Be cool to divide the country

Let’s make China really happy and just split up by states? With the right ever grow up?

It would never work. We'd still have to hear their complaining about industry and the environment. It would also give them more access to sneak into our area since their policies would collapse their government.

No, we need to divide the country into two countries for it to work. After people move to their appropriate country, the conservatives will build a huge Trump wall to keep you people out so we can live in peace.
It’s sad how many USA hating traitors are on the right now.

Why is that? We on the right love our country which is why the concept of splitting up is becoming more and more interesting.

You see if leftist stay in power, their main goal is to wipe out white people. Once they accomplish that, they will immediately make us a Socialist country which will be quickly followed by Communism.

By splitting up, we at least would be able to save half of this country. I'd rather lose half than lose the entire thing.
You clearly haven't thought this through. Without the blue states, who pays for your red state welfare?

What you fail to understand is that the bulk of the funding needed in many red states is to the Democrats in those states. Remove Democrats from most red states and they are far into the black.
The red side economy and population will be small…

Just the opposite if the left push their policies. Industry will be coming over to the Republican side once you increase their taxes to 70% like you always talk about here. That means jobs galore for us.
Seriously, what a great expansion of economies. On one side we're building a big beautiful wall and we're billing the east for it. The east can recover the money on covid sales, you can't lose.

Only thing is where do you want to live? Imagine the revenue earned off moving expenses alone. Think of it.......... "GDP increases 300% every month since the declaration of independence 2022, China asks for a dover."

Next headline.........

"President Trump says he takes full credit for economic explosion, while President Harris giggles".

It would be better just the opposite since the west is already dominated by the left. They could have their country right next to their precious border where they can let in as many third-worlders as they want so we don't have to spend the billions to keep them out. We keep Florida and the Carolina's plus the great lakes where I live, the largest area of fresh water on the entire planet.
Fuck that noise, I prefer the Tsarbomba approach. ;)

Ha ha ha...........What BS. Look at your news, very tall bed-time stories parroted by those who fit the billing, such as gays & lesbians. The only reason they're informative is consider their mouths confessions and/or a distraction from what's really important.

Amazing how Twitter and Facebook shut down Trump's accounts within minutes on the date of the "insurrection", yet according to you left are independent. Fuck that's ignorant. Then to top it off project that shit on "conservative" sources when they're not even in the same park on any level. Click on any common email provider for instance, Google, Yahoo, Facebook etc. They're all run by leftists and it shows, but "Fox News" blah blah blah.
blah, blah, blah and Ha Ha Ha. You're an idiot, all of the networks are owned by capitalists.
No, we need to divide the country into two countries for it to work. After people move to their appropriate country, the conservatives will build a huge Trump wall to keep you people out so we can live in peace.
But then how will you sneak into the blue states to scam healthcare?

Then you'd steal everything that isn't locked down, of course. After claiming it was totally justified, because cult.

The blue states together would still be the greatest nation in the world.

The red states together would make a fine third world nation, named "dumbfukistan."
But then how will you sneak into the blue states to scam healthcare?

Then you'd steal everything that isn't locked down, of course. After claiming it was totally justified, because cult.

The blue states together would still be the greatest nation in the world.

The red states together would make a fine third world nation, named "dumbfukistan."

Wrong. Most of the businesses would move to our country because of low taxation. With no illegals everybody would have a job. Taxation on citizens would be lower as well. Less crime means lower insurance rates. Less police would be in order because of so much less crime.

As for your earlier comment, taxation from blue states his high because the cost of living is so much higher in commie states. Our country would have much lower cost of living with no unions around, less expense because of lower taxes on businesses and less ridiculous and costly regulations. Why would we need your healthcare anyhow? We'd have our own and it would be cheaper with no government involvement.
It looks like it's been left up to me to declare that an East, West division of the country is jump-the-shark stupid.

What's stupid about it? We are drifting further and further away from each other every year. We constantly fight over just about every issue. If we separated, there would be no more fighting. You run your country your way, and we'll run our country our way. Everybody is happy, right? I know we on the right would be. It would be heaven on earth to never put up with liberal bullshit again. You wouldn't have to put up with ours either.

Just think of it for a moment. You would have a government that takes care of you from cradle to grave. Nobody is allowed to have a gun in your country. You can open the flood gates and let as many third-worlders live with you with no opposition. You can give hardened criminals a slap on the hand for violent crimes like they're trying to do in liberal cities like New York. You can dismiss non-violent crimes like in San Francisco where you have to shop lift over $950.00 before they do anything. Yeah, I know all the Walgreens closed down, but who needs them, and I know violent crime is up 30% from last year in liberal cities, but that's what you people want. And consider you won't have to worry about defunding the police because you won't have any. You can make as many government dependents as you like, and tax all your businesses at 70%.

It's a liberal utopia. Why force us to live like that when we don't want to? It's your country and you can do all the things you're trying to do to our country. Be happy for crying out loud. You don't need us and common sense
Reality can be a scary place for conservatives.

That’s why they need to fantasize about things that aren’t going to happen.
What's stupid about it? We are drifting further and further away from each other every year. We constantly fight over just about every issue. If we separated, there would be no more fighting. You run your country your way, and we'll run our country our way. Everybody is happy, right? I know we on the right would be. It would be heaven on earth to never put up with liberal bullshit again. You wouldn't have to put up with ours either.

Just think of it for a moment. You would have a government that takes care of you from cradle to grave. Nobody is allowed to have a gun in your country. You can open the flood gates and let as many third-worlders live with you with no opposition. You can give hardened criminals a slap on the hand for violent crimes like they're trying to do in liberal cities like New York. You can dismiss non-violent crimes like in San Francisco where you have to shop lift over $950.00 before they do anything. Yeah, I know all the Walgreens closed down, but who needs them, and I know violent crime is up 30% from last year in liberal cities, but that's what you people want. And consider you won't have to worry about defunding the police because you won't have any. You can make as many government dependents as you like, and tax all your businesses at 70%.

It's a liberal utopia. Why force us to live like that when we don't want to? It's your country and you can do all the things you're trying to do to our country. Be happy for crying out loud. You don't need us and common sense
While I can't say that you're wrong, the mechanics and the logistics are way beyond impossible.

I guess that Cleveland would fall into the Blue side. Now you've got to move. I don't move for anyone.
Wow, this will be easier than thought. Turns out the poorer States, which just happen to be on the south east are split evenly.

10 dollars says the poor red states out perform the poor red states after this is done. Then again blue may change their minds and not have any states at all, their people are easier to control that way, and after all, they never intended to adhere to the Constitution anyhow.
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East USA & West.

Sure the left might feel they get all the coastlines since the elite have taken those over with propaganda, special thanks to Gore's internet & 24 hour "news".

Feel free to move. Problem is going to be blue are already leaving their States in masses, I wonder if California still has the negative pop. like last year, which was the first in their history? Do they move back or get with the times, real progression?

Republicans take the West, it's only fitting. We'll show them how to control forest fires too, and how to protect borders, we're going to need a lot of fence. It's good for the ecomoney.

West USA should operate a moving service right off go, with special attention aimed at Seattle to start. Imagine an elementary school teacher devoting Facebook for all things left ideology with special attention due TDS? So much for our education system and left gov.

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Just imagine if the South had won the Civil War, they'd be a backwards country with a stinking dictator.
While I can't say that you're wrong, the mechanics and the logistics are way beyond impossible.

I guess that Cleveland would fall into the Blue side. Now you've got to move. I don't move for anyone.

Why would we fall on the blue side? The only way to decide is a national vote on who gets what side. And if a Democrat insists they stay in the conservative country, they simply wouldn't have the right to vote. After all, after the divide, each side could make their own Constitution.

It's difficult but not impossible if enough people want to do it. Besides, if we voted for the east side of the country be the new conservative country and all the Democrats moved out, my property value would double or more overnight.
Yes everyone would make $5 per hour. Then workers would unionize. Then you'd be mad because one should work sooooo hard for meager pay correct?
Why would we fall on the blue side? The only way to decide is a national vote on who gets what side. And if a Democrat insists they stay in the conservative country, they simply wouldn't have the right to vote. After all, after the divide, each side could make their own Constitution.

It's difficult but not impossible if enough people want to do it. Besides, if we voted for the east side of the country be the new conservative country and all the Democrats moved out, my property value would double or more overnight.
How can you hold a national vote when there's two nations?
Why would we fall on the blue side? The only way to decide is a national vote on who gets what side. And if a Democrat insists they stay in the conservative country, they simply wouldn't have the right to vote. After all, after the divide, each side could make their own Constitution.

It's difficult but not impossible if enough people want to do it. Besides, if we voted for the east side of the country be the new conservative country and all the Democrats moved out, my property value would double or more overnight.

Dude, stop trying to sneak the east side on we westerners :abgg2q.jpg:

If we have a vote you may be right though. The left hit California first and foremost, go figure with Silicon Valley, gee what a surprise. Well those fuckers escaped the hive in huge numbers turning other western states so blue.

If we take the East that's bad news for the West coast, they can't even be expected to manage their forests.

East coast and Alaska isn't the worst thing, but imagine the mop up we'd have to do, such as Chicago, all built by the left. And to me NY asks for too much trouble.

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