The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Oh, his Evil is just getting started. He is on a mission to not only define Soccer Moms at Board Meetings as Terrorists, but Biden is currently building the foundation for Cryptocurrency (CDBC) combined with your identity which will weaponize banking against ordinary citizens who simply want to have their voice heard, and who are expressing concerns about the erosion of American freedoms, Civil Rights and Individual Liberties. If you think the "pandemic" lockdowns were bad, something much more oppressive is on it's way.

If you think what Trudeau did to protestors wanting their freedom back was bad and how the global banking industry is now starving out ordinary citizens in Russia, was bad, these are just test cases. Same as we experienced with COVID19. It simply was a dress rehearsal to see how a free people would tolerate the suspension of their freedoms. We failed the test. Very few pushed back and when they did, they were fired, ostracized and silenced.

When The Great Reset comes, posting on here will become a liability, perhaps even life threatening. It may already be too late anyways. If you stopped posting today, they can still go back and look at what you said months ago, and if they don't agree with it, you will be sanctioned personally.

Joe Biden and the people he has in his Regime are Satanic Globalists. Never forget that Globalism requires strict control of populations all over the globe to be possible. Globalism and freedom are incompatible. Global Governance does not bring Peace, it brings Tyranny, War, Pestilence and Famine.

Soon you won't even be able to criticize your own government. If you do, you can be made destitute at the push of a button, not only you as an individual, your family your friends, an entire city, state, or nation can be brought to it's knees.

We are just about there now with The Government outsourcing Human Rights Violations to private corporations (Social Media). Soon you won't just be censored on Social Media, you will be cut off from your income, savings, your paycheck will be suspended and many other apocalyptic things will be possible.

And it won't be limited to simple dissent. When the climate change laws are enacted, you can be limited in what kind of food and products you buy, how far you are allowed to drive a day, and on and on and on. The possibility for a granular, tunable, programmable tyranny is endless. If you violate any number of The New World Order's 10,000 new standards they will burden your with, you will become an enemy of The New World Order unless you comply.

And if you think that type of compliance is not possible, remember you were made to wear a mask and live in fear for two entire years over essentially what was a hoax. If you think that they will not know your every move, your thoughts, your actions, you are wrong. The technology is here to make this possible now.

It is completely unnecessary to take a nation down this road unless your goal is to dissolve the very foundations of a nation based on human freedoms, and yet, The Biden Regime is rushing us head long into an Economic Fascism for which no person will be able to protect themselves from.

I caution you to consider this, and to be aware of what you will be offered when this comes. It will be offered as an end to crime, to war, to poverty and many other of society's ills, but the deal they are offering you will be a covenant with death, and we'd do well to refuse such a deal and to keep our options for economic freedom open.
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Oh, his Evil is just getting started. He is on a mission to not only define Soccer Moms at Board Meetings as Terrorists, but Biden is currently building the foundation for Cryptocurrency (CDBC) combined with your identity which will weaponize banking against ordinary citizens who simply want to have their voice heard, and who are expressing concerns about the erosion of American freedoms, Civil Rights and Individual Liberties.

If you think what Trudeau did was bad and how the banking industry is starving out ordinary citizens in Russia, was bad, this are just test cases. Same as we experienced with COVID.

When The Great Reset comes, posting on here will become a liability, perhaps even life threatening.

Joe Biden and the people he has in his Regime are Satanic Globalists.

Soon you won't even be able to criticize your own government. If you do, you can be made destitute at the push of a button.

We are just about there now with The Government outsourcing Human Rights Violations to private corporations (Social Media). Soon you won't just be censored on Social Media, you will be cut off from your income, savings, your paycheck will be suspended and many other apocalyptic things will be possible.

And it won't be limited to simple dissent. When the climate change laws are enacted, you can be limited in what kind of food and products you buy, how far you are allowed to drive a day, and on and on and on. The possibility for a granular tunable, programmable tyranny is endless.

It is completely unnecessary to take a nation down this road unless your goal is to dissolve the very foundations of a nation based on human freedoms, and yet, The Biden Regime is rushing us head long into an Economic Fascism for which no person will be able to protect themselves from.
Many Americans view the little slip of paper, that the machine spits out, as an accurate view of the amount of money that they have control over. If this view becomes questionable....things will change.
Let me make it clear, I am not defending Russia. Just stating facts of what is coming, and how things like COVID19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict are being used as test beds to implement Globalism, The Great Reset and implement totatl control on every facet of human life.

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Leftists are fascists. This is undeniable. If you step out of line, if you criticize them on social media, if you resist their tyranny in any way, your money will be shut off until you comply and obey.

Rational people believe this is dangerous. Leftists love it. I would tell them to be careful what they support -- for one day they may be the victims of it. But they're a damn short-sighted bunch.
The Democrats are an Orwellian totalitarian nightmare come true.
They are Multicultural Globalist Nazis. And if you think that is hyperbole, read some of the thing Hitler wrote about how to advance The Nazi Party in Germany and how they infiltrated government, and gradually pushed their agenda until they gained enough power to push it mainstream. What made The Nazis dangerous was their hatred of religion & democracy and how they saw that as a threat to be at first used to gain power and then once gaining power, they replaced religion and democracy with "The Reich". "We are all in this together" was their motto.
Germany during The Nazi era was fanatical, and those who weren't fanatics kept their mouth shut and pretended like they were. Unity.....yah know?
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Fascist like that Communist China model and its been in the works for many years. Shoot we didn't have credit cards for many years until we were several hundred miles from home bidding a job and the transmission went out. Several thousand in cash in my pocket and we could not rent a car. Luckily we had family nearby that had an extra vehicle so I could get to the pre-bid that was required if you wanted to bid the contract. Also thankfully I didn't get that contract as it was up on the Idaho Washington border and the facility we learned later was a major meetup site for the local political deviants (I just would not have dealt with that very well back then).

Catherine Austin Fitts give excellent insight to all this and people throughout should take head because no matter which side of the spectrum you are on it could negatively effect your personal liberty depending on who is in the control seat at that time. People need a certain amount of liberty to even make their own personal mistakes as that is a part of growing. Fascist don't seem to understand that from either end of the spectrum.

I think this is the correct video
Canada is a prime example of what is coming. Dare to not agree and we will SEIZE your accounts and starve you out.

They want to control you by fear of taking all your you can't even buy a sandwich............Doing away with BARBARISM.......even if we don't carry much already now.
Social scores anyone? Are you ready to have your life determined by a social score?

They actually have had it with their 'credit scoring' system; which affected the poor more negatively than anything else and then they had an excuse to pump money into pet projects claiming that they were going to assist the poor get housing and they had speakers out there encouraging people to go into debt even when they didn't need to in order to get that 'credit score' up. The only difference is now they get to add all that other crap to it.
Social scores anyone? Are you ready to have your life determined by a social score?

They already are in place, just not publicly spoken about very much.

It takes a minute or two to get into but here is an great example.

Canada is a prime example of what is coming. Dare to not agree and we will SEIZE your accounts and starve you out.

They want to control you by fear of taking all your you can't even buy a sandwich............Doing away with BARBARISM.......even if we don't carry much already now.
Some people still speak out. You had better speak out and delay this thing for as long as possible before you can no longer speak.

They already are in place, just not publicly spoken about very much.

It takes a minute or two to get into but here is an great example.

It is public though. Go on Twitter and say a trans isn’t actually a woman. You’re fucking banned. Now tie that to your employment. All it takes is for some lunatic to send your company an email and threaten them because you dared call a man dressed as a woman a man. We are at that tipping point.
Leftist-Globalist comments "Yawn" then you know you are 100% accurate. Bless your little globalist DemNazi heart.
Did you ever get around to asking God to get off my back, Ace? Let me know one way or another so I can prepare for the next storm if the answer is no.
Did you ever get around to asking God to get off my back, Ace? Let me know one way or another so I can prepare for the next storm if the answer is no.
God, the actual one has very few rules for you to live by. Are you sure those are the ones on your back? Can you tell me which of the Ten Commandments you’re struggling with and just can’t quite deal with?

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