Biden on Border Crisis: ‘I Guess I Should be Flattered People Are Coming Because They Think I’m a Nice Guy


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The fucking dolt is responsible for the worst border-surge in over 20-years, and is letting these people travel all over the country even when they test positive for the Wuhan virus.

And he makes a joke about it because he knows his voters are even dumber than he is. And you know who you are.

Joe Biden joked about how he “should be flattered people are coming because they think I’m a nice guy,” while discussing the border crisis during his first press conference as president.

The response came from a gushing question from fangirl PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor, who was called on based on a list of names Biden already had at the podium.

Alcindor noted that the perception of Biden was that he was a moral, decent man, and that it is encouraging people to come — even though he has said now is not the time to do so. “How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay?”

“I guess I should be flattered because people are coming because I’m a nice guy, that’s why this is happening,” Biden said.


The fucking dolt is responsible for the worst border-surge in over 20-years, and is letting these people travel all over the country even when they test positive for the Wuhan virus.

And he makes a joke about it because he knows his voters are even dumber than he is. And you know who you are.

Joe Biden joked about how he “should be flattered people are coming because they think I’m a nice guy,” while discussing the border crisis during his first press conference as president.
The response came from a gushing question from fangirl PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor, who was called on based on a list of names Biden already had at the podium.​
Alcindor noted that the perception of Biden was that he was a moral, decent man, and that it is encouraging people to come — even though he has said now is not the time to do so. “How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay?”​
“I guess I should be flattered because people are coming because I’m a nice guy, that’s why this is happening,” Biden said.​


And the softball (compliment) question came from none other than his hand-picked Daneesha Alcindor. Boy I never heard anyone spend that much time back slapping themselves.
The fucking dolt is responsible for the worst border-surge in over 20-years, and is letting these people travel all over the country even when they test positive for the Wuhan virus.

And he makes a joke about it because he knows his voters are even dumber than he is. And you know who you are.

Joe Biden joked about how he “should be flattered people are coming because they think I’m a nice guy,” while discussing the border crisis during his first press conference as president.
The response came from a gushing question from fangirl PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor, who was called on based on a list of names Biden already had at the podium.​
Alcindor noted that the perception of Biden was that he was a moral, decent man, and that it is encouraging people to come — even though he has said now is not the time to do so. “How do you resolve that tension and how are you choosing which families can stay?”​
“I guess I should be flattered because people are coming because I’m a nice guy, that’s why this is happening,” Biden said.​


Alcindor verbally fellated Biden in front of the whole world!
De-fund PBS NOW!!
The WH Press Corps is just punching the clock as a whole! What a shameful bunch of eunuchs. Only one follow-up question was asked by Christine Welker. And Bi-Dung's response to the only follow up question ended with this human stain saying "I don't know."
What an empty suit.....

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