Black Friday Wal-Mart Walkout

Get a job and stop living off your mommy and my tax dollars.

You praise employers who put more people on the tax payers dole. Therefore I don't believe you even pay any taxes. You praise tax payers subsidizing foreign import sales to US customers in order to send jobs overseas. I think you are a subversive trader to the USA.

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I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

You're fucking stupid.

More or less what you said is Government should keep min wage just high enough that people keep working for poverty wages rather than use the power they have to help create a better life.

Like I said, fucking stupid. And this is the reason min wage is a horrible thing.

I also like the part where you blame Reps as if they are the only ones that do what you claim.
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I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

You're fucking stupid.

More or less what you said is Government should keep min wage just high enough that people keep working for poverty wages rather than use the power they have to help create a better life.

Like I said, fucking stupid. And this is the reason min wage is a horrible thing.

I also like the part where you blame Reps as if they are the only ones that do what you claim.

You are retarded & can even read or comprehend. I said get workers out of poverty, off of the government dole & out of my pocket. If you retards ever paid taxes you would be bitching to. Repubs on here favor piling more workers onto the government dole making life worse & under communist control. Repubs on here favor US government subsidies for selling imports into the USA from communist countries while bitching about lower taxes on US export producers corporations.

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I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

You would think even a clueless schmuck like this would understand that increasing the minimum wage will result in less jobs and that it will price out even more entry level workers with limited skills.............
Anyone with a job should make enough to not need food stamps. Minimum wage came about to keep people out of poverty.
Get a job and stop living off your mommy and my tax dollars.

You praise employers who put more people on the tax payers dole. Therefore I don't believe you even pay any taxes. You praise tax payers subsidizing foreign import sales to US customers in order to send jobs overseas. I think you are a subversive trader to the USA.


I think your to fucking stupid to understand the real world....Just stay in your moms basement captain commie and live off my taxes which by the way I pay....
:badgrin: Walmart shares are already down $10 since news of these strikes broke last month. That is a $33.4 Billion loss to Walmart's owners. :badgrin: Corporate is getting taken to the woodshed!!!! Their employees should they get fired will notice little difference.

Update - Walmart just announced they will move up their dividend date. :lol: They are in a panic to stop their plummeting stock price & loss of market cap.

Wal-Mart moves up quarterly dividend payment
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I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

You would think even a clueless schmuck like this would understand that increasing the minimum wage will result in less jobs and that it will price out even more entry level workers with limited skills.............
Anyone with a job should make enough to not need food stamps. Minimum wage came about to keep people out of poverty.

Sure, then maybe we should pay somebody $25/hr to scrub urinals?


Labor is a commodity like anything else.
Another retard who can't read. Did I say your commie picked winner Walmart wouldn't miss the $9 billion???? NO I DID NOT IDIOT!!!!

Look dude, you're a retard with a 6th grade education, we get it.

I said level the playing field with taxes & minimum wage. You communist sympathizers suck balls. Tax favoritism, loopholes & worker support subsidies are commie crap for pussies.

Level playing field where different companies are subject to different minimum wages?

You might want to look up the word "level," sparky. Tell me comrade, is it your claim that Walmart is responsible for providing for all the needs of anyone who works for them? By merit of hiring someone to stock the shelves, Walmart must provide food, shelter, medical care, child care, and retirement for everyone in their extended family?

Fuck, you commies have a stupid that is bone deep.

Walmart says, "We will pay you $9 an hour to put merchandise on the shelves of our store."

What is the responsibility of Walmart, to pay the $9 for every hour worked - period.

The only business that remotely need subsidies are export business that must compete with other commie nations tariff & subsidies.

No one is subsidizing Walmart, fucktard.

But you stupid commie retards actually subsidize Walmarts imports from your favorite communist countries. Fucking communist sympathizing - TRADER!!!!

You are truly retarded - and both of your brain cells are damaged.
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That's right boys.....CORPORATE welfare....this is the Conservative meme for America. Suck the Corporate dick....The big reach around? Companies like Walmart pays their employees jack shit and have to rely on Gubmint assistance to survive....

How much do you pay your gardener, dickwad? Did you add $100,000 each year to make sure his kids could go to an ivy league college?

How DARE you rely on "subsidies" because you're too greedy...

then you fuckers have the nerve to bitch about taxes.....And before you fucking start.....I want to see a legitimate link that proves that "Obama Supporters" are the most likely to shop walmart.

You communists are really fucking morons - stupid beyond all belief.
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I knew this shit was going to happen. Government should have imposed a higher minimum wage for business with 50 or more employees just as they did with the healthcare law. If big business continues to shit on the working class expect more unions everywhere. Occupy Wallstreet everywhere.

Republicans have lost 3-1/2 out of the last 4 elections because they have removed or failed to implement & enforce rules thus allowing big business to raid their pensions funds & Wallstreet to screw the world.

Yup. To a lib the solution is always jack up their pay.

That's one of the reasons Hostess is out of business.
Again, side with those that are really screwing someone over, typical of rightwing nuts.
Let's hope you get your lazy ass put out of work.

A group of Wal-Mart workers are planning to stage a walkout next week on Black Friday, arguably the biggest holiday shopping day for the world's largest retail store.

The walkout builds on an October strike that started at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles and spread to stores in 12 other cities. More than 100 workers joined in the October actions.

One of the workers who plans to join next week's walkout is William Fletcher, who works at a Wal-Mart in Duarte, Calif.Fletcher, who also participated in the October strikes, claims Wal-Mart cut his hours after he asked to move from the receiving department to another division because of a knee injury. He has since switched departments.

"I kept asking myself, 'when is the retaliation for speaking our mind and acting on our rights going to stop?' " he said. Wal-Mart did not have an immediate comment in response to Fletcher's claim.

The union-backed groups OUR Walmart and Making Change at Wal-Mart, and a watchdog group Corporate Action Network, are calling on the nation's largest employer to end what they call retaliation against employees who speak out for better pay, fair schedules and affordable health care.......

Wal-Mart workers plan Black Friday walkout | Money - Home

Just fire their lazy asses.........
Again, side with those that are really screwing someone over, typical of rightwing nuts.
Let's hope you get your lazy ass put out of work.

Lefttard: Walmart is screwing me over.
Sane Person: How are they doing that?
Lefttard: They gave me a job.
Sane Person: That should be a good thing.
Lefttard: Yeah, but they only pay me $3 an hour, and promised me $10
Sane Person: Let me see your check stub; so they DO pay $10 an hour. These are taxes, insurance costs, and 401K.
Lefttard: But that's not fair, they're taking my money.
Sane Person: But you wanted higher taxes and mandatory medical insurance.
Lefttard: Yeah, but it should be free.
Sane Person: So, you're mad that you have to pay for what you demanded?
Lefttard: Walmart is screwing me over.

Lefttards - proof that stupidity is contagious.
The government screws low income employees with regulations and taxes and true to form they blame the employer. Wait until that 3,000 page law that nobody read clicks in. Where is the president's leadership on the issue? Surely he doesn't side with the brown shirt agitators. Maybe he just doesn't give a damn while he is on the apology tour. The dream of every neo-socialist is to do to Walmart what they did to Hostess.

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