Bing answers CO2 question


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Sent message. Assume that we find an Earth like exoplanet orbiting a Sun like star in the goldilocks zone of habitability. The Atmosphere is comparable to Earth, 80% nitrogen 19% oxygen, traces of water vapor, argon and 250 parts per million of CO2. Assuming that CO2 increases by 1 PPM a year what experiments can we conduct in an Earth lab to measure the effect the extra CO2would have on temperature of the exoplanet
Searching for: effect of CO2 on temperature

Searching for: effect of CO2 on temperature

Generating answers for you…

Generating answers for you…

That’s a very interesting question. According to the search results, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that absorbs and re-emits infrared energy, which causes the atmosphere to warm up1. The warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor, which is another greenhouse gas that further enhances the warming effect12. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing rapidly due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels3.

One possible experiment that can be done in an Earth lab to measure the effect of extra CO2 on the temperature of the exoplanet is to use a climate model that simulates the physical processes and feedbacks that govern the climate system4. A climate model can be run with different scenarios of CO2 concentrations and other factors that affect the climate, such as solar radiation, clouds, aerosols, etc. The model can then output the projected changes in temperature and other variables for each scenario. By comparing the results of different scenarios, one can estimate how much extra CO2 would affect the temperature of the exoplanet.

Another possible experiment is to use a controlled chamber that mimics the conditions of the exoplanet’s atmosphere5. The chamber can be filled with a mixture of gases that matches the composition of the exoplanet’s atmosphere, and then exposed to a light source that simulates the solar radiation. The temperature and other variables inside the chamber can be measured with sensors. The experiment can be repeated with different amounts of CO2 added to the chamber, and then compare how the temperature changes with different CO2 levels.

These are some examples of experiments that could be done in an Earth lab to measure the effect of extra CO2 on the temperature of the exoplanet. However, there may be other factors and uncertainties that could affect the accuracy and validity of these experiments, such as the complexity and variability of the climate system, the limitations and assumptions of the models and methods used, and the availability and quality of data and observations. Therefore, these experiments should be interpreted with caution and complemented with other sources of evidence and information.
If we have the tech to experiment on such a planet, then global warming/climate change shouldn't be a problem anyway.
Sent message. Assume that we find an Earth like exoplanet orbiting a Sun like star in the goldilocks zone of habitability. The Atmosphere is comparable to Earth, 80% nitrogen 19% oxygen, traces of water vapor, argon and 250 parts per million of CO2. Assuming that CO2 increases by 1 PPM a year what experiments can we conduct in an Earth lab to measure the effect the extra CO2would have on temperature of the exoplanet
Searching for: effect of CO2 on temperature

Searching for: effect of CO2 on temperature

Generating answers for you…

Generating answers for you…

That’s a very interesting question. According to the search results, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that absorbs and re-emits infrared energy, which causes the atmosphere to warm up1. The warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor, which is another greenhouse gas that further enhances the warming effect12. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing rapidly due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels3.

One possible experiment that can be done in an Earth lab to measure the effect of extra CO2 on the temperature of the exoplanet is to use a climate model that simulates the physical processes and feedbacks that govern the climate system4. A climate model can be run with different scenarios of CO2 concentrations and other factors that affect the climate, such as solar radiation, clouds, aerosols, etc. The model can then output the projected changes in temperature and other variables for each scenario. By comparing the results of different scenarios, one can estimate how much extra CO2 would affect the temperature of the exoplanet.

Another possible experiment is to use a controlled chamber that mimics the conditions of the exoplanet’s atmosphere5. The chamber can be filled with a mixture of gases that matches the composition of the exoplanet’s atmosphere, and then exposed to a light source that simulates the solar radiation. The temperature and other variables inside the chamber can be measured with sensors. The experiment can be repeated with different amounts of CO2 added to the chamber, and then compare how the temperature changes with different CO2 levels.

These are some examples of experiments that could be done in an Earth lab to measure the effect of extra CO2 on the temperature of the exoplanet. However, there may be other factors and uncertainties that could affect the accuracy and validity of these experiments, such as the complexity and variability of the climate system, the limitations and assumptions of the models and methods used, and the availability and quality of data and observations. Therefore, these experiments should be interpreted with caution and complemented with other sources of evidence and information.

The main problem here is the comparable atmosphere ... N2 and O2 are pretty much the product of biology ... it would be unethical to experiment on this exoplanet ... the next problem would be this exoplanet be in a similar continental configuration ... global temperatures are inversely proportional to the width of the Atlantic Ocean over these past 100 million years ... and this is over CO2 levels between over a thousand ppm down to 180 ppm ...

How will we know if this exoplanet's oceans were poisoned 250 million years ago, and then smnacked with a large asteroid 65 million years ago ... how about insects' effect on climate over the past 500 million years, just ants alone ... does our exoplanet undergo complete freeze ups like we had 1 billion years ago ...

It's not how much fuel to get to 10% c ... but how much fuel to get ourselves and all that braking fuel up to 10% of c ... or do we just go plaid? ...

We use simulations today ... and these simulations produce distribution curves ... mass media then writes articles about the extreme results ... "hypercanes landfalling Florida every fifteen minutes" ... actual scientists are more circumspect when publishing in the scientific media ...

And of course ... just shining a light on the various gas mixtures and measureing the temperature increase ... fairly trivial since our 1,000,000 ppm CO2 sample only showed a 3ºC increase ... [giggle] ... and that is only from specific heat capacity ... [chorkle] ... but then again, I'm neglecting magical forces here ... others may get different results ... "super duper typhoons dropping hockey sticks on the melting polar ice sheets" ...

[reeks of bleach] ...
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Sent message. Assume that we find an Earth like exoplanet orbiting a Sun like star in the goldilocks zone of habitability. The Atmosphere is comparable to Earth, 80% nitrogen 19% oxygen, traces of water vapor, argon and 250 parts per million of CO2. Assuming that CO2 increases by 1 PPM a year what experiments can we conduct in an Earth lab to measure the effect the extra CO2would have on temperature of the exoplanet
Searching for: effect of CO2 on temperature

Searching for: effect of CO2 on temperature

Generating answers for you…

Generating answers for you…

That’s a very interesting question. According to the search results, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that absorbs and re-emits infrared energy, which causes the atmosphere to warm up1. The warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor, which is another greenhouse gas that further enhances the warming effect12. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing rapidly due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels3.

One possible experiment that can be done in an Earth lab to measure the effect of extra CO2 on the temperature of the exoplanet is to use a climate model that simulates the physical processes and feedbacks that govern the climate system4. A climate model can be run with different scenarios of CO2 concentrations and other factors that affect the climate, such as solar radiation, clouds, aerosols, etc. The model can then output the projected changes in temperature and other variables for each scenario. By comparing the results of different scenarios, one can estimate how much extra CO2 would affect the temperature of the exoplanet.

Another possible experiment is to use a controlled chamber that mimics the conditions of the exoplanet’s atmosphere5. The chamber can be filled with a mixture of gases that matches the composition of the exoplanet’s atmosphere, and then exposed to a light source that simulates the solar radiation. The temperature and other variables inside the chamber can be measured with sensors. The experiment can be repeated with different amounts of CO2 added to the chamber, and then compare how the temperature changes with different CO2 levels.

These are some examples of experiments that could be done in an Earth lab to measure the effect of extra CO2 on the temperature of the exoplanet. However, there may be other factors and uncertainties that could affect the accuracy and validity of these experiments, such as the complexity and variability of the climate system, the limitations and assumptions of the models and methods used, and the availability and quality of data and observations. Therefore, these experiments should be interpreted with caution and complemented with other sources of evidence and infor..

No SHlT for brains I TAUGHT THIS TO YOU/BEAT YOU OVER THE HEAD Several times in the last few weeks.
That was ME Not "Bing."

DISHONEST FRUSADER CRANK was SHUT UP BY THIS POST - TWICE - for WEEKS and many pages ago but keeps trying to bury his loss with BS.​

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming​

MYTH: Water vapor is the most important, abundant greenhouse gas. So if we’re going to control a greenhouse gas, why don’t we control it instead of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

This is a common Misconception in the debate over greenhouse gases and the causes of global warming. Both water vapor and carbon dioxide are important greenhouse gases that play a crucial role in atmospheric warming. A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation in Earth’s atmosphere, thereby increasing temperatures. Which gas then is to blame for global warming and should be controlled?

Water vapor accounts for 60-70% of the greenhouse effect while CO2 accounts for 25% —a notable difference when numbers alone are compared. It would seem then that water vapor should be climatologists’ primary focus. However, water vapor cannot be controlled by human intervention; it is simply a Product of its environment.

The amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold is dependent on temperature.
Under normal conditions, most of the heat emitted from Earth’s surface in the form of long wave radiation goes into the atmosphere and out into space. However, the presence of increased greenhouse gases traps more long-wave radiation, which means there is more energy in the atmosphere to warm the Earth’s surface.

As the atmospheric temperature rises, more water is evaporated from ground storage, such as that found in our rivers, oceans, soils, and reservoirs. The released water vapor becomes a greenhouse gas where it then absorbs more energy radiated from the Earth and thus warms the atmosphere. The warmer atmosphere results in further water evaporation and the cycle continues. This mechanism is known as a Positive Feedback Loop.

Scientists then need to focus on what is causing air temperatures to rise in the first place. Heat from Other Greenhouse Gases is Causing atmospheric Warming, Leading to an increase in water evaporation and compounding the greenhouse effect. Anthropogenic, or human-derived, CO2 serves as the Primary source of Warming with water vapor playing a Secondary role.
While CO2 occurs naturally in the atmosphere, human interference has interrupted the carbon cycle through activities, such as burning forests, mining, and burning coal. These activities artificially release more carbon from their solid storage to its gaseous state in the lower atmosphere. The rapid increase in CO2 volume has exceeded the amount oceans and vegetation are able to re-absorb. Furthermore, as deforestation continues around the world, there is less vegetation every year available to sequester the carbon. Thus, excess CO2 remains in the atmosphere where it traps heat and stimulates water evaporation."...."

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming | IEDRO

another Stupid FrusaderCrank post (135,900 and counting) destroyed with One.
He is THEE Stupidest poster on USMB/any MB.
Another Nonsensical post (or dozens) to follow.
EDIT: Now he restarted the BOGUS thread/LOSS Again.
- - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -

end april 19, 2023
"bing" my ass.
That was me.
and gave you many More 'impossible' CO2 experiments, that actually a child could do at home/teachers do in school to test GHG CO2!
You are too Stupid to debate.
Just hold up for ridicule for your continued obstinance/idiocy.
Last edited:
No SHlT for brains I TAUGHT THIS TO YOU/BEAT YOU OVER THE HEAD Several times in the last few weeks.
That was ME Not "Bing."

DISHONEST FRUSADER CRANK was SHUT UP BY THIS POST - TWICE - for WEEKS and many pages ago but keeps trying to bury his loss with BS.​

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming​

MYTH: Water vapor is the most important, abundant greenhouse gas. So if we’re going to control a greenhouse gas, why don’t we control it instead of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

This is a common Misconception in the debate over greenhouse gases and the causes of global warming. Both water vapor and carbon dioxide are important greenhouse gases that play a crucial role in atmospheric warming. A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation in Earth’s atmosphere, thereby increasing temperatures. Which gas then is to blame for global warming and should be controlled?

Water vapor accounts for 60-70% of the greenhouse effect while CO2 accounts for 25% —a notable difference when numbers alone are compared. It would seem then that water vapor should be climatologists’ primary focus. However, water vapor cannot be controlled by human intervention; it is simply a Product of its environment.

The amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold is dependent on temperature.
Under normal conditions, most of the heat emitted from Earth’s surface in the form of long wave radiation goes into the atmosphere and out into space. However, the presence of increased greenhouse gases traps more long-wave radiation, which means there is more energy in the atmosphere to warm the Earth’s surface.

As the atmospheric temperature rises, more water is evaporated from ground storage, such as that found in our rivers, oceans, soils, and reservoirs. The released water vapor becomes a greenhouse gas where it then absorbs more energy radiated from the Earth and thus warms the atmosphere. The warmer atmosphere results in further water evaporation and the cycle continues. This mechanism is known as a Positive Feedback Loop.

Scientists then need to focus on what is causing air temperatures to rise in the first place. Heat from Other Greenhouse Gases is Causing atmospheric Warming, Leading to an increase in water evaporation and compounding the greenhouse effect. Anthropogenic, or human-derived, CO2 serves as the Primary source of Warming with water vapor playing a Secondary role.
While CO2 occurs naturally in the atmosphere, human interference has interrupted the carbon cycle through activities, such as burning forests, mining, and burning coal. These activities artificially release more carbon from their solid storage to its gaseous state in the lower atmosphere. The rapid increase in CO2 volume has exceeded the amount oceans and vegetation are able to re-absorb. Furthermore, as deforestation continues around the world, there is less vegetation every year available to sequester the carbon. Thus, excess CO2 remains in the atmosphere where it traps heat and stimulates water evaporation."...."

Water Vapor, CO2, and Global Warming | IEDRO

another Stupid FrusaderCrank post (135,900 and counting) destroyed with One.
He is THEE Stupidest poster on USMB/any MB.
Another Nonsensical post (or dozens) to follow.
EDIT: Now he restarted the BOGUS thread/LOSS Again.
- - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -

end april 19, 2023
"bing" my ass.
That was me.
and gave you many More 'impossible' CO2 experiments, that actually a child could do at home/teachers do in school to test GHG CO2!
You are too Stupid to debate.
Just hold up for ridicule for your continued obstinance/idiocy.
These replies are well intended and never address the underlying question: how much does temperature rise with CO2 at these teeny, tiny levels. The Vostok ice core show us temperatures plunge for tens of thousands of years, pulling CO2 down with it. So CO2 clearly does NOT drive temperatures, it’s the complete opposite

So you can show us a controlled experiment with 2 containers one with 250PPM of CO2 and another with 1000PPM and the temperature in the second one will be 6C higher than the first?

Are you aure?
Is this too difficult for you 12 IQ Jackass!! experiment jar CO2 ?

co2 experiment jar - Google Search

The Greenhouse Effect Experiment and Lesson for Kids

STEAM Powered Family › the-greenhou...
Apr 14, 2021 — In this experiment we are trapping the carbon dioxide gas in the jar. When heat is applied, the carbon dioxide traps more heat in the jar ...
Climate Change Science... · ‎The Greenhouse Effect... · ‎The Greenhouse Science

Greenhouse in a Jar Lab

Stanford University › files › inline-files

Decide on a lab set up as a group. You are designing an experiment that will test the effect of carbon dioxide on the temperature of the atmosphere (air)?. What ...

The Earth in a bottle - CO2 games on my kitchen bench

The Foster Lab › blog › co2-experiment
Apr 16, 2016 — There are quite a few experiments that you can do at home to demonstrate this underlying physics (e.g. here). Over the last couple of weeks I've ...

AND videos.

Bwwwrraaaakkk Polly want a clue!!!!

You’ll note none of the “experiments” tested the bedrock principles of Manmade Global Climate Warming Change, that increasing CO2 from 280 to 400PPM raises temperature at all, never mind by the 1.5C the Cult alleges
So doing the experiment is easy and you were TOO STUPID to even do the super simple search.
Yes it can be shown in your/anyone's kitchen, etc.

You can't gather even the simplest info, so have NONE in your opinions.

You've had to be handed how much CO2 drives temp on a 10 second silver platter, and handed an easy experiment to prove it.
All the while emptily denying it because you are TOO STUPID TO LOOK before you make an ass of yo

So Crusader Bimbo has No answer for his STUNNING Idiocy in Not being able to look up Climate sensitivity (CO2 vs Temp)... despite other debates here on the topic.
(it rises app 3C/5.4F for every doubling)
He thought it had virtually none or went out to 3, 4, 5 decimal places.

Not being able to look up the unbelievably simple schoolhouse experiments in a container for CO2 heat trapping... (he asked for but couldn't google).

and instead is merely Repeating his answered questions/Lies, and posting Large Pictures to bury his loss/Stupidity.


So you can show us a controlled experiment with 2 containers one with 250PPM of CO2 and another with 1000PPM and the temperature in the second one will be 6C higher than the first?

Are you aure?
I've already googled/linked it for you months ago.
A google search with 'experiments' at home/school that anyone can do
Just google your own typed words and you will get results you 12 IQ ldiot.

You can show us repeatable lab experiment that the temperature rises when CO2 rises and falls when CO2 is reduced? Really??
Why do I need lab experiment?
Do you have one for the creation of the Solar System?
IAC, that's what scientists have been doing and how GHGs were discovered.
And they have done lab experiments to see how much each GHG blocks radiation from going back out into space.
That's how we know ie, that Methane is 80x more powerful than CO2 as a GHG.

Do you deny the DEFINITION of Greenhouse Gas and how they were found?

Mar 11, 2022
CrusaderFrank said:
So, you have no experiment showing any Statistically Significant warming from increasing CO2.​
Thank you​
Do you have one that the sun rises every day at different times?​
I love these Low IQ clowns with non sequiturs who think they are refuting anything.
AND NO ONE IS AS LOW IQ As Crusader Frank who thought the temperature would drop when COVID hit because it would significantly lower the PPM of CO2 in the atmo.

But sure Frank
You can do this at home.


Last edited:

So doing the experiment is easy and you were TOO STUPID to even do the super simple search.
Yes it can be shown in your/anyone's kitchen, etc.

You can't gather even the simplest info, so have NONE in your opinions.

You've had to be handed how much CO2 drives temp on a 10 second silver platter, and handed an easy experiment to prove it.
All the while emptily denying it because you are TOO STUPID TO LOOK before you make an ass of yo
I’ve never been able to find, and the entire AGWCult has never been able to post, not one time, an experiment that controls for CO2 and shows the assumed temperature increase. Mythbusters attempted to, but had to crank up CO2 to 7%, far in excess of the current .04% AND they increased both atmospheric pressure AND added some absurd amount of water vapor to get the temperature needle to move. Fake. Fraud.

CO2 is making it "warmer" but has stage fright whenever we ask it to show the temperature increase in a laboratory
You can do it/prove it at home goofy.

How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?​ › 2021/02/25 › carbo...

Feb 25, 2021 — A better experiment would be to have 3 large containers – one containing earth's atmosphere with no CO2, one with atmosphere of 0.025% CO2 and ...

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect - American Institute of ...​ › climate › co2

Arrhenius brought up the possibility of future warming in an impressive scientific ... The early experiments that sent radiation through gases in a tube, ...
The Theory Restored (1950... · ‎Carbon Dioxide: Key to... · ‎Evidence from the Ice

Global warming and climate change – an experimental ...​ › CS_Materials › Ber...

Experiment 3. Radiation determines temperature (3). Aim: to demonstrate how CO2 gas absorbs heat rays more than normal "air": CO2- gas is "thermally darker" ...
24 pages

Climate Change Inquiry Labs: CO2 and Air Temperature​ › files › lesson_plan_files

NOTE: The plastic wrap is representing carbon dioxide in the model used for the experiment. Greenhouse gases don't hold in heat exactly the same way as the ...
2 pages

Demos & Experiments | NOAA​ › teaching › demos-experiments

Results 1 - 10 of 88 — Summary: This is a short experiment to demonstrate the concept of ... an analogy to thermal expansion of oceans due to global warming.

Millennium time-scale experiments on climate-carbon cycle ...​ › articles

by T Hajima · 2020 · Cited by 1 — Thus, in the BGC2 × CO2 experiment, there was no global warming induced by CO2 concentration increase, and direct stimulation of CO2 ...

Global Warming Experiment thermal propeties carbon dioxide ...​ › library › global-warming

Experiment setup · Prepare plastic pop bottles by removing the labels and drilling holes in the tops big enough to allow the temperature probes to go through.

The Greenhouse Effect Experiment and Lesson for Kids​ › activities › the-gr...

In this experiment we are trapping the carbon dioxide gas in the jar. When heat is applied, the carbon dioxide traps more heat in the jar ...

Basically you are all STUPID.
You can't even use google, which is why you have wrong opinions and a 95% Info deficit.

"..But when Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal Clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voter Fraud any claim of a Stolen Election is just Kook "Conspiracy Theory".."

I love science!

Can you please post the experiment showing any statistically significant heat generation from increasing CO2 from 280 to 400PPM?
Wiki GHG:

A greenhouse gas (GHG or GhG) is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range, causing the greenhouse effect.[1]
The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3).

Without greenhouse gases, the average temperature of Earth's surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F),[2] rather than the present average of 15 °C (59 °F).[3][4][5] The atmospheres of Venus, Mars and Titan also contain greenhouse gases.

Human activities since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (around 1750) have increased the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide by almost 50%, from 280 ppm in 1750 to 419 ppm in 2021.[6]

The last time the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide was this high was over 3 million years ago.
[7] This increase has occurred despite the absorption of more than half of the emissions by various natural carbon sinks in the carbon cycle.[8][9]......


You can do it/prove it at home goofy.

How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming? › 2021/02/25 › carbo...
Feb 25, 2021 — A better experiment would be to have 3 large containers – one containing earth's atmosphere with no CO2, one with atmosphere of 0.025% CO2 and ...

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect - American Institute of ... › climate › co2
Arrhenius brought up the possibility of future warming in an impressive scientific ... The early experiments that sent radiation through gases in a tube, ...
The Theory Restored (1950... · ‎Carbon Dioxide: Key to... · ‎Evidence from the Ice

Global warming and climate change – an experimental ... › CS_Materials › Ber...

Experiment 3. Radiation determines temperature (3). Aim: to demonstrate how CO2 gas absorbs heat rays more than normal "air": CO2- gas is "thermally darker" ...
24 pages

Climate Change Inquiry Labs: CO2 and Air Temperature › files › lesson_plan_files

NOTE: The plastic wrap is representing carbon dioxide in the model used for the experiment. Greenhouse gases don't hold in heat exactly the same way as the ...
2 pages

Demos & Experiments | NOAA › teaching › demos-experiments
Results 1 - 10 of 88 — Summary: This is a short experiment to demonstrate the concept of ... an analogy to thermal expansion of oceans due to global warming.

Millennium time-scale experiments on climate-carbon cycle ... › articles
by T Hajima · 2020 · Cited by 1 — Thus, in the BGC2 × CO2 experiment, there was no global warming induced by CO2 concentration increase, and direct stimulation of CO2 ...

Global Warming Experiment thermal propeties carbon dioxide ... › library › global-warming
Experiment setup · Prepare plastic pop bottles by removing the labels and drilling holes in the tops big enough to allow the temperature probes to go through.

The Greenhouse Effect Experiment and Lesson for Kids › activities › the-gr...
In this experiment we are trapping the carbon dioxide gas in the jar. When heat is applied, the carbon dioxide traps more heat in the jar ...

Basically you are all STUPID.
You can't even use google, which is why you have wrong opinions and a 95% Info deficit.

"..But when Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal Clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voter Fraud any claim of a Stolen Election is just Kook "Conspiracy Theory".."

Thank you, once again, for proving my point that with all those scientific resources, the AGWCult has never once posted a single, repeatable experiment showing any temperature increase at all from increasing CO2 from 280 to 400ppm. Instead we get a shell game and parlor tricks

Thank you! I couldn’t have done a better job showing how the AGWCult avoid the bedrock science because it fails their theory

Wiki GHG:

A greenhouse gas (GHG or GhG) is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range, causing the greenhouse effect.[1]
The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3).

Without greenhouse gases, the average temperature of Earth's surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F),[2] rather than the present average of 15 °C (59 °F).[3][4][5] The atmospheres of Venus, Mars and Titan also contain greenhouse gases.

Human activities since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (around 1750) have increased the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide by almost 50%, from 280 ppm in 1750 to 419 ppm in 2021.[6]

The last time the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide was this high was over 3 million years ago.
[7] This increase has occurred despite the absorption of more than half of the emissions by various natural carbon sinks in the carbon cycle.[8][9]......

But notice, no experiment controlling for temperature at these levels

I love science!

Can you please post the experiment showing any statistically significant heat generation from increasing CO2 from 280 to 400PPM?
Wiki GHG:

A greenhouse gas (GHG or GhG) is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range, causing the greenhouse effect.[1]
The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3).

Without greenhouse gases, the average temperature of Earth's surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F),[2] rather than the present average of 15 °C (59 °F).[3][4][5] The atmospheres of Venus, Mars and Titan also contain greenhouse gases.

Human activities since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (around 1750) have increased the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide by almost 50%, from 280 ppm in 1750 to 419 ppm in 2021.[6]

The last time the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide was this high was over 3 million years ago.
[7] This increase has occurred despite the absorption of more than half of the emissions by various natural carbon sinks in the carbon cycle.[8][9]......


You can do it/prove it at home goofy.

How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming? › 2021/02/25 › carbo...
Feb 25, 2021 — A better experiment would be to have 3 large containers – one containing earth's atmosphere with no CO2, one with atmosphere of 0.025% CO2 and ...

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect - American Institute of ... › climate › co2
Arrhenius brought up the possibility of future warming in an impressive scientific ... The early experiments that sent radiation through gases in a tube, ...
The Theory Restored (1950... · ‎Carbon Dioxide: Key to... · ‎Evidence from the Ice

Global warming and climate change – an experimental ... › CS_Materials › Ber...

Experiment 3. Radiation determines temperature (3). Aim: to demonstrate how CO2 gas absorbs heat rays more than normal "air": CO2- gas is "thermally darker" ...
24 pages

Climate Change Inquiry Labs: CO2 and Air Temperature › files › lesson_plan_files

NOTE: The plastic wrap is representing carbon dioxide in the model used for the experiment. Greenhouse gases don't hold in heat exactly the same way as the ...
2 pages

Demos & Experiments | NOAA › teaching › demos-experiments
Results 1 - 10 of 88 — Summary: This is a short experiment to demonstrate the concept of ... an analogy to thermal expansion of oceans due to global warming.

Millennium time-scale experiments on climate-carbon cycle ... › articles
by T Hajima · 2020 · Cited by 1 — Thus, in the BGC2 × CO2 experiment, there was no global warming induced by CO2 concentration increase, and direct stimulation of CO2 ...

Global Warming Experiment thermal propeties carbon dioxide ... › library › global-warming
Experiment setup · Prepare plastic pop bottles by removing the labels and drilling holes in the tops big enough to allow the temperature probes to go through.

The Greenhouse Effect Experiment and Lesson for Kids › activities › the-gr...
In this experiment we are trapping the carbon dioxide gas in the jar. When heat is applied, the carbon dioxide traps more heat in the jar ...

Basically you are all STUPID.
You can't even use google, which is why you have wrong opinions and a 95% Info deficit.

"..But when Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal Clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voter Fraud any claim of a Stolen Election is just Kook "Conspiracy Theory".."

I thought you said we can never control for CO2 in a lab because it was like the Big Bang or Black Holes?
Climate sensitivity TO CO2.

So Crusader Bimbo has No answer for his STUNNING Idiocy in Not being able to look up Climate sensitivity (CO2 vs Temp)... despite other debates here on the topic.
(it rises app 3C/5.4F for every doubling)
He thought it had virtually none or went out to 3, 4, 5 decimal places.

Not being able to look up the unbelievably simple schoolhouse experiments in a container for CO2 heat trapping... (he asked for but couldn't google).

and instead is merely Repeating his answered questions/Lies, and posting Large Pictures to bury his loss/Stupidity...

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