Zone1 Let's Examine this Tactic


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?
IM2 seems to think people quote Sowell because he is black. They quote Sowell because his opinions are based in fact and demonstrate reason. The color of his skin is irrelevant to anyone who is not a racist.
To IM2, it's all about skin color and THE NARRATIVE. If you are not down with THE NARRATIVE, you are a race traitor, Uncle Tom, or worse.
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?

Young turds so you have the turds speaking for you? You do know it's white owned? They are cracking the whip on their darkies
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?

So, I watched The video and it didn’t go well for the shouty-little host of the aptly named “Bullpen”. There is a good reason his producers where giving him the signal to “wrap it up”.

Whoever that Jared Taylor is he certainly doesn’t speak for all white people but I for one totally agree with him.
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representativey

I'm curious why you would post a video where the Black host of the show made a complete fool of himself and the "White Supremacist" cooly and calmy dismantled him. The host clearly angered that he was drubbed, ended the show with "What's your IQ? Mine's bigger than yours!" :laugh:
I'm curious why you would post a video where the Black host of the show made a complete fool of himself and the "White Supremacist" cooly and calmy dismantled him. The host clearly angered that he was drubbed, ended the show with "What's your IQ? Mine's bigger than yours!" :laugh:
Odds are black dude's was one standard deviation lower. ;)

So once again I'll use a video from one white person, then say that because he is racist, all whites are racist. Because this is what gets done here by posters who post videos of certain blacks and the act like what those blacks think represent what all blacks should think.
Jared Taylor is absolutely correct in everything he says. I would go further. Not one nation that has taken in any of the African tribal members has been improved by the contact. The average ability and understanding of the entire social construct falls and the criminality and savagery rises.
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?

They speak for themselves....Far better than you do for yourself and/or other angry negroes.
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?

The more important question is; "is he incorrect"?
Jared Taylor is absolutely correct in everything he says. I would go further. Not one nation that has taken in any of the African tribal members has been improved by the contact. The average ability and understanding of the entire social construct falls and the criminality and savagery rises.
White women don't have equal rights at this time.. So you really need to stop.. Go bake some cookies.
We see the use of Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens, or Brandon Tatum as spokespersons for black people.. Because they say certain things, it is suppose to invalidate claims made by other blacks.

How about we do the same thing?

So is Jared Taylor a spokesperson for all white people? And based on Jared Tayors opinion can we conclude that all whites are racists? Are Jared Taylor's opinions on race representative of whites in general?

You call blacks who agree with whites sellouts or Uncle Toms. You expect all black people to think the same, feel the same, hate all whites, etc. That’s pathetic.

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