Zone1 Black Grifters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
No, not Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. Because white racism is real and a grifter is:

Definition of Grifter

The word grifter is the noun form of the verb grift, which means obtaining money or property illicitly, as in a confidence game. A confidence game, or con game, is when a grifter gains the confidence of their victim and then swindles them out of money. Examples of the deception could be cheating at a game or having funds diverted to their account.

And that's what we see with so called black right wingers. They know there is money in being black and repeating what white racists believe. These are the race pimps and race hustlers. But since the validate the racist beliefs of those on the right, the get celebrity status.


The Black Grifters of MAGA​

They claim to be representatives of a new wave of black conservatism. In reality, they are nothing more than opportunistic charlatans.​

For the most part, there are not many Black MAGA Grifters out there, with Trump’s low (14%) support from the black community providing the opposite of fertile ground for these folks to thrive in amongst the black community. Fortunately for this group, the little support that they receive from the black community is supplemented by several magnitudes of white ultraconservatives and MAGA diehards eager to have their most static social beliefs validated by a black person.

Tokenism in action.

The problem with this particular brand of grifter, however, is their self-characterization as champions of black conservatism that grants them an undeserved seat at the table.

Capitalizing on the lack of a loud black conservative presence within the mainstream, Black MAGA Grifters position themselves as filling this purported void.

One obvious example of a Black MAGA Grifter is Bryson Gray, a 28-year old rapper who is better recognized by his oversized foam MAGA hats as opposed to his contributions to hip hop. Politically fluid like many other political grifters out there, Gray went from backing Bernie Sanders to releasing an album that can best be described as a love letter to all things MAGA and socially conservative, with titles including Pro Life Pro God Pro Trump, Save the Babies, and Maga Christmas.

Less blatantly ridiculous, slightly better known, and more toxic is Brandon Tatum, an ex-Arizonan police officer that gained some modicum of national spotlight following a longwinded car-monologue in which he expressed his disdain for the NFL national anthem protests, equating the kneeling NFL players to emotional children.

Tatum’s anti-black rhetoric is not a new concept for the ultraconservative communities of the US. But what is relatively new is having a black man with a near 300k+ Twitter following regurgitating and validating these ideas. To his ultraconservative white audience, Tatum provides them with “proof” that they do not harbor racists views, since they can point to Tatum’s high decibel rantings as evidence that structural and individualized racism is not the real problem affecting the black community.

Tatum is problematic, but no conversation concerning Black MAGA Grifters is complete without studying the archbishop of aggressively paranoid black ultraconservatism: Candace Owens.

With over 2-million Twitter followers, guest appearances on Fox News, participation on a few Congressional panels, and even being invited as a speaker at the White House, Owens, has a growing platform as a voice for black conservatism.

Like Tatum, Owens is a fan of clickbait, ALL CAPS TWEETS, and charged rhetoric. She often equates Black Democrats to being slaves on a plantation, a term that she uses in the subtitle of her still-unreleased book, Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation. And like Gray, she exudes a grossly exaggerated sense of self: her pinned Tweet from nearly a year ago advertising the aforementioned book claims that after 2 years of fighting and challenging the status quo — I finally wrote it. The book Democrats don’t want Minorities to read.

I’m sure Democratic lawmakers around the country quiver at the thought of the political fallout that will come from a book written by a purveyor of QAnon and pro-Trump conspiracy theories (assuming that it ever gets released).

Like other ultraconservatives, Owens dabbles in the frequent disparaging of Black America, having referred to black culture as “a joke” and takes any and every chance to throw a straw-man into the ring in order to downplay or subtly justify racialized killings of black people. Not even two hours after news broke of Floyd’s murder, Owens had spun the incident as some kind of Democrat election fodder.

And like other ultraconservatives, Owens is quick to dismiss any national conversation regarding racial disparities as leftist “race bait” and tends to promote the trite “color-blind” rhetoric so favored by racist apologists.

That is, until so called “race baiting” is convenient for her.

During a congressional panel on white supremacy, she was quick to baselessly accuse Representative Ted Lieu as someone that believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety after he played a recording of her comments characterizing Hitler as not a dangerous nationalist, but a problematic globalist. Of course, this view is in direct opposition to the widely accepted historical understanding that Hitler was a nationalist for the books.

With views and tactics like this, it should come to no surprise that Owens’ following is predominantly white, though she’d most likely chalk this up to something about black people not wanting to take any criticism. That, or something about black people being bought out by the Democrats.

No, not Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. Because white racism is real and a grifter is:

Definition of Grifter

The word grifter is the noun form of the verb grift, which means obtaining money or property illicitly, as in a confidence game. A confidence game, or con game, is when a grifter gains the confidence of their victim and then swindles them out of money. Examples of the deception could be cheating at a game or having funds diverted to their account.

And that's what we see with so called black right wingers. They know there is money in being black and repeating what white racists believe. These are the race pimps and race hustlers. But since the validate the racist beliefs of those on the right, the get celebrity status.


The Black Grifters of MAGA​

They claim to be representatives of a new wave of black conservatism. In reality, they are nothing more than opportunistic charlatans.​

For the most part, there are not many Black MAGA Grifters out there, with Trump’s low (14%) support from the black community providing the opposite of fertile ground for these folks to thrive in amongst the black community. Fortunately for this group, the little support that they receive from the black community is supplemented by several magnitudes of white ultraconservatives and MAGA diehards eager to have their most static social beliefs validated by a black person.

Tokenism in action.

The problem with this particular brand of grifter, however, is their self-characterization as champions of black conservatism that grants them an undeserved seat at the table.

Capitalizing on the lack of a loud black conservative presence within the mainstream, Black MAGA Grifters position themselves as filling this purported void.

One obvious example of a Black MAGA Grifter is Bryson Gray, a 28-year old rapper who is better recognized by his oversized foam MAGA hats as opposed to his contributions to hip hop. Politically fluid like many other political grifters out there, Gray went from backing Bernie Sanders to releasing an album that can best be described as a love letter to all things MAGA and socially conservative, with titles including Pro Life Pro God Pro Trump, Save the Babies, and Maga Christmas.

Less blatantly ridiculous, slightly better known, and more toxic is Brandon Tatum, an ex-Arizonan police officer that gained some modicum of national spotlight following a longwinded car-monologue in which he expressed his disdain for the NFL national anthem protests, equating the kneeling NFL players to emotional children.

Tatum’s anti-black rhetoric is not a new concept for the ultraconservative communities of the US. But what is relatively new is having a black man with a near 300k+ Twitter following regurgitating and validating these ideas. To his ultraconservative white audience, Tatum provides them with “proof” that they do not harbor racists views, since they can point to Tatum’s high decibel rantings as evidence that structural and individualized racism is not the real problem affecting the black community.

Tatum is problematic, but no conversation concerning Black MAGA Grifters is complete without studying the archbishop of aggressively paranoid black ultraconservatism: Candace Owens.

With over 2-million Twitter followers, guest appearances on Fox News, participation on a few Congressional panels, and even being invited as a speaker at the White House, Owens, has a growing platform as a voice for black conservatism.

Like Tatum, Owens is a fan of clickbait, ALL CAPS TWEETS, and charged rhetoric. She often equates Black Democrats to being slaves on a plantation, a term that she uses in the subtitle of her still-unreleased book, Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation. And like Gray, she exudes a grossly exaggerated sense of self: her pinned Tweet from nearly a year ago advertising the aforementioned book claims that after 2 years of fighting and challenging the status quo — I finally wrote it. The book Democrats don’t want Minorities to read.

I’m sure Democratic lawmakers around the country quiver at the thought of the political fallout that will come from a book written by a purveyor of QAnon and pro-Trump conspiracy theories (assuming that it ever gets released).

Like other ultraconservatives, Owens dabbles in the frequent disparaging of Black America, having referred to black culture as “a joke” and takes any and every chance to throw a straw-man into the ring in order to downplay or subtly justify racialized killings of black people. Not even two hours after news broke of Floyd’s murder, Owens had spun the incident as some kind of Democrat election fodder.

And like other ultraconservatives, Owens is quick to dismiss any national conversation regarding racial disparities as leftist “race bait” and tends to promote the trite “color-blind” rhetoric so favored by racist apologists.

That is, until so called “race baiting” is convenient for her.

During a congressional panel on white supremacy, she was quick to baselessly accuse Representative Ted Lieu as someone that believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety after he played a recording of her comments characterizing Hitler as not a dangerous nationalist, but a problematic globalist. Of course, this view is in direct opposition to the widely accepted historical understanding that Hitler was a nationalist for the books.

With views and tactics like this, it should come to no surprise that Owens’ following is predominantly white, though she’d most likely chalk this up to something about black people not wanting to take any criticism. That, or something about black people being bought out by the Democrats.

I couldn’t agree more. Black people should just stop trying to think for themselves and keep trusting and voting for Democrats. Things may have not gotten any better in black neighborhoods and cities run by Democrats for the last 70 years, but it will surly pay off some day. The Democrats really care about blacks so much, and really value their opinions. Yea, Dems support open borders and importing so many tens of millions of Latinos that Latinos far outnumber blacks now, but they really care. Dems are also the only ones who fight for the right of a black woman getting an abortion, so clearly why would you vote for anyone else?
No, not Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. Because white racism is real and a grifter is:

Definition of Grifter

The word grifter is the noun form of the verb grift, which means obtaining money or property illicitly, as in a confidence game. A confidence game, or con game, is when a grifter gains the confidence of their victim and then swindles them out of money. Examples of the deception could be cheating at a game or having funds diverted to their account.

And that's what we see with so called black right wingers. They know there is money in being black and repeating what white racists believe. These are the race pimps and race hustlers. But since the validate the racist beliefs of those on the right, the get celebrity status.


The Black Grifters of MAGA​

They claim to be representatives of a new wave of black conservatism. In reality, they are nothing more than opportunistic charlatans.​

For the most part, there are not many Black MAGA Grifters out there, with Trump’s low (14%) support from the black community providing the opposite of fertile ground for these folks to thrive in amongst the black community. Fortunately for this group, the little support that they receive from the black community is supplemented by several magnitudes of white ultraconservatives and MAGA diehards eager to have their most static social beliefs validated by a black person.

Tokenism in action.

The problem with this particular brand of grifter, however, is their self-characterization as champions of black conservatism that grants them an undeserved seat at the table.

Capitalizing on the lack of a loud black conservative presence within the mainstream, Black MAGA Grifters position themselves as filling this purported void.

One obvious example of a Black MAGA Grifter is Bryson Gray, a 28-year old rapper who is better recognized by his oversized foam MAGA hats as opposed to his contributions to hip hop. Politically fluid like many other political grifters out there, Gray went from backing Bernie Sanders to releasing an album that can best be described as a love letter to all things MAGA and socially conservative, with titles including Pro Life Pro God Pro Trump, Save the Babies, and Maga Christmas.

Less blatantly ridiculous, slightly better known, and more toxic is Brandon Tatum, an ex-Arizonan police officer that gained some modicum of national spotlight following a longwinded car-monologue in which he expressed his disdain for the NFL national anthem protests, equating the kneeling NFL players to emotional children.

Tatum’s anti-black rhetoric is not a new concept for the ultraconservative communities of the US. But what is relatively new is having a black man with a near 300k+ Twitter following regurgitating and validating these ideas. To his ultraconservative white audience, Tatum provides them with “proof” that they do not harbor racists views, since they can point to Tatum’s high decibel rantings as evidence that structural and individualized racism is not the real problem affecting the black community.

Tatum is problematic, but no conversation concerning Black MAGA Grifters is complete without studying the archbishop of aggressively paranoid black ultraconservatism: Candace Owens.

With over 2-million Twitter followers, guest appearances on Fox News, participation on a few Congressional panels, and even being invited as a speaker at the White House, Owens, has a growing platform as a voice for black conservatism.

Like Tatum, Owens is a fan of clickbait, ALL CAPS TWEETS, and charged rhetoric. She often equates Black Democrats to being slaves on a plantation, a term that she uses in the subtitle of her still-unreleased book, Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation. And like Gray, she exudes a grossly exaggerated sense of self: her pinned Tweet from nearly a year ago advertising the aforementioned book claims that after 2 years of fighting and challenging the status quo — I finally wrote it. The book Democrats don’t want Minorities to read.

I’m sure Democratic lawmakers around the country quiver at the thought of the political fallout that will come from a book written by a purveyor of QAnon and pro-Trump conspiracy theories (assuming that it ever gets released).

Like other ultraconservatives, Owens dabbles in the frequent disparaging of Black America, having referred to black culture as “a joke” and takes any and every chance to throw a straw-man into the ring in order to downplay or subtly justify racialized killings of black people. Not even two hours after news broke of Floyd’s murder, Owens had spun the incident as some kind of Democrat election fodder.

And like other ultraconservatives, Owens is quick to dismiss any national conversation regarding racial disparities as leftist “race bait” and tends to promote the trite “color-blind” rhetoric so favored by racist apologists.

That is, until so called “race baiting” is convenient for her.

During a congressional panel on white supremacy, she was quick to baselessly accuse Representative Ted Lieu as someone that believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety after he played a recording of her comments characterizing Hitler as not a dangerous nationalist, but a problematic globalist. Of course, this view is in direct opposition to the widely accepted historical understanding that Hitler was a nationalist for the books.

With views and tactics like this, it should come to no surprise that Owens’ following is predominantly white, though she’d most likely chalk this up to something about black people not wanting to take any criticism. That, or something about black people being bought out by the Democrats.

Let me save everyone the long, tiresome, nonsensical OP read. What the author of the absurd OP is contending is that if you are a black person and a public figure, unless you agree with lil im.2’s narrow-minded, bigoted point of view, he will accuse you of being a black grifter.

Like far too many libtards, he cannot understand that words have actual meanings.
No, not Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. Because white racism is real and a grifter is:

Definition of Grifter

The word grifter is the noun form of the verb grift, which means obtaining money or property illicitly, as in a confidence game. A confidence game, or con game, is when a grifter gains the confidence of their victim and then swindles them out of money. Examples of the deception could be cheating at a game or having funds diverted to their account.

And that's what we see with so called black right wingers. They know there is money in being black and repeating what white racists believe. These are the race pimps and race hustlers. But since the validate the racist beliefs of those on the right, the get celebrity status.


The Black Grifters of MAGA​

They claim to be representatives of a new wave of black conservatism. In reality, they are nothing more than opportunistic charlatans.​

For the most part, there are not many Black MAGA Grifters out there, with Trump’s low (14%) support from the black community providing the opposite of fertile ground for these folks to thrive in amongst the black community. Fortunately for this group, the little support that they receive from the black community is supplemented by several magnitudes of white ultraconservatives and MAGA diehards eager to have their most static social beliefs validated by a black person.

Tokenism in action.

The problem with this particular brand of grifter, however, is their self-characterization as champions of black conservatism that grants them an undeserved seat at the table.

Capitalizing on the lack of a loud black conservative presence within the mainstream, Black MAGA Grifters position themselves as filling this purported void.

One obvious example of a Black MAGA Grifter is Bryson Gray, a 28-year old rapper who is better recognized by his oversized foam MAGA hats as opposed to his contributions to hip hop. Politically fluid like many other political grifters out there, Gray went from backing Bernie Sanders to releasing an album that can best be described as a love letter to all things MAGA and socially conservative, with titles including Pro Life Pro God Pro Trump, Save the Babies, and Maga Christmas.

Less blatantly ridiculous, slightly better known, and more toxic is Brandon Tatum, an ex-Arizonan police officer that gained some modicum of national spotlight following a longwinded car-monologue in which he expressed his disdain for the NFL national anthem protests, equating the kneeling NFL players to emotional children.

Tatum’s anti-black rhetoric is not a new concept for the ultraconservative communities of the US. But what is relatively new is having a black man with a near 300k+ Twitter following regurgitating and validating these ideas. To his ultraconservative white audience, Tatum provides them with “proof” that they do not harbor racists views, since they can point to Tatum’s high decibel rantings as evidence that structural and individualized racism is not the real problem affecting the black community.

Tatum is problematic, but no conversation concerning Black MAGA Grifters is complete without studying the archbishop of aggressively paranoid black ultraconservatism: Candace Owens.

With over 2-million Twitter followers, guest appearances on Fox News, participation on a few Congressional panels, and even being invited as a speaker at the White House, Owens, has a growing platform as a voice for black conservatism.

Like Tatum, Owens is a fan of clickbait, ALL CAPS TWEETS, and charged rhetoric. She often equates Black Democrats to being slaves on a plantation, a term that she uses in the subtitle of her still-unreleased book, Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation. And like Gray, she exudes a grossly exaggerated sense of self: her pinned Tweet from nearly a year ago advertising the aforementioned book claims that after 2 years of fighting and challenging the status quo — I finally wrote it. The book Democrats don’t want Minorities to read.

I’m sure Democratic lawmakers around the country quiver at the thought of the political fallout that will come from a book written by a purveyor of QAnon and pro-Trump conspiracy theories (assuming that it ever gets released).

Like other ultraconservatives, Owens dabbles in the frequent disparaging of Black America, having referred to black culture as “a joke” and takes any and every chance to throw a straw-man into the ring in order to downplay or subtly justify racialized killings of black people. Not even two hours after news broke of Floyd’s murder, Owens had spun the incident as some kind of Democrat election fodder.

And like other ultraconservatives, Owens is quick to dismiss any national conversation regarding racial disparities as leftist “race bait” and tends to promote the trite “color-blind” rhetoric so favored by racist apologists.

That is, until so called “race baiting” is convenient for her.

During a congressional panel on white supremacy, she was quick to baselessly accuse Representative Ted Lieu as someone that believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety after he played a recording of her comments characterizing Hitler as not a dangerous nationalist, but a problematic globalist. Of course, this view is in direct opposition to the widely accepted historical understanding that Hitler was a nationalist for the books.

With views and

tactics like this, it should come to no surprise that Owens’ following is predominantly white, though she’d most likely chalk this up to something about black people not wanting to take any criticism. That, or something about black people being bought out by the Democrats.

and yet another partisan racist rant from the board bigot.

I have seen and heard some of the people of whom you speak on various programs. I presume you speak as such like Candace Owens.

I have never heard her claim to be a representative of anyone but her self.

IM2 if your intention is not simply to demonize people who disagree with you, please provide a quote or a link to someone about whom you speak, claiming to represent anyone other than themselves.
I couldn’t agree more. Black people should just stop trying to think for themselves and keep trusting and voting for Democrats. Things may have not gotten any better in black neighborhoods and cities run by Democrats for the last 70 years, but it will surly pay off some day. The Democrats really care about blacks so much, and really value their opinions. Yea, Dems support open borders and importing so many tens of millions of Latinos that Latinos far outnumber blacks now, but they really care. Dems are also the only ones who fight for the right of a black woman getting an abortion, so clearly why would you vote for anyone else?


Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as a constitutional right.

A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, the Republican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided that extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support.

Today’s Republican Party is controlled by a racist Anti-Black base.
I have seen and heard some of the people of whom you speak on various programs. I presume you speak as such like Candace Owens.

I have never heard her claim to be a representative of anyone but her self.

IM2 if your intention is not simply to demonize people who disagree with you, please provide a quote or a link to someone about whom you speak, claiming to represent anyone other than themselves.

My point is to demonize the true black race hustlers such as Owens. This is not about a disagreement. This is a black person speaking lies that are used to validate dangerous racist beliefs about black people.

You don't have special status where you can make demands to people for doing to right wingers what you and others here do to blacks and liberal whites.
My point is to demonize the true black race hustlers such as Owens. This is not about a disagreement. This is a black person speaking lies that are used to validate dangerous racist beliefs about black people.
I challenge you to directly quote a few of these alleged lies by Owens, and then prove that they are lies.

I predict that you will scurry away from that challenge like the racist piece of shit coward that you are.

You're an idiot.
No, not Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. Because white racism is real and a grifter is:

Definition of Grifter

The word grifter is the noun form of the verb grift, which means obtaining money or property illicitly, as in a confidence game. A confidence game, or con game, is when a grifter gains the confidence of their victim and then swindles them out of money. Examples of the deception could be cheating at a game or having funds diverted to their account.

And that's what we see with so called black right wingers. They know there is money in being black and repeating what white racists believe. These are the race pimps and race hustlers. But since the validate the racist beliefs of those on the right, the get celebrity status.


The Black Grifters of MAGA​

They claim to be representatives of a new wave of black conservatism. In reality, they are nothing more than opportunistic charlatans.​

For the most part, there are not many Black MAGA Grifters out there, with Trump’s low (14%) support from the black community providing the opposite of fertile ground for these folks to thrive in amongst the black community. Fortunately for this group, the little support that they receive from the black community is supplemented by several magnitudes of white ultraconservatives and MAGA diehards eager to have their most static social beliefs validated by a black person.

Tokenism in action.

The problem with this particular brand of grifter, however, is their self-characterization as champions of black conservatism that grants them an undeserved seat at the table.

Capitalizing on the lack of a loud black conservative presence within the mainstream, Black MAGA Grifters position themselves as filling this purported void.

One obvious example of a Black MAGA Grifter is Bryson Gray, a 28-year old rapper who is better recognized by his oversized foam MAGA hats as opposed to his contributions to hip hop. Politically fluid like many other political grifters out there, Gray went from backing Bernie Sanders to releasing an album that can best be described as a love letter to all things MAGA and socially conservative, with titles including Pro Life Pro God Pro Trump, Save the Babies, and Maga Christmas.

Less blatantly ridiculous, slightly better known, and more toxic is Brandon Tatum, an ex-Arizonan police officer that gained some modicum of national spotlight following a longwinded car-monologue in which he expressed his disdain for the NFL national anthem protests, equating the kneeling NFL players to emotional children.

Tatum’s anti-black rhetoric is not a new concept for the ultraconservative communities of the US. But what is relatively new is having a black man with a near 300k+ Twitter following regurgitating and validating these ideas. To his ultraconservative white audience, Tatum provides them with “proof” that they do not harbor racists views, since they can point to Tatum’s high decibel rantings as evidence that structural and individualized racism is not the real problem affecting the black community.

Tatum is problematic, but no conversation concerning Black MAGA Grifters is complete without studying the archbishop of aggressively paranoid black ultraconservatism: Candace Owens.

With over 2-million Twitter followers, guest appearances on Fox News, participation on a few Congressional panels, and even being invited as a speaker at the White House, Owens, has a growing platform as a voice for black conservatism.

Like Tatum, Owens is a fan of clickbait, ALL CAPS TWEETS, and charged rhetoric. She often equates Black Democrats to being slaves on a plantation, a term that she uses in the subtitle of her still-unreleased book, Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation. And like Gray, she exudes a grossly exaggerated sense of self: her pinned Tweet from nearly a year ago advertising the aforementioned book claims that after 2 years of fighting and challenging the status quo — I finally wrote it. The book Democrats don’t want Minorities to read.

I’m sure Democratic lawmakers around the country quiver at the thought of the political fallout that will come from a book written by a purveyor of QAnon and pro-Trump conspiracy theories (assuming that it ever gets released).

Like other ultraconservatives, Owens dabbles in the frequent disparaging of Black America, having referred to black culture as “a joke” and takes any and every chance to throw a straw-man into the ring in order to downplay or subtly justify racialized killings of black people. Not even two hours after news broke of Floyd’s murder, Owens had spun the incident as some kind of Democrat election fodder.

And like other ultraconservatives, Owens is quick to dismiss any national conversation regarding racial disparities as leftist “race bait” and tends to promote the trite “color-blind” rhetoric so favored by racist apologists.

That is, until so called “race baiting” is convenient for her.

During a congressional panel on white supremacy, she was quick to baselessly accuse Representative Ted Lieu as someone that believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety after he played a recording of her comments characterizing Hitler as not a dangerous nationalist, but a problematic globalist. Of course, this view is in direct opposition to the widely accepted historical understanding that Hitler was a nationalist for the books.

With views and tactics like this, it should come to no surprise that Owens’ following is predominantly white, though she’d most likely chalk this up to something about black people not wanting to take any criticism. That, or something about black people being bought out by the Democrats.

These threads are pure comedy gold. :lol:
I challenge you to directly quote a few of these alleged lies by Owens, and then prove that they are lies.

I predict that you will scurry away from that challenge like the racist piece of shit coward that you are.

You're an idiot.
First,is no democratic plantation. Every word she speaks is untrue. You being a racist will disagree but you're nobody so your opinion doesn't mean squat.
Every thread by IM2 usually is, with all of his silly anti-Caucasianism.
There is no anti caucasianism. There is anti white racism.

Are you saying that all whites are racists?
Every thread by IM2 usually is, with all of his silly anti-Caucasianism.
That's why some posters may be right that im2 is just a shrieking white broad ......they're brainwashed, relentlessly bitterand angwy about da white man...
They think it thier duty to save and protect the negro

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