Bernie Going to Run in 2020?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

If there’s any way to guarantee President Trump another term this is it! Not just that he’ll be 78 but his radical followers will reduce the numbers voting for any other DimocRAT.

Nationally, he is considering another run for the presidency and when the time comes I think ill have an answer for that, but right now he’s still considering it,” stated Weaver.

From Sen. Sanders Considers Running for President in 2020, According to Former Campaign Manager | One America News Network
Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
it would be great for our enemies and for morons who don't have a clue what defense means. We saw obama bend over and suck ass to every country he dealt with and that is dangerous! Only a FOOL would want that! Besides the f-ing idiot should be in prison!

Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
it would be great for our enemies and for morons who don't have a clue what defense means. We saw obama bend over and suck ass to every country he dealt with and that is dangerous! Only a FOOL would want that! Besides the f-ing idiot should be in prison!

There is NO "defense" by the Defense Department. It needs to be changed back to it's original name. The WAR DEPARTMENT.

It is an offensive force, used by the Ruling Class to enrich and empower themselves. It has been this way for a long time.

What has happened to the Baby Boom generation? When we were young we knew war was a lie, the government/establishment was corrupt, and all politicians were criminals. old codgers, we have forgotten all of that to our detriment.

If there’s any way to guarantee President Trump another term this is it! Not just that he’ll be 78 but his radical followers will reduce the numbers voting for any other DimocRAT.

Nationally, he is considering another run for the presidency and when the time comes I think ill have an answer for that, but right now he’s still considering it,” stated Weaver.

From Sen. Sanders Considers Running for President in 2020, According to Former Campaign Manager | One America News Network
He's ahead of Trump in the polls and no other candidate would get the Democrats as animated.

Run a Sanders/Warren ticket and the energy will be absolutely stratospheric.

I'm awful at predicting elections, but I do know that it would be a formidable ticket, and one helluva contrast.
Bernie had the 'yoot vote' , but he went down the campaign fund trail few dared to go, one can't assume the offal office on 5's & 10's


If there’s any way to guarantee President Trump another term this is it! Not just that he’ll be 78 but his radical followers will reduce the numbers voting for any other DimocRAT.

Nationally, he is considering another run for the presidency and when the time comes I think ill have an answer for that, but right now he’s still considering it,” stated Weaver.

From Sen. Sanders Considers Running for President in 2020, According to Former Campaign Manager | One America News Network
He's ahead of Trump in the polls and no other candidate would get the Democrats as animated.

Run a Sanders/Warren ticket and the energy will be absolutely stratospheric.

I'm awful at predicting elections, but I do know that it would be a formidable ticket, and one helluva contrast.
If Bernie and the Fake Indian were to come out of the closet and condemn the actions of the DNC, Hillary campaign, and some members of the MSM for the collusion in screwing Bernie's chances for the nomination in 2016, that would be formidable. They also need to distance themselves from the Clinton's and Obama's...but I don't think they will.

If there’s any way to guarantee President Trump another term this is it! Not just that he’ll be 78 but his radical followers will reduce the numbers voting for any other DimocRAT.

Nationally, he is considering another run for the presidency and when the time comes I think ill have an answer for that, but right now he’s still considering it,” stated Weaver.

From Sen. Sanders Considers Running for President in 2020, According to Former Campaign Manager | One America News Network
He's ahead of Trump in the polls and no other candidate would get the Democrats as animated.

Run a Sanders/Warren ticket and the energy will be absolutely stratospheric.

I'm awful at predicting elections, but I do know that it would be a formidable ticket, and one helluva contrast.
If Bernie and the Fake Indian were to come out of the closet and condemn the actions of the DNC, Hillary campaign, and some members of the MSM for the collusion in screwing Bernie's chances for the nomination in 2016, that would be formidable. They also need to distance themselves from the Clinton's and Obama's...but I don't think they will.
They're smart politicians, so I suspect they'd separate themselves (if they feel they need to) by simply ignoring anyone who could hurt them.

Their message is laser sharp and clear as hell, so they don't really need anyone from the outside. Then it's just up to the campaigning and the status of the country (primarily economic).

If there’s any way to guarantee President Trump another term this is it! Not just that he’ll be 78 but his radical followers will reduce the numbers voting for any other DimocRAT.

Nationally, he is considering another run for the presidency and when the time comes I think ill have an answer for that, but right now he’s still considering it,” stated Weaver.

From Sen. Sanders Considers Running for President in 2020, According to Former Campaign Manager | One America News Network
He's ahead of Trump in the polls and no other candidate would get the Democrats as animated.

Run a Sanders/Warren ticket and the energy will be absolutely stratospheric.

I'm awful at predicting elections, but I do know that it would be a formidable ticket, and one helluva contrast.
If Bernie and the Fake Indian were to come out of the closet and condemn the actions of the DNC, Hillary campaign, and some members of the MSM for the collusion in screwing Bernie's chances for the nomination in 2016, that would be formidable. They also need to distance themselves from the Clinton's and Obama's...but I don't think they will.

they were sucked in and dealt a bum hand by the dems

an independent ticket would be great

Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
it would be great for our enemies and for morons who don't have a clue what defense means. We saw obama bend over and suck ass to every country he dealt with and that is dangerous! Only a FOOL would want that! Besides the f-ing idiot should be in prison!

Take a very close review.....of you.....and the amount of posts, and your avatar.
Then go drink a liter of gas and have a cigar. You're gonna go far.
Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
it would be great for our enemies and for morons who don't have a clue what defense means. We saw obama bend over and suck ass to every country he dealt with and that is dangerous! Only a FOOL would want that! Besides the f-ing idiot should be in prison!

Take a very close review.....of you.....and the amount of posts, and your avatar.
Then go drink a liter of gas and have a cigar. You're gonna go far.

Eat some more obama pole.
Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
it would be great for our enemies and for morons who don't have a clue what defense means. We saw obama bend over and suck ass to every country he dealt with and that is dangerous! Only a FOOL would want that! Besides the f-ing idiot should be in prison!

There is NO "defense" by the Defense Department. It needs to be changed back to it's original name. The WAR DEPARTMENT.

It is an offensive force, used by the Ruling Class to enrich and empower themselves. It has been this way for a long time.

What has happened to the Baby Boom generation? When we were young we knew war was a lie, the government/establishment was corrupt, and all politicians were criminals. old codgers, we have forgotten all of that to our detriment.

Hello lying troll, where did I say anything about the defese department?
Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
it would be great for our enemies and for morons who don't have a clue what defense means. We saw obama bend over and suck ass to every country he dealt with and that is dangerous! Only a FOOL would want that! Besides the f-ing idiot should be in prison!

There is NO "defense" by the Defense Department. It needs to be changed back to it's original name. The WAR DEPARTMENT.

It is an offensive force, used by the Ruling Class to enrich and empower themselves. It has been this way for a long time.

What has happened to the Baby Boom generation? When we were young we knew war was a lie, the government/establishment was corrupt, and all politicians were criminals. old codgers, we have forgotten all of that to our detriment.

Hello lying troll, where did I say anything about the defese department?

Read your post again. You refenced defense. Our military doesn’t defend. It offends.

Where was this great and extraordinarily expensive defense on 9/11?
Bernie is not that bad but that isn't saying much, considering that most of the political class are criminals.

The one thing we all must admire about him, is he is very much anti-war. He has consistently been against it and was one of the few along with Ron Paul, to vote against W's disastrous war.

He might turn the Pentagon into an affordable housing complex. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
it would be great for our enemies and for morons who don't have a clue what defense means. We saw obama bend over and suck ass to every country he dealt with and that is dangerous! Only a FOOL would want that! Besides the f-ing idiot should be in prison!

There is NO "defense" by the Defense Department. It needs to be changed back to it's original name. The WAR DEPARTMENT.

It is an offensive force, used by the Ruling Class to enrich and empower themselves. It has been this way for a long time.

What has happened to the Baby Boom generation? When we were young we knew war was a lie, the government/establishment was corrupt, and all politicians were criminals. old codgers, we have forgotten all of that to our detriment.

Hello lying troll, where did I say anything about the defese department?

Read your post again. You refenced defense. Our military doesn’t defend. It offends.

Where was this great and extraordinarily expensive defense on 9/11?

That's right troll I said defense, not department of defense.

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