Be cool to divide the country


Screw that ... We'll sell it to ya, but it's gonna cost you more than it does now ... :thup:

No it will come from the producers that can get it cheaply. US oil producers quickly go out of business when the price of oil goes down. The Middle East will make sure that happens. Most US oil producers are deeply in debt BTW, what an asset…
If we are going to split, two counties is not really enough. Still too much diversity of needs,.

Needs to be something more like this

View attachment 585009

Hell no, your map looks like a tortoise.

We need to get this done, two is difficult enough, seven countries with the left trying to define their identities is an impossible feat, next thing they'll want is a country for LGBTQRS too. Split it in half and if the left wants to split theirs into 30ths we can address that later.
Let’s make China really happy and just split up by states? With the right ever grow up?
I have rather bad news for Eastern USA, the west is much closer to China. Means us Westerners get & ship goods cheaper should we care too. However, if you guys cut us a deal we'll see it gets to where you need it to be. Our truckers like to work.
It’s sad how many USA hating traitors are on the right now.

Oh please ... Secession rarely occurs without eventual bloodshed.
Plus, in secession the sides are giving up valuable resources from the start.
That leads to a slow struggling misery.

If it's gonna get there anyway ... Just start shooting each other and skip the formalities*.

*Not that I am necessarily in favor of that course of action

No it will come from the producers that can get it cheaply. US oil producers quickly go out of business when the price of oil goes down. The Middle East will make sure that happens. Most US oil producers are deeply in debt BTW, what an asset…

I can personally testify to fact the prices being paid for oil and natural gas are not going down at the moment.
I am making way more money since President Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline and drilling on Federal Lands.

And you sorry nitwits actually thought he was doing something worthwhile, when he is just paying the folks with the resources ... :auiqs.jpg:
He's just jacking up the price and paying the private landowners.
More than a few of them are his donors no doubt.


"The American Redoubt" a place where Rush Limbaugh fans have gathered and built a conservative utopia.

You have to be white to join though.
This is meant as a serious reply.

In the coming decades, as the Caucasian population eventually becomes a minority, I hope that the new majority of African American and Hispanic American ladies & gentlemen will be magnanimous and allow their Caucasian brothers and sisters to establish a safe zone in the area shown in the OP.

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