Is It Possible to Seriously Discuss Racial Separation?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
As the only truly workable solution?

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...
I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.


American black males are twice as likely than American white males to have MAOA-L which has been linked to crime, violence and aggression in scores of studies going back over fifteen years. Black males are also 13.5 times more likely to have a rare version of the gene associated with “extreme violence and extreme aggression.” Latinos and American Indians are also nearly twice as likely as whites to have the more common version of the gene. However they are only about one fourth as likely to have the extreme version compared to blacks.

New scientific techniques have brought to light exactly how the so-called “warrior gene” named MAOA-L works. New studies using MRI show how brain activity in those who have the MAOA-L gene differs from those without it.

Studies have linked the gene to increased levels of sexual violence, alcoholism, crime, and even higher levels of credit card debt. However, very little is said about it outside of scientific journals. The reason is obvious. Many articles published on the gene even state that it has serious implications concerning race and ethnicity.

Whites, usually referred to in euphemisms like “westerners,” are said to be less likely to have the gene than other groups. One third of whites have MAOA-L, while groups usually only identified as “others” have instances of two thirds or higher. It has also been suggested in scientific journals that whites may be less affected by the gene than “others.”

In fact, researchers have even censored their own findings on race and MAOA-L! Others have faced hostility from the University community for mentioning which races have the highest rates

What’s more, even less is said about some of the even rarer extreme forms of the gene. Most people with MAOA-L have the “3 allele repeat version.” There is a rarer “2 allele repeat version” that is usually described as “associated with extreme aggression and extreme violence.” Several studies have concluded that 1% or less of all white males in the United States possess the dangerous 2 allele repeat version. Meanwhile a study of “non-white Americans” showed that the extra dangerous version occurred in 6% of non-white American men. One lone study from 2006 tested tested blacks alone and found that 13.5% have the extra dangerous version of the gene.
I support separation. I'd like to see all racists - black, white or whatever... removed from decent society.
Segregation separate + equal = black problems stay black problems
white problems stay white problems

not mountains of black problems becoming un wanted un needed white problems !

Examples : 10 highest crime + most dangerous cities in america all 10 ? Black majority ?
: 12% of the population + 50% of the entire prison system
: 70% illegitimacy rate
[ame=]Obama Says Blacks Drag Economy Down - YouTube[/ame]
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Is It Possible to Seriously Discuss Racial Separation?

As the only truly workable solution?

Not if you can’t get Brown v. Board of Education, Hernandez v. Texas, Cooper v. Aaron, and Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US overturned and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its subsequent reauthorizations repealed, no.

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

No they’re not – researchers of the human genome determined there is no genetic difference among the races; indeed, from a genetic standpoint, there is no such thing as ‘race.’

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

Paranoid nonsense.
RE :
I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.
No they’re not – researchers of the human genome determined there is no genetic difference among the races; indeed, from a genetic standpoint, there is no such thing as ‘race.’

[ame=]The Genetics of Black Violence - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Genetics of Black Violence - Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
As the only truly workable solution?

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

I still don't know where the separatist expect the Jews to go. You say we don't fit in with the Whites, because in your view Jews aren't white. White Jews aren't going to fall in the black, hispanic or asian category. Bigots like your kind why to deny the Jews an independent state for the Jews. So were do we go?

Your easy answer is kill all of us? But then goes against the separatism vs supremacist view. Separatist means separate, by force if need be. Supremacist me kill all, but the master race. Even White Supremacist try to go PC with their separatist views when the no damn well right separating the races can't happen without genocide!
As the only truly workable solution?

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

I still don't know where the separatist expect the Jews to go. You say we don't fit in with the Whites, because in your view Jews aren't white. White Jews aren't going to fall in the black, hispanic or asian category. Bigots like your kind why to deny the Jews an independent state for the Jews. So were do we go?

Your easy answer is kill all of us? But then goes against the separatism vs supremacist view. Separatist means separate, by force if need be. Supremacist me kill all, but the master race. Even White Supremacist try to go PC with their separatist views when the no damn well right separating the races can't happen without genocide!

I guess they'll treat you like you treat the Palestinians.
Is It Possible to Seriously Discuss Racial Separation?

As the only truly workable solution?

Not if you can’t get Brown v. Board of Education, Hernandez v. Texas, Cooper v. Aaron, and Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US overturned and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its subsequent reauthorizations repealed, no.
Cases don't get repealed they get overruled! All those cases were based off the 14th amendment. You would need to add an amendment to the constitution repealing the 14th amendment not happening any time soon. But then again the Separation but Equal Doctrine was based off a bastardized interpretation of the 14th amendment in Plessy v. Ferguson (although the dissent in that case Justice Harlan made the famous quote "The Law is colorblind") and that was the law of the land for a half century!

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

No they’re not – researchers of the human genome determined there is no genetic difference among the races; indeed, from a genetic standpoint, there is no such thing as ‘race.’
Not saying your wrong, but post a source to boost your creditability

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

Paranoid nonsense.
Not paranoid nonsense. Black children are getting killed in every big city around the country by other black children, yet the Martin story is held out by the race hustlers as black community is under assault by whites. However, 93% of black victims are killed by blacks. And black males make up 50% of all the murder victims in America!

Black leaders ignore this or blame it on whitey! BULLSHIT!

Feds: 49% Of Murder Victims Are Black Men - CBS News
I wouldnt do racial seperation, because genetics dont determin behavior. I would do ideological seperation and make a wall, seriously. Lets go post world war 2 germany on them. Let them have everything to the right of the MS and we get everything to the left. Guard the bridges so when there tax increase, no private business, no religion, come out of the closet as much as they like, put all criminals in rehab and never punish them and of course they can start all of their green programs. then they have nowhere to go and they have to live with their stupid laws and they can spend their way to prosperity and have noone work. It sounds awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until they force people to work crime goes skyhigh, eveyone goes on public assistance and their economy craters. Hey they can look like Cuba, but hey atleast their healthcare will be free and they can use 50 year old medication and wait years to see a doctor.
We should segregate based on deed not appearance. When you segregate by race, religion, or ethnicity, you go against everything this country stands for.
As the only truly workable solution?

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

I still don't know where the separatist expect the Jews to go. You say we don't fit in with the Whites, because in your view Jews aren't white. White Jews aren't going to fall in the black, hispanic or asian category. Bigots like your kind why to deny the Jews an independent state for the Jews. So were do we go?

Your easy answer is kill all of us? But then goes against the separatism vs supremacist view. Separatist means separate, by force if need be. Supremacist me kill all, but the master race. Even White Supremacist try to go PC with their separatist views when the no damn well right separating the races can't happen without genocide!

I have no principled objection to Israel, and I've said as much many times. My beef is that while Jews get their country, whites get nothing. As for all Jews not fitting into Israel, hey, world's a big place. How about Long Island as New Israel?
We should segregate based on deed not appearance. When you segregate by race, religion, or ethnicity, you go against everything this country stands for.

You know, it's amazing to me that a nation founded by white slaveowners has become one in which willful ignorance of racial difference is "everything this country stands for." What's really sad is that most people agree with this nonsense, including a lot of "conservatives"...
Is It Possible to Seriously Discuss Racial Separation?

As the only truly workable solution?

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

People already self-segregate to a large extent.
If you don't believe me, look at religious organizations, neighborhoods and bars.
Is It Possible to Seriously Discuss Racial Separation?

As the only truly workable solution?

Not if you can’t get Brown v. Board of Education, Hernandez v. Texas, Cooper v. Aaron, and Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US overturned and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its subsequent reauthorizations repealed, no.

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

No they’re not – researchers of the human genome determined there is no genetic difference among the races; indeed, from a genetic standpoint, there is no such thing as ‘race.’

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

Paranoid nonsense.

Shockley revisited it seems.
As the only truly workable solution?

I mean, human racial groups are GENETICALLY different, not just skin-color different.

We are three years into a BLACK PRESIDENCY, and the Trayvon Martin thing is being treated like blacks are still slaves. There does not seem to be a statute of limitations for the complaint against whites. How long do we bear the blame for everything? Forever? Aren't you getting a little sick of it, white people?

I know, nobody ever asks for YOUR perspective...

You're a whiny little bitch, ain't ya?

Oh, and ease off on the Stupid Pills.

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