What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

Matters not what you believe. I am firm in my faith. If I vote as you tell me I should I'd be selling out.
I'm not a fan of abortion but I am a huge fan of contraception which is necessary to get rid of abortion. Less births is a positive towards getting rid of it.
“Real assholes” are parents who don’t exhaust all energy teaching their children core American values, teaching them that a penis belongs in a vagina and not a man’s dirty asshole.
THIS ^^^^ is the main reason WHY I Despise the (R).
The (R) believes that he is entitled to a world where everyone is "Alike" and is heterosexual.
The (R) believes that homosexuality is 'taught' and encouraged from liberals.
Most heterosexuals don't choose to be heterosexual, they just are.
Most Gays don't choose to be gay, they just are.
Some people do choose to 'change sides' after living a life they previously were uncomfortable with. WHY is this ANY of your business?

I not gay, I can't imagine having a sexual relation with another man.
But I can accept THOSE that were born different, (Not defective as a (R) would say).
When you live in a larger population area you have to be more open to those that do not look and think just like you.

As you prove on a daily basis, that is not a trait the right possesses.
Exactly, (R) can't accept those that are 'different' and the world is LOADED with people that are different.
I accept them, (R) refuse and bully.
Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets
Part 2, Veterans should ABSOLUTELY be taken care of, and (R) will bitch about how unfairly the Vets are treated, but (R) do absolutely NOTHING to aid the Veteran.

There a SO MANY ultra Rich (R), they could easliy improve the Life of a Veteran, without the involvement of the Government, but they won't.
It's so hard to understand derstand what makes people angry. I just will never be a part of that.
“Those neighborhoods” you bastards are manifesting and fostering are doing my voting for me. When will fools realize this?
like i said move.....you live in a part of the country with more brown people than anyplace in the country,maybe more trannies....why are you still there?.....
THIS ^^^^ is the main reason WHY I Despise the (R).
The (R) believes that he is entitled to a world where everyone is "Alike" and is heterosexual.
The (R) believes that homosexuality is 'taught' and encouraged from liberals.
Most heterosexuals don't choose to be heterosexual, they just are.
Most Gays don't choose to be gay, they just are.
Some people do choose to 'change sides' after living a life they previously were uncomfortable with. WHY is this ANY of your business?

I not gay, I can't imagine having a sexual relation with another man.
But I can accept THOSE that were born different, (Not defective as a (R) would say).
If this were true where were all these suicide cimmitting faggots, rug munchers and chicks with dicks in 1980 when real America was united and thriving?
Exactly, (R) can't accept those that are 'different' and the world is LOADED with people that are different.
I accept them, (R) refuse and bully.
“The world”…that‘s the problem, leftists have made America the worlds nation.
Part 2, Veterans should ABSOLUTELY be taken care of, and (R) will bitch about how unfairly the Vets are treated, but (R) do absolutely NOTHING to aid the Veteran.

There a SO MANY ultra Rich (R), they could easliy improve the Life of a Veteran, without the involvement of the Government, but they won't.
So how should I vote? You're the expert. Wait let me get my popcorn so I can refute every point you provide.
HOLY SHIT this is simple….ALL real Christians are voting against the party of abortion and faggotry. This shit really isn’t complicated old timer.
like i said move.....you live in a part of the country with more brown people than anyplace in the country,maybe more trannies....why are you still there?.....
I vote in Arizona…like your shithole of NV, the filthy fucks have fucked this place up as well.
HOLY SHIT this is simple….ALL real Christians are voting against the party of abortion and faggotry. This shit really isn’t complicated old timer.
It’s obvious he has nothing important to vote for or against. He’s a person who has to have everything on a ticket to vote rather than important points. Giving up is truly weak
HOLY SHIT this is simple….ALL real Christians are voting against the party of abortion and faggotry. This shit really isn’t complicated old timer.
What others do in their bedroom is no business of mine. As far as abortion I will wait until I hear the promotion of not having kids. Then I will consider. Until then to heck with it. Not my fight. B
What exactly is it you want from citizens like me? Born here. Will die here. Do you think I owe something?
If this were true where were all these suicide cimmitting faggots, rug munchers and chicks with dicks in 1980 when real America was united and thriving?

“The world”…that‘s the problem, leftists have made America the worlds nation.

True, this is EXACTLY why I despise you and your ilk.

trump did SHIT to help Veterans.
And my comment was about the common entitled (R) that won't lift a finger to help out a Vet. Where is the HELP?

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