Bill Mahr nails it

That's not a definition. Defined failed stand up comedian.
Well, he has 5 dates between now and March 2024. That is 150 days. He’s doing 5 shows.

Compare his schedule (referenced on an earlier post) to Ron White who isn’t exactly the paragon of stand up (but he’s infinitely funnier than Bill Maher.
White once said that he left the blue collar comic tour because he didn’t want to work that hard--Foxworthy had set up something like 250 days in a year. I mean...Tater is almost doing more shows in Oklahoma in a week than Maher is doing in 5 months.

And I’ll point put that Ron White isn’t exactly a liberal either.

And this isn’t new for me--I just didn’t start saying this about Bill because of whatever he said in the OP.... This from 2012.
Bill Maher is a dumbass. And he's not that funny either.
The purpose of a put-down is to reduce someone else in the status hierarchy. So it is hardly surprising that insults will often refer to a person's social status in terms of ancestry, lack of prestige, or membership in a despised out-group; for example, Nazis or vagrants. Otherwise, the content of insults across the ages is monotonously predictable: Many insults feature a sexual component, refer to sexual organs, or bring up shameful or ineffectual sexual behavior. In addition to status and sexuality, insults inflict shame by mentioning unappealing traits—fatness, shortness, baldness, spottiness, and contagious diseases.
I didn’t reach much of what you wrote.. Forgive me; you’re not that interesting.

But I’ll say this... The victim complex you guys have created for yourself does stress then “I’m a real man” machismo you try to portray at the same time.

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