"Best" climate change denial argument EVER....by Mark Levin

Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

The sentiments of mental cases only s0n.........you're like the pigeon who shows up on the chess board, kicks the chess pieces all over the board and then shits on the board. Flies off all proud but two seconds later gets grabbed by a hawk and torn into about 400 pieces!! Lose............

All this climate change mumbo jumbo has had how much impact on the real world? The answer is..............dick!! Nobody is calling their representative today to demand action on climate change..........because the public thinks the alarmist take is a bunch of shit!!:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

And here are the indisputable facts that pwn the k00ks and make the crowing about Harvey being caused by climate change moot............

  • After 20+ years of alarmist bomb throwing, renewable energy is still highly fringe and will be right out to 2050......and solar is still only providing America with a tad over 1% of our electricity!!
  • We have seen zero climate legislation in Congress for over 10 years. ( nobody cares )
  • China/India are upping coal production by 50% in 2040!!
  • Germany is in the midst of building 20 new coal plants by the end of 2020
  • Almost every American street now has installed natural gas lines
  • Every major poll on "voter concerns" lists global warming at the bottom of the chart ( 20th out of 21 concerns )
  • CNN's Zucker says, "We don't air shows on climate change anymore because there is just no interest>"
  • Last 3 general elections, "climate change" has not come up as a debate topic
  • By 2040, solar and wind COMBINED will still provide America with less than 10% of our electricity ( well, according to the 2016 Obama EIA Report )
  • Cap and Trade is on the scrap heap of history
  • The Paris Treaty.............lmao
Who's not winning?:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. I just made you look stoopid for the 5 billionth time!:popcorn:
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Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

You are a fucking idiot. You put down 30" to 56" of rain in less than six days over an area big as some of our medium sized states, and you are going to see flooding even if there is not a single piece of pavement in the area.

The precipitation event that is Harvey is a direct result of global warming. The stalled weather system that created the near stationary hurricane has other similar systems creating floods in Asia, and a prolonged heat wave in Europe called Lucifer. A warmer ocean and a warmer atmosphere means more evaporation, which means more precipitation per event.

So because a weather front stopped the hurricane from advancing, its proof of manmade climate change?

Are you nuts? Meds stop working?

OK, Pop, so you are a completely ignorant ass.

Not that you will even watch this lecture by Jennifer Francis in January, 2012 in which she predicts exactly the kind of blocking pattern that we saw with Harvey. And gives the reasons for the blocking patterns.


/---/ Cat 3 and 4 hurricanes slammed Texas in the earl 1900s. BTW who the fuck is Jennifer Francis?

So you're bragging about how your denier cult was busted for fraud? I'd think you'd be ashamed of being revealed as a corrupt liar.

Thanks to your big lies then and your ongoing big lies now, most people now correctly assumes every word any denier says is a lie.

By the way, you're in over your head here, snowflake. You know shit about the topic. You're just power whining at us now because it's all you know how to do.
Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

Bear, being a bear of very little brain, is telling us that since there was too much concrete, it's impossible for global warming to make a hurricane worse.

A person not completely devoid of common sense would notice that his premise does not lead to his conclusion in any way.

However, he's a denier, so logic failures don't slow him down. He simply has faith that his conclusion must be true, because the cult said so.
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

You are a fucking idiot. You put down 30" to 56" of rain in less than six days over an area big as some of our medium sized states, and you are going to see flooding even if there is not a single piece of pavement in the area.

The precipitation event that is Harvey is a direct result of global warming. The stalled weather system that created the near stationary hurricane has other similar systems creating floods in Asia, and a prolonged heat wave in Europe called Lucifer. A warmer ocean and a warmer atmosphere means more evaporation, which means more precipitation per event.

So because a weather front stopped the hurricane from advancing, its proof of manmade climate change?

Are you nuts? Meds stop working?

OK, Pop, so you are a completely ignorant ass.

Not that you will even watch this lecture by Jennifer Francis in January, 2012 in which she predicts exactly the kind of blocking pattern that we saw with Harvey. And gives the reasons for the blocking patterns.


Oh my God, someone that predicted something that happens all the friggen time!


Dumbass, global climate change might be real, but there ain't a damn thing man can do to change it.

Climate ALWAYS changes.

The moronic equivalent of...."since I know I'm going to die someday, why don't I hurry it up a bit"

The moronic nonsense of running around like a chicken flapping it's wings screaming we all going to die we all going to die unless we run around half naked, living in mud huts ...is all you have..
Do you even no what the term."500 year food even means?"
Btw libtard where did you get the documents from off of tepees from the year 1468?

Yeah, sure, you're the illiterate moron who needs answering to that "magnificent" post ???

So you still want to run around and be my secretary bitch? Nope you don't have the legs for it chicken little.

So you're bragging about how your denier cult was busted for fraud? I'd think you'd be ashamed of being revealed as a corrupt liar.

Thanks to your big lies then and your ongoing big lies now, most people now correctly assumes every word any denier says is a lie.

By the way, you're in over your head here, snowflake. You know shit about the topic. You're just power whining at us now because it's all you know how to do.
/----/ Warmers duped again. World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data | Daily Mail Online
Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

Bear, being a bear of very little brain, is telling us that since there was too much concrete, it's impossible for global warming to make a hurricane worse.

A person not completely devoid of common sense would notice that his premise does not lead to his conclusion in any way.

However, he's a denier, so logic failures don't slow him down. He simply has faith that his conclusion must be true, because the cult said so.

lol.........ghey..........and s0n, your consistently boring posts......personality of a small soap dish. How has that faggy cat not died of boredom? s0n.....in every post you say, "cult"........"denier"........"no common sense"......."snowflake".........almost never a link. Ghey.........do you exist as a hermit? Just sayin........it makes sense you'd become OCD about global warming hysteria.

Oh......and wtf with the misapplication of the term Snowflake. The entire rest of the world know who "snowflakes are ascribed to..............

Here ya go you fucking hermit................:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn't exactly match their own. These individuals think they are just as "unique" as snowflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.
"Congratulations! Its a boy!"
"Did you just assume that babies gender?"
"Someone get the snowflake out of here, please".

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake

but really............fucking duh............

.............hey, just trying to help out...........
The only SUCKERS duped by the DailyMail's lies were the deniers!!!
/----/ Prove otherwise or admit that GW is a hoax.
The DailyMail's lies have been thoroughly exposed when they first published their lies back in February, so much so that their fake graph had to be pulled, for example. But there are STILL lies in the edited version you linked to.

From your own link:
"Dr Bates said this increase in temperatures was achieved by dubious means."

What Dr Bates ACTUALLY said:
In interviews with the Associated Press and E&E, an online energy and environmental news outlet, Bates said he had not accused his colleagues of data manipulation.

Bates told the AP on Feb. 6 that there was “no data tampering, no data changing, nothing malicious” involved with his colleagues’ study. “It’s not trumped up data in any way shape or form,” he said.

Now admit that Deniers are worthless lying scum.
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in heir models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The dramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings.
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And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?

Now, now.....you should know that BlueBallsLegend is a recent graduate from Trump U......LOL
ll your global warming predictions have failed to come true OH SNAP!

No, they've been very good. Only fanatical denier cult acolytes pretend otherwise, which is why the whole planet now just assumes every word they say is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

In contrast, your denier cult has consistently gotten everything wrong. For the past 40 years, you've been predicting NEW ICE AGE REAL SOON NOW. That ice age never arrives, but you still maintain your faith. Like any doomsday cultist, when your cult's doomsday fails to arrive, you just push doomsday off to a new later date.

In contrast, global warming science has gotten everything right for 40 years running. That record of success it why the world assigns such credibility to the science. If you want the same credibility, you deniers have to stop failing at every single thing. Simply crying about how unfair it is that you have no credibility won't get you credibility. You have to earn it, like the scientists did.
And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.

Something you imagined, as they do that quite well.

The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.

Something you imagined, as they do that quite well.

The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.

Something you imagined, as ... wait, I note the pattern here. You're just making crazy stuff up.
ll your global warming predictions have failed to come true OH SNAP!

No, they've been very good. Only fanatical denier cult acolytes pretend otherwise, which is why the whole planet now just assumes every word they say is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

In contrast, your denier cult has consistently gotten everything wrong. For the past 40 years, you've been predicting NEW ICE AGE REAL SOON NOW. That ice age never arrives, but you still maintain your faith. Like any doomsday cultist, when your cult's doomsday fails to arrive, you just push doomsday off to a new later date.

In contrast, global warming science has gotten everything right for 40 years running. That record of success it why the world assigns such credibility to the science. If you want the same credibility, you deniers have to stop failing at every single thing. Simply crying about how unfair it is that you have no credibility won't get you credibility. You have to earn it, like the scientists did.
/----/ Quick send Al Gore more money

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