son. Even preppies were hoodies.:cuckoo:
At least they were arrest, given a trial and in prison. Zimmerman is free and would remain free if not for the protest. For the first time Jessie and Al is doing something right. None of you know what is in Obama mind. He cannot offer his condolences to every child which is killed. He comment because of the media out cry.
More white people kill more white people than any other race.

Zimmerman was arrested. And given the evidence and eyewitness accounts, no charges were pressed, because it was qutie clear Zimmerman was protecting himself from the thug.

Any rational human being would defend themselves after being blindsided and attacked by a thug.

Dress like a thug, act like a thug, die like a thug. Simple as that.

But of course liberals can't accept that. They want to believe anyone should be able to dress anyway they want and act anyway they want without any repercussions. Taking responsibility for your own actions is a lesson liberals don't want people to learn. All they want is for people to feel like victims and with it an entitlement to run wild and do anything you want, becuase 'you've been wronged'. So if someone racially profiles you because you choose to dress like a stupid thug, you have every right to jump him and beat his ass.
Gawd, why does everyone get all bent out of shape over these occasional random killings. From the way everyone is reacting, you'd think humans were on the endangered species list.
Well you know, Obama's son wouldn't look like either of those victims.

He might look like the perp though, so no doubt the family of Tyson has the Hussein's sympathy for all he is going through. Not getting the death penalty and getting three free meals a day for the rest of your life has got to be hard do deal with after murdering two people.

I'm not so sure. Given the genetic possibility, I'd say Obama would have some chance of having a son who looked like one of these men, too. Let's not forget his lily-white mama...
That is how liberals perceive* facts*

* (( with frustration as* the facts cannot be changed )*
and bitter towards those *presenting the facts !*

* liberals* harbor more hate for the party bringing *the facts to attention

* than they do the* people responsible for those, creating the facts they so desperately wish to ignore.

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