Biden’s Dog, Commander, Bites Secret Service Agent Again, Now Totaling 11 Bites

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Generally, something like this is not noteworthy. But this time is different. At 11 bites from this dog (that we know of), something is not right. If you recall, Biden has another dog earlier in his unruly reign that had to be removed from the WH for biting people.

I have had dogs all my life. I currently have 2 of them. I have never had a dog that bites. Sometimes a girl dog will get upset and bark at a man, or a dog will enthusiastically bark at a black man. But they have never barked. A dog’s personality is shaped by breed, experience, and training.

While I do not “know” what is going on with Joe’s dogs, it is clear that something is wrong. This has occurred with 2 separate dogs, which suggest that there is common handling and experience/conditioning issues. We also know that German Shepherds are relatively easy to train. They are also fiercely loyal.

It could be that Joe has not bothered to have the dogs trained, and the biting is a manifestation of this. The problem with this idea is that if this was the only issue (1) it should have been fixed by now if the dog owner was thoughtful and cared for the pup, and (2) what’s keeping the dog from biting someone every day? The bites are random. This means that the dog is being triggered by something in particular.

I am just going to say it: Joe Biden may very well be abusing his dogs. Whether him personally or paid handlers, it does not matter. It is Joe’s responsibility to look after them.

I once had a beautiful adult Golden Retriever I adopted from a pet shelter. She was very stand-offish until trust was built between us. Then she became the sweetest, most loyal dog I had ever had. One day, my four yr old son picked up his toy baseball bad while playing. Hitting the dog was the last thing on his mind; he loved our dog. But the sight of that baseball bat set her off. Her hair raised, she started growling and barking, and looked like she was going to attack. I got between the dog and my son and de-escalated the situation.

Clearly, our pup had been abused prior to our adopting her, most likely with a stick or baseball bat. This happened 2 more times over the next year or so. Then it stopped. My wild little boy could run around swinging stuff in the house and the dog would no longer react. This is because she had been re-conditioned into a loving home and she started trusting us to care for her and not harm her.

When I look at Biden’s dogs I cannot help but believe that his dogs are not being properly taken care of. Proper, loving conditioning will eliminate the possibility of anti-social behavior in your dog probably 90% of the time. The other 10% may be good candidates for formal training to remedy issues.

Is Biden physically abusing his dogs? I don’t know. But there is something very wrong here. Given that we have seen this from 2 of his dogs suggests to me that it is probably poor conditioning if not outright abuse.
Years of over-breeding has a lot to do with it. That dog has issues. It should be muzzled.

That breed also has issues with anyone touching (or getting near) it's haunches do to hip dysplasia.
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Generally, something like this is not noteworthy. But this time is different. At 11 bites from this dog (that we know of), something is not right. If you recall, Biden has another dog earlier in his unruly reign that had to be removed from the WH for biting people.

I have had dogs all my life. I currently have 2 of them. I have never had a dog that bites. Sometimes a girl dog will get upset and bark at a man, or a dog will enthusiastically bark at a black man. But they have never barked. A dog’s personality is shaped by breed, experience, and training.

While I do not “know” what is going on with Joe’s dogs, it is clear that something is wrong. This has occurred with 2 separate dogs, which suggest that there is common handling and experience/conditioning issues. We also know that German Shepherds are relatively easy to train. They are also fiercely loyal.

It could be that Joe has not bothered to have the dogs trained, and the biting is a manifestation of this. The problem with this idea is that if this was the only issue (1) it should have been fixed by now if the dog owner was thoughtful and cared for the pup, and (2) what’s keeping the dog from biting someone every day? The bites are random. This means that the dog is being triggered by something in particular.

I am just going to say it: Joe Biden may very well be abusing his dogs. Whether him personally or paid handlers, it does not matter. It is Joe’s responsibility to look after them.

I once had a beautiful adult Golden Retriever I adopted from a pet shelter. She was very stand-offish until trust was built between us. Then she became the sweetest, most loyal dog I had ever had. One day, my four yr old son picked up his toy baseball bad while playing. Hitting the dog was the last thing on his mind; he loved our dog. But the sight of that baseball bat set her off. Her hair raised, she started growling and barking, and looked like she was going to attack. I got between the dog and my son and de-escalated the situation.

Clearly, our pup had been abused prior to our adopting her, most likely with a stick or baseball bat. This happened 2 more times over the next year or so. Then it stopped. My wild little boy could run around swinging stuff in the house and the dog would no longer react. This is because she had been re-conditioned into a loving home and she started trusting us to care for her and not harm her.

When I look at Biden’s dogs I cannot help but believe that his dogs are not being properly taken care of. Proper, loving conditioning will eliminate the possibility of anti-social behavior in your dog probably 90% of the time. The other 10% may be good candidates for formal training to remedy issues.

Is Biden physically abusing his dogs? I don’t know. But there is something very wrong here. Given that we have seen this from 2 of his dogs suggests to me that it is probably poor conditioning if not outright abuse.
German Shepherds are known to do that. My son has one, a girl. Unfortunately, I can't speak to the training, but you do have to be careful.
I have owned two black labs and neither would hurt a fly.
Biden abuses his dogs. Major bit several people. Now Commander bites. It wouldn't have anything to do with fuckwad Biden kicking the animal in the head?
All one has to do is look at Biden's kids and his dogs to know that he's a fucked up father as well as a fucked up dog owner. I wouldn't trust that man with a dead dog.

And why hasn't he muzzled this poor dog? It shows extreme disrespect for the SS and this poor dog. No surprise here.
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I wonder if Sleepy Joe or perhaps his pervy friends are anally violating the dog's butt hole and raising its ire?

Somebody could be molesting the beast.
Actually, German shepherds are a pro-nazi breed. German leader during WW2, Adolf Hitler , had that breed and got along tremendously well with it.
It’s also possible the poor dog has been able to gain access the various exotic drugs Hunter has managed to sneak into the White House, which has caused it to go insane.
What if the dog was in areas where drugs were smoked and snorted? And the dog was affected from the fumes and the people doing them were screwing with the dog on snorting coke perhaps letting him inhale some of it in some way? This causes permanent damage.

Generally, something like this is not noteworthy. But this time is different. At 11 bites from this dog (that we know of), something is not right. If you recall, Biden has another dog earlier in his unruly reign that had to be removed from the WH for biting people.

I have had dogs all my life. I currently have 2 of them. I have never had a dog that bites. Sometimes a girl dog will get upset and bark at a man, or a dog will enthusiastically bark at a black man. But they have never barked. A dog’s personality is shaped by breed, experience, and training.

While I do not “know” what is going on with Joe’s dogs, it is clear that something is wrong. This has occurred with 2 separate dogs, which suggest that there is common handling and experience/conditioning issues. We also know that German Shepherds are relatively easy to train. They are also fiercely loyal.

It could be that Joe has not bothered to have the dogs trained, and the biting is a manifestation of this. The problem with this idea is that if this was the only issue (1) it should have been fixed by now if the dog owner was thoughtful and cared for the pup, and (2) what’s keeping the dog from biting someone every day? The bites are random. This means that the dog is being triggered by something in particular.

I am just going to say it: Joe Biden may very well be abusing his dogs. Whether him personally or paid handlers, it does not matter. It is Joe’s responsibility to look after them.

I once had a beautiful adult Golden Retriever I adopted from a pet shelter. She was very stand-offish until trust was built between us. Then she became the sweetest, most loyal dog I had ever had. One day, my four yr old son picked up his toy baseball bad while playing. Hitting the dog was the last thing on his mind; he loved our dog. But the sight of that baseball bat set her off. Her hair raised, she started growling and barking, and looked like she was going to attack. I got between the dog and my son and de-escalated the situation.

Clearly, our pup had been abused prior to our adopting her, most likely with a stick or baseball bat. This happened 2 more times over the next year or so. Then it stopped. My wild little boy could run around swinging stuff in the house and the dog would no longer react. This is because she had been re-conditioned into a loving home and she started trusting us to care for her and not harm her.

When I look at Biden’s dogs I cannot help but believe that his dogs are not being properly taken care of. Proper, loving conditioning will eliminate the possibility of anti-social behavior in your dog probably 90% of the time. The other 10% may be good candidates for formal training to remedy issues.

Is Biden physically abusing his dogs? I don’t know. But there is something very wrong here. Given that we have seen this from 2 of his dogs suggests to me that it is probably poor conditioning if not outright abuse.
I've been bitten three times by dogs. One took a chunk out of my leg when I was 6.

I must be tasty!

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