
I don't know if I told you before but I just love Julie Chen. She always dresses so cute and she is so funny. She just told a story on her show about how Carrie Underwood's dogs accidentally locked the car doors with her 4 month old baby inside. She said Carrie was so scared and worried but before Carrie could say Jesus Take The Wheel, her brother came to her rescue to break the window.

:lol: Julie was laughing at that joke herself..

Julie's funny. Did you know she's married to Les Moonves who is also the chief executive of CBS. I think Big Brother has always been her pet project. She said in an interview I read that she likes strong players especially the villains people who are not afraid to get blood on their hands and she can't stand floaters. She said if she was in the house she be a competitive strong player. she does seem to have a good sense of humor.
I don't know if I told you before but I just love Julie Chen. She always dresses so cute and she is so funny. She just told a story on her show about how Carrie Underwood's dogs accidentally locked the car doors with her 4 month old baby inside. She said Carrie was so scared and worried but before Carrie could say Jesus Take The Wheel, her brother came to her rescue to break the window.

:lol: Julie was laughing at that joke herself..

Julie's funny. Did you know she's married to Les Moonves who is also the chief executive of CBS. I think Big Brother has always been her pet project. She said in an interview I read that she likes strong players especially the villains people who are not afraid to get blood on their hands and she can't stand floaters. She said if she was in the house she be a competitive strong player. she does seem to have a good sense of humor.
Yes, I knew she was married to that ultra rich guy and one reason I like her so much is she is so down to earth and engaging anyway. She's not a snob. She can be tough like with those racist house guests a couple of years ago but she's good at what she does.
I don't know if I told you before but I just love Julie Chen. She always dresses so cute and she is so funny. She just told a story on her show about how Carrie Underwood's dogs accidentally locked the car doors with her 4 month old baby inside. She said Carrie was so scared and worried but before Carrie could say Jesus Take The Wheel, her brother came to her rescue to break the window.

:lol: Julie was laughing at that joke herself..

Julie's funny. Did you know she's married to Les Moonves who is also the chief executive of CBS. I think Big Brother has always been her pet project. She said in an interview I read that she likes strong players especially the villains people who are not afraid to get blood on their hands and she can't stand floaters. She said if she was in the house she be a competitive strong player. she does seem to have a good sense of humor.
Yes, I knew she was married to that ultra rich guy and one reason I like her so much is she is so down to earth and engaging anyway. She's not a snob. She can be tough like with those racist house guests a couple of years ago but she's good at what she does.

She would be fun to be friends with :)
Jason's gay and has no problem putting Audrey up so Vanessa's excuse because she's a lesbian and has to be loyal to LBGT community is crap. Jason can't wait to get rid of Audrey.
Jason's gay and has no problem putting Audrey up so Vanessa's excuse because she's a lesbian and has to be loyal to LBGT community is crap. Jason can't wait to get rid of Audrey.
Audrey is really scheming and lying. She should lay low for at least this week. Those kids are just going to get annoyed.
Jason's gay and has no problem putting Audrey up so Vanessa's excuse because she's a lesbian and has to be loyal to LBGT community is crap. Jason can't wait to get rid of Audrey.
Audrey is really scheming and lying. She should lay low for at least this week. Those kids are just going to get annoyed.

She said she wants to play like Dexter :lol:
Jason's gay and has no problem putting Audrey up so Vanessa's excuse because she's a lesbian and has to be loyal to LBGT community is crap. Jason can't wait to get rid of Audrey.
Audrey is really scheming and lying. She should lay low for at least this week. Those kids are just going to get annoyed.

She said she wants to play like Dexter :lol:
She's the furthest thing from a Dexter mindset.
Sarah G eviction night, any guesses who will be next hoh?
Hope it isn't James. He reminds me so much of Caleb from last year. The girls seem pretty good at the comps this year though. Do you think it could be endurance?
Sarah G eviction night, any guesses who will be next hoh?
Hope it isn't James. He reminds me so much of Caleb from last year. The girls seem pretty good at the comps this year though. Do you think it could be endurance?

I was thinking it will be a mental comp, I'm not good at guessing :lol:

If it's a mental comp I'd bet on Steve, Shelli or Jason. If it's physical I'm guessing Clay, Austin or Becky. If it's an endurance
I'd say Jackie. :dunno:

It will probably someone I didn't mention who wins. That's the way it always goes.
Did you see Jeff on his exit interview with Julie? How cute was he? He called Austin creepy, I agree!! :)
I wanna see Austin, Shellie, Clay, Vanessa, Liz, Meg and Creepy Steve GONE. Soon.
The rest? Meh.
I haven't found anything to know whether the train story is true or not but I believed her. :lol:
Why would she lie about that?

I does seem rather strange that someone could accidentally have something as improbable as that happen to them. But two possibilities that occur to me are suicide or drugs/alcohol.
I heartily dislike Audrey and her googly eyes. Been wanting her out since day one.
Audrey is quirky, as might be expected of one who has been surgically altered from male to female. I neither like nor dislike her, mainly because I feel her eviction is inevitable.

James seems sane but I haven't seen enough of his play to know if he's an ass or not.
I would like James if he didn't wear that stupid camo visor -- along with the rest of his collection of bizarre head gear.

Austin is an idiot.
A definite oddball. I'm surprised that Liz hooked up with him. She seems so sweet but apparently is a freaky little babe, i.e., unless she and Julia are gaming him.

Meg is an irritant.
Meg is a bimbo.

Jason irks me.
Me, too.

Vanessa is in the same realm as Audrey. Don't like either one.
Vanessa is a little nuts.

Becky who? Floater. She will float to the end. I hate floaters.

In short..I don't much care for any of them.
Compared with some previous seasons they aren't a very appealing bunch. But so far I'd like to see John, the dentist, and Becky or Jackie win the money.

I'm glad they got rid of Jeff. He is a detestable character. I'd like to see Clay and Sherri booted. They deserve each other.

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