"Bishop" Romney.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Romney, an active man of faith

The Republican presidential candidate doesn't talk much about his role in the Mormon Church, but he served as a bishop in a Boston-area church and presided over 12 congregations as stake president.

December 07, 2011|By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.

Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D
Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Romney, an active man of faith

The Republican presidential candidate doesn't talk much about his role in the Mormon Church, but he served as a bishop in a Boston-area church and presided over 12 congregations as stake president.

December 07, 2011|By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.
Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D

How does it feel to be responsible for the death of another poster?

Oreo's head will explode when he reads this.
Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Romney, an active man of faith

The Republican presidential candidate doesn't talk much about his role in the Mormon Church, but he served as a bishop in a Boston-area church and presided over 12 congregations as stake president.

December 07, 2011|By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.
Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D

How does it feel to be responsible for the death of another poster?

Oreo's head will explode when he reads this.


Our nations founders understood the history and the influence the Clergy had on governance in the Middle and early modern periods in Christian Europe. Of the three Estates of the realm - The Clergy, The Nobility and The Workman - who toiled and who benefited?
Our nations founders understood the history and the influence the Clergy had on governance in the Middle and early modern periods in Christian Europe. Of the three Estates of the realm - The Clergy, The Nobility and The Workman - who toiled and who benefited?

And with Romney..you get two of those estates rolled into one.

Guess which two?

Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D



"Let me assure you that no authorities of my church, or of any other church for that matter, will ever exert influence on presidential decisions. Their authority is theirs, within the province of church affairs, and it ends where the affairs of the nation begin.

"As governor, I tried to do the right as best I knew it, serving the law and answering to the Constitution. I did not confuse the particular teachings of my church with the obligations of the office and of the Constitution - and of course, I would not do so as president. I will put no doctrine of any church above the plain duties of the office and the sovereign authority of the law. "


Transcript: Mitt Romney's Faith Speech : NPR
Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Romney, an active man of faith

The Republican presidential candidate doesn't talk much about his role in the Mormon Church, but he served as a bishop in a Boston-area church and presided over 12 congregations as stake president.

December 07, 2011|By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.

Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D
None of this matters to your vote. Your vote is for Obama. Anyone running against him will not get your vote.

You are too far up O's butt.
Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.

Sandy was thinking of leaving her husband and moving to Utah with their two children, an anathema in a faith in which families come first and church leaders are encouraged to bring non-Mormon spouses of church members into the fold.

What followed, the Catalanos say, was an extended campaign of kindness and faith that went far beyond what Romney was obligated to do as bishop. Romney took the Catalanos under his wing. He called Ronnie to invite him to church events, gave him tasks such as manning a grill or setting up tables to make him feel included, invented jobs around the church when Ronnie was out of work. He referred Ronnie to passages in the Book of Mormon that spoke to the importance of families, and told the Catalanos that he was praying for them, and even losing sleep over them.

In 1991, after 11 years of persuasion, Ronnie Catalano converted to Mormonism. The 67-year-old Budweiser driver is now deeply involved in the church and has given up smoking and drinking, which he says saved his life because his father and brother both died of lung cancer.

"Mitt was the one who really stood out. He was always caring about my family, my wife, my children," Catalano said in a recent interview. "He taught me how to keep my family together."

"He saved us. He rescued us," added his wife.

OMFG..How awful! :lol:
Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Romney, an active man of faith

The Republican presidential candidate doesn't talk much about his role in the Mormon Church, but he served as a bishop in a Boston-area church and presided over 12 congregations as stake president.

December 07, 2011|By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.

Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D
None of this matters to your vote. Your vote is for Obama. Anyone running against him will not get your vote.

You are too far up O's butt.

Whose butt are you up?
Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Romney, an active man of faith

The Republican presidential candidate doesn't talk much about his role in the Mormon Church, but he served as a bishop in a Boston-area church and presided over 12 congregations as stake president.

December 07, 2011|By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.

Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D

so you're playing the religion card? .....remember this thread. :clap2: I have a feeling it will come back....
Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D
None of this matters to your vote. Your vote is for Obama. Anyone running against him will not get your vote.

You are too far up O's butt.

Whose butt are you up?
My own. :D
The left intends a religious test to hold office and a vow to reject all religious belief.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPR5jnjtLo]GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.

Sandy was thinking of leaving her husband and moving to Utah with their two children, an anathema in a faith in which families come first and church leaders are encouraged to bring non-Mormon spouses of church members into the fold.

What followed, the Catalanos say, was an extended campaign of kindness and faith that went far beyond what Romney was obligated to do as bishop. Romney took the Catalanos under his wing. He called Ronnie to invite him to church events, gave him tasks such as manning a grill or setting up tables to make him feel included, invented jobs around the church when Ronnie was out of work. He referred Ronnie to passages in the Book of Mormon that spoke to the importance of families, and told the Catalanos that he was praying for them, and even losing sleep over them.

In 1991, after 11 years of persuasion, Ronnie Catalano converted to Mormonism. The 67-year-old Budweiser driver is now deeply involved in the church and has given up smoking and drinking, which he says saved his life because his father and brother both died of lung cancer.

"Mitt was the one who really stood out. He was always caring about my family, my wife, my children," Catalano said in a recent interview. "He taught me how to keep my family together."

"He saved us. He rescued us," added his wife.

OMFG..How awful! :lol:

You what stands out to me in that story? That the wife was a convert.

How is it possible for someone to take a look at Mormonism, read up on its invention, its various painfully implausible preposterous claims and premises and concoctions,

and say, hey, that makes a lot of sense,

I think I'll devote my life to believing that stuff!!

Yep. Seems that he's a cleric. It's nothing all that new..that a cleric runs for public office. Heck, places like Iran are governed by clerics. And clerics have ran in past elections like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Pat Robertson.

Mitt Romney, an active man of faith - Los Angeles Times

Romney, an active man of faith

The Republican presidential candidate doesn't talk much about his role in the Mormon Church, but he served as a bishop in a Boston-area church and presided over 12 congregations as stake president.

December 07, 2011|By Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Belmont, Mass. — In a closely-knit Mormon congregation, Ronnie Catalano was a problem Mitt Romney wanted to solve.

As bishop — a position akin to priest or pastor — Romney presided over a fast-growing flock that included Catalano's wife, Sandy, a new convert. Ronnie, a cigarette smoking, wine-drinking Catholic, had accused Sandy of ruining their family by becoming Mormon. He tried to prevent her from attending church and from donating their money in the Mormon tradition of tithing.

Personally? I wouldn't vote for a cleric..no matter what the party.

But that's just me..I hate theocracy. :D

so you're playing the religion card? .....remember this thread. :clap2: I have a feeling it will come back....

I won't vote for a cleric. Ever.

And Romney played the religion card..when he started questioning Obama's religion.

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