Bill Maher nails it again

Bill Maher is a liberal, and I hate his ass, but as has been pointed out many times on this board, now and then he gets it right. He knows the wokesters are pieces of shit and need to be beaten down.

Bill Maher: Democrats Need To Get Over "Hypersensitive Social Justice Warrior Woke BS," Voters Think They're "Nuts"

HBO's "Real Time" host Bill Maher said on his show Friday that the message voters sent to Democrats in 2020 was: "We don't like Trump, but we still can't bring ourselves to vote for you."

"Democrats were supposed to flip the Senate and didn't, supposed to flip state legislatures, not a one. And they lost seats in the House," he said.

"Liberals can either write off half the country as irredeemable or they can ask, 'What is is about a 'D' next to a candidate's name that makes it so toxic?'" he said, citing a number of examples to suggest why middle Americans don't trust the "common sense" of the Democratic Party. "I can do this all day... Cite stories big and small that are endlessly on people's news feeds that add up to a constant drip, drip, drip of 'These people are nuts.'"

No he didn't. Maher is a neo-Liberal who has become concerned with what corporate money does for him...

Actually, true Progressive Kyle Kulinski nails Maher.


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