Belief is different than Faith


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2013
I wrote this in a comment that turned out to be much longer than expected. This will help explain the terms "faith" and "belief" and how different they are from each other.

Religion has taught "faith" to be something other than the "faith" that Abraham had. The faith Abraham, Noah, Jacob (Israel), Moses, Job, David, Isaiah, etc. had was that God had come to them within their minds with thoughts that were different than the worldly thoughts that mere men have. These differing thoughts let them know that there was an invisible Creator. This is the moment of true "faith", when one of God's servants in the flesh of a prophet or saint are contacted by the true God, the Creator of all things.

From this these thoughts that produce faith in the flesh of a prophet or saint, God begins His work through them so whenever He comes into their minds after this, the prophet or saint will instanty know it is Him. Only these prophets and saints were contacted by our Creator and given instructions by Him to do things, such as speak, write, or whatever it is that God wants them to do. Whatever the servants writes or speaks because of the words that God puts in their minds, is called a testimony.

God chose men and future prophets and saints to listen to the testimonies of the servants who are writing and speaking for Him. These people are called believers who can only believe the testimonies of God's servants because they don't have any "faith" to know God, our Creator.

Religious people have taken the word "faith" and made it appear to be like "belief", which isn't true. This is why it's easy to believe the lies of government or religious leaders who have no faith at all. A true believer is one who believes the spoken Word coming out of a saint or prophet's mouth or the writings by them. Even a servants bodily actions are part of a their testimony so a believer can believe a servants actions before believing in the words he's speaking or writing.

Many people believed antichrists in the days of the saints who stole the words a saint spoke and used them for their own selfish purpose to make money or control people. This is where Christ-like religions appeared and why Rome started the religion of Christianity in 325 a.d. It was very easy for Rome to start this false religion because they killed all the saints who had "faith" in our Creator. The former believers of the true gospel that the saints preached were deceived by Rome who adopted Christ-like sayings to lure these believers into their false churches, particularly the false Roman Catholic Church.

Rome used an unbelieving leader named, Constantine, to set up the Vatican and elect a new pope, someone who didn't have any faith in our Creator, but believed in using Christianity to deceive all the old believers of the gospel the saints preached. These early Roman religious leaders knew that Christianity was false because they were only antichrists who were using some of the writings of the saints for their own selfish purpose to make lots of money and control the masses of people that the Roman Empire was slowly losing control of. The Roman Catholic Church did better in controlling the masses of people than the Roman Empire did because they did it with false gods that their Christians believed in.

Since none of these Christians had true "faith", it was very easy for Rome to lead them astray from the teachings of the true saints who knew our Creator, which is true faith and not belief. Why would the saints who knew God have to believe in Him. They already knew Him, which is much different than believing you might know Him some day, which is only hope.

So belief and hope came after God's servants in the flesh of prophets and saints received "faith" from our Creator. For example, it took a lot of belief on the part of the Israelites to follow Moses out of Egypt, who received faith from God after God appeared with thoughts in the mind of Moses. These thoughts within the mind of Moses led him out of Egypt for 50 years before these thoughts came back to lead him back to Egypt to guide the Israelites out of that country. It was very difficult for these Israelites to keep believing in the faith of Moses while they were out in a desert and away from the good life they had in Egypt where they had jobs, food, places to live and not too many worries, except to face hard work and death of their flesh.

The reason God had Moses keep the Israelites out in the desert area for so long was to get the second and third generations of Israelites to stop believing in the Egyptian lifestyle, which was very attractive to the first Israelites that were led out of Egypt. Their offspring grew up without this attraction for the city life with all it's false gods (architectural buildings) to look at and admire, since they were the ones who built the bricks and blocks used for building them.

This way, when God had Moses lead them into their new land of Israel, they would have forgotten how to build these bricks and blocks to build new false gods with. They wouldn't learn how to do these things until many of the Jews were captured by the Babylonians who destroyed Jerusalem and took them to Babylon. It was there that the Jews learned architectural designs because their children learned about them in Babylon schools. When they were released from Babylon after Persia-Medes took over their dynasty, some of the Jews went back to Jerusalem with their newfound architectural education to build synagogues for their false god of Abraham, the god they never knew by the "faith" that Abraham, Israel, Moses, Aaron and his two sons had. They believed in their false gods instead of having the "faith" of David, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. had that they eventually killed because of their true testimonies from the "faith" they had in our Creator.

By the time the first saint appeared, the Jews believed in the misinterpretations of the scriptures instead of knowing the true Creator by "faith". The first saint, known as Jesus in the new testament, was the first servant of God to have the knowledge to know that the "beast" of Daniel was God's plan to deceive man from the Truth while at the same time, teaching man to build things so that Jesus would have some way of teaching his believers the invisible Kingdom of "Christ", which is where the thoughts of God without deception are kept. There's no plan of "Lucifer" in these pure thoughts of God so that whenever Jesus spoke, it didn't contain any deceptive language to agree with the Jew's false gods.

Since the religious Jews didn't have any "faith" in the true Creator, they couldn't believe in the gospel that Jesus preached or that of the other saints who preached the same gospel. This led them to be jealous of all those who were chosen to believe in the gospel, men who were kept out of the synagogues of the religious Jews because they weren't obeying their religious laws. These believers were murderers, thieves, prostitutes, alcoholics, tax collectors and anyone the religious Jews rejected because of their disobedience to their religious laws. These rejected people were chosen by God to be the true believers of the true gospel that all the saints preached, the servants who God came into their minds with thoughts without deception and guided them out of the "beast". Once they became "born again", meaning the deceptive sinful veil is removed from their flesh, their thoughts changed within their minds so that God could teach them the Truth, which is stored in "Christ" the thoughts without deception, opposite of "Lucifer" and the "beast" that confuse the thoughts of men.

So belief is much different than "faith". If you weren't chosen to have "faith" or "belief of the true gospel", you won't believe in the last saint's testimonies who preach the only gospel that exists, which is the voice of God where the Truth can be heard. Only chosen believers can hear the Truth while the unbelievers are those who believe in only religious ideas handed down from the first four kingdoms of gentile nations of Babylon, Persia-Medes, Greece and Rome and into Christianity (Vatican and Roman Catholic Church). Now it's Christians who don't have "faith" to know our Creator and can't believe the last saint's testimony of "Christ". However, God has chosen a few Christian believers to listen to the gospel I preach. They can hear the Truth while most Christians can't believe the true gospel. Their rejection will lead to the death of my flesh. Read Revelation 6: 9-11 to see that all God's servants must be killed for their testimonies of the true Word of God. That's because unbelievers, who have no "faith" or chosen as believers, get jealous and have to get rid of me to stop me from exposing their false religion and false gods.
It's easy to see that no one in this forum has the same "faith" of Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jesus, Peter, Paul or saint Brad were given by our Creator.

Most of you weren't even chosen as believers by our Creator.
It's easy to see that no one in this forum has the same "faith" of Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jesus, Peter, Paul or saint Brad were given by our Creator.

Most of you weren't even chosen as believers by our Creator.

"Our" creator? We're related?
It's easy to see that no one in this forum has the same "faith" of Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jesus, Peter, Paul or saint Brad were given by our Creator.

Most of you weren't even chosen as believers by our Creator.

"Our" creator? We're related?

Yes. Energy is God's stored thoughts and everything that exists is energy related. That would make us related.
It's easy to see that no one in this forum has the same "faith" of Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jesus, Peter, Paul or saint Brad were given by our Creator.

Most of you weren't even chosen as believers by our Creator.

"Our" creator? We're related?

Yes. Energy is God's stored thoughts and everything that exists is energy related. That would make us related.
they say a sense of humor is the first thing to go.
Religious people have taken the word "faith" and made it appear to be like "belief", which isn't true. This is why it's easy to believe the lies of government or religious leaders who have no faith at all.

Belief, Believe, Believers:

"faith," is translated "belief" in Rom 10:17; 2Th 2:13. -Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words.

Faith and Believe are very close together in the Strong's Dictionary as most words I feel are synonymns of one another.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Religious people have taken the word "faith" and made it appear to be like "belief", which isn't true. This is why it's easy to believe the lies of government or religious leaders who have no faith at all.

Belief, Believe, Believers:

"faith," is translated "belief" in Rom 10:17; 2Th 2:13. -Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words.

Faith and Believe are very close together in the Strong's Dictionary as most words I feel are synonymns of one another.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Only us saints understand the difference between true "faith" and the "belief" that believers need to hear the Truth in the gospel that comes forth from us.

Unbelievers won't listen to us saints speak for God because they think they have the true "faith" by believing their own interpretations of the scriptures.

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