Bilderberg on Trump; 'Useful...He Gets Things done.'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Bilderberg group is a very useful group of people for helping nations to integrate and find comonality. This is helpful in avoiding conflict and boosting economic production, or at least it would seem to be.

But I would have expected the Bilderbergs, Overseers of the 'New World Order' to be a little more harsh on Trump than this article might suggest.

Bilderberg conference: attendees dodge the press as secretive meeting ends

O’Leary, at least, agreed to speak. I asked him about the top item on this year’s agenda: “The Trump Administration: A progress report”. What was Bilderberg’s verdict?

O’Leary thought for a moment. “I would say … reasonable. He’s got things done, but there’s more to do.”

It sounds like Trump’s regulatory bonfire isn’t quite the howling blaze the CEOs and industrialists of Bilderberg would prefer, but it’s a step in the right direction. He’s got potential.

Trump’s commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, must have made a good case. Ross was a clever choice of envoy: a private equity billionaire, a former trustee of Brookings and a former Rothschild investment banker. He’d fit right in at Bilderberg.

I asked if O’Leary had found the conference useful. “Absolutely,” he said. “It’s always very useful.”...

Bilderberg is plugged into the very highest levels of high finance and intelligence. There were two ex-CIA chiefs at this year’s conference: Gen David Petraeus and John Brennan, both of whom now work in the private sector. There was the current US national security adviser, HR McMaster, and a former director of MI6, Sir John Sawers, who now sits on the board of BP.

At its deepest level, the group is dominated by transnational finance and big business. The conference chairman is a director of HSBC, the newly appointed treasurer is the head of Deutsche Bank, and the administrative body is run by a senior adviser to Goldman Sachs.

The relationship between Bilderberg and Goldman Sachs runs deep. This year’s conference featured senior figures from the bank; the annual returns of American Friends of Bilderberg, a tax-exempt group, show it registered to the address of a Goldman Sachs board member, James A Johnson. Its sister organisation, the UK-based Bilderberg Association, is heavily funded by Goldman Sachs and registered to the business address of Simon Robertson, former managing director of the bank’s London operation, Goldman Sachs International.

The current chairman of Goldman Sachs International, José Manuel Barroso, sits on the Bilderberg steering committee, alongside the chairman of the bank’s International Advisory Board, Robert Zoellick. In other words, if Goldman Sachs is the “vampire squid” that Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi said it was, Bilderberg is its brain: doing the deep thinking, inviting historians and futurists’ perspectives, trying to work out where the world is going, doing its best to make sure everything stays more or less on course.​
The Bilderberg group is a very useful group of people for helping nations to integrate and find comonality. This is helpful in avoiding conflict and boosting economic production, or at least it would seem to be.

Holy crap. Have the Trump zombies undergone a new evolution?
The Bilderberg group is a very useful group of people for helping nations to integrate and find comonality. This is helpful in avoiding conflict and boosting economic production, or at least it would seem to be.

But I would have expected the Bilderbergs, Overseers of the 'New World Order' to be a little more harsh on Trump than this article might suggest.

Bilderberg conference: attendees dodge the press as secretive meeting ends

O’Leary, at least, agreed to speak. I asked him about the top item on this year’s agenda: “The Trump Administration: A progress report”. What was Bilderberg’s verdict?

O’Leary thought for a moment. “I would say … reasonable. He’s got things done, but there’s more to do.”

It sounds like Trump’s regulatory bonfire isn’t quite the howling blaze the CEOs and industrialists of Bilderberg would prefer, but it’s a step in the right direction. He’s got potential.

Trump’s commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, must have made a good case. Ross was a clever choice of envoy: a private equity billionaire, a former trustee of Brookings and a former Rothschild investment banker. He’d fit right in at Bilderberg.

I asked if O’Leary had found the conference useful. “Absolutely,” he said. “It’s always very useful.”...

Bilderberg is plugged into the very highest levels of high finance and intelligence. There were two ex-CIA chiefs at this year’s conference: Gen David Petraeus and John Brennan, both of whom now work in the private sector. There was the current US national security adviser, HR McMaster, and a former director of MI6, Sir John Sawers, who now sits on the board of BP.

At its deepest level, the group is dominated by transnational finance and big business. The conference chairman is a director of HSBC, the newly appointed treasurer is the head of Deutsche Bank, and the administrative body is run by a senior adviser to Goldman Sachs.

The relationship between Bilderberg and Goldman Sachs runs deep. This year’s conference featured senior figures from the bank; the annual returns of American Friends of Bilderberg, a tax-exempt group, show it registered to the address of a Goldman Sachs board member, James A Johnson. Its sister organisation, the UK-based Bilderberg Association, is heavily funded by Goldman Sachs and registered to the business address of Simon Robertson, former managing director of the bank’s London operation, Goldman Sachs International.

The current chairman of Goldman Sachs International, José Manuel Barroso, sits on the Bilderberg steering committee, alongside the chairman of the bank’s International Advisory Board, Robert Zoellick. In other words, if Goldman Sachs is the “vampire squid” that Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi said it was, Bilderberg is its brain: doing the deep thinking, inviting historians and futurists’ perspectives, trying to work out where the world is going, doing its best to make sure everything stays more or less on course.​

Added information, there aren't too many people who even know who Bildaberg is No surprise there.
Back in the day all the MSM would try and say it/ they were a conspiracy theory . Now that some have woke up they realize these are the dam ELITES / GLOBALIST.. MSM was all over their meeting for the first time too. Where as before jackasses like Rachel Madow would claim oh that's all a conspiracy like they typically do .

Globalists are baffled as to Trump’s “erratic” style of governance and are panicked that he could undo decades of work they put in to build the new world order.

However, Bilderbergers still think Trump can be brought to his senses and taught “how the world really works,” a line that is typical of the arrogance that has come to epitomize the attitude of Bilderberg members over the years.

Given the highly unlikely scenario of Trump taking orders from Bilderberg, the only recourse left for the elite will be to turf him out of office.

Another Bilderberger is confident that Trump can be impeached, but only if Democrats regain control of Congress in 2018, in which case his days are “numbered”.

If the impeachment of Trump is in process by the end of 2018, globalists ......................

Exclusive: Bilderberg Schemes to Overthrow Trump
The Bilderberg group is a very useful group of people for helping nations to integrate and find comonality. This is helpful in avoiding conflict and boosting economic production, or at least it would seem to be.

But I would have expected the Bilderbergs, Overseers of the 'New World Order' to be a little more harsh on Trump than this article might suggest.

Bilderberg conference: attendees dodge the press as secretive meeting ends

O’Leary, at least, agreed to speak. I asked him about the top item on this year’s agenda: “The Trump Administration: A progress report”. What was Bilderberg’s verdict?

O’Leary thought for a moment. “I would say … reasonable. He’s got things done, but there’s more to do.”

It sounds like Trump’s regulatory bonfire isn’t quite the howling blaze the CEOs and industrialists of Bilderberg would prefer, but it’s a step in the right direction. He’s got potential.

Trump’s commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, must have made a good case. Ross was a clever choice of envoy: a private equity billionaire, a former trustee of Brookings and a former Rothschild investment banker. He’d fit right in at Bilderberg.

I asked if O’Leary had found the conference useful. “Absolutely,” he said. “It’s always very useful.”...

Bilderberg is plugged into the very highest levels of high finance and intelligence. There were two ex-CIA chiefs at this year’s conference: Gen David Petraeus and John Brennan, both of whom now work in the private sector. There was the current US national security adviser, HR McMaster, and a former director of MI6, Sir John Sawers, who now sits on the board of BP.

At its deepest level, the group is dominated by transnational finance and big business. The conference chairman is a director of HSBC, the newly appointed treasurer is the head of Deutsche Bank, and the administrative body is run by a senior adviser to Goldman Sachs.

The relationship between Bilderberg and Goldman Sachs runs deep. This year’s conference featured senior figures from the bank; the annual returns of American Friends of Bilderberg, a tax-exempt group, show it registered to the address of a Goldman Sachs board member, James A Johnson. Its sister organisation, the UK-based Bilderberg Association, is heavily funded by Goldman Sachs and registered to the business address of Simon Robertson, former managing director of the bank’s London operation, Goldman Sachs International.

The current chairman of Goldman Sachs International, José Manuel Barroso, sits on the Bilderberg steering committee, alongside the chairman of the bank’s International Advisory Board, Robert Zoellick. In other words, if Goldman Sachs is the “vampire squid” that Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi said it was, Bilderberg is its brain: doing the deep thinking, inviting historians and futurists’ perspectives, trying to work out where the world is going, doing its best to make sure everything stays more or less on course.​

Added information, there aren't too many people who even know who Bildaberg is No surprise there.
Back in the day all the MSM would try and say it/ they were a conspiracy theory . Now that some have woke up they realize these are the dam ELITES / GLOBALIST.. MSM was all over their meeting for the first time too. Where as before jackasses like Rachel Madow would claim oh that's all a conspiracy like they typically do .

Globalists are baffled as to Trump’s “erratic” style of governance and are panicked that he could undo decades of work they put in to build the new world order.

However, Bilderbergers still think Trump can be brought to his senses and taught “how the world really works,” a line that is typical of the arrogance that has come to epitomize the attitude of Bilderberg members over the years.

Given the highly unlikely scenario of Trump taking orders from Bilderberg, the only recourse left for the elite will be to turf him out of office.

Another Bilderberger is confident that Trump can be impeached, but only if Democrats regain control of Congress in 2018, in which case his days are “numbered”.

If the impeachment of Trump is in process by the end of 2018, globalists ......................

Exclusive: Bilderberg Schemes to Overthrow Trump
Hey, they're just a very useful group of people for helping nations to integrate and find comonality. This is helpful in avoiding conflict and boosting economic production
Globalists are baffled as to Trump’s “erratic” style of governance and are panicked that he could undo decades of work they put in to build the new world order.
However, Bilderbergers still think Trump can be brought to his senses and taught “how the world really works,” a line that is typical of the arrogance that has come to epitomize the attitude of Bilderberg members over the years.
Given the highly unlikely scenario of Trump taking orders from Bilderberg, the only recourse left for the elite will be to turf him out of office.
I dont think Trump wants todestroy Globalism, I think he wants to tweak it from a top-down world government as the goal to a down-up nation-centric system of independent states that are economically so entangled that warfare and xenophobia are too expensive for the national elites to pursue.

And the Bilderbergs, I think for the most part, are OK with this, especially Goldman Sux. They dont give out orders, but try to build consensus and social networks that move their influence globally.

I think they realize that there is no way to impeach Trump in any meaningful time line, so they are going to try to work with the Trump surrogates he has working with them to push back and try to steer Trump to some degree.

All in all, this is a very interesting time to live in.

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